Coffee review

How to make good use of Social Network platform in Cafe

Published: 2024-09-08 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/08, In the past few years, social platform has become a buzzword, but not many business owners really understand its meaning and learn to tap its potential. Restaurants and cafes are often aware of the need for social platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter. But they didn't think deeply about why and how to use the social platform, and they didn't know him.

In the past few years, "social platform" has become a buzzword, but not many business owners really understand its meaning and learn to tap its potential. Restaurants and cafes are often aware of the need for social platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter. But they don't think deeply about why and how to use social platforms, and they don't know who their goals are. For most businesses, the results of using social platforms can be multifaceted, and there is no clear way to measure the performance of these platforms, operators are tired of making up stories for brands, so many people give up.

After years of rapid growth, the status of social networks has been fully affirmed. So how should social networks fit in with your marketing strategy? Do you have a social network marketing plan? Do you know how to maximize the effectiveness of your efforts on social networks? If you have no plan and no goal, you will get half the result with twice the effort.

For many small businesses, not all social platforms are suitable for your brand. Instead of focusing on each social platform, focus on choosing the one that is most relevant to your business as your target customer base. Having one or two fixed social networks is enough, not trying to control all social networks.

Does that make you think? If you plan to reassess the time marketing needs to spend on social platforms, consider these trends and customers will respond to you.

Visual publicity content

Now the content is no longer simple words. Judging from the growth of Pinterest and Instagram, pictures are becoming more and more important in online marketing.

Facebook uploads up to 250 million photos a day, and pictures have undoubtedly become the key to the pamphlet. In a 2012 study, ROI found that when browsing friends' pages, they paid the most attention to photos. Forty-four percent of respondents said they preferred to watch brand promotion with pictures. Pictures have become an important means for us to distinguish and understand vast amounts of information.

The development trend of visualization has also been affected by changes in science and technology. As more and more people browse social networking sites on their smartphones, they find that photos taken by high-resolution phones are more interesting, updated and faster, and there is no need to transfer photos from the phone to the computer for retransmission.

Just imagine, is the visual content of your brand circulated on social networks in the form of images? Is the photo of the cup or store marked with the URL? Only in this way can your promotion be shared and spread on Instagram and Pinterest. Ideally, this is a free marketing.

Image publicity content

If you haven't used promotional videos yet, now is the time to think about it. The use of video images in the publicity strategy can be attractive. Statistics show that images are not only the mainstream media in the network, but also the main results of search engines.

Digital media watcher Comscore says 64% of people who have seen promotional videos on the site want to buy your product. Video is a good way to attract consumers and promote sales. The survey also said that this can more attract the attention of observers, if they watch a video, they spend an average of two minutes more time on the site.

There is no doubt that YouTube is the monopoly of the video platform, because it is owned by Google, so it will be easy to increase the number of searches in search engines. Other video sites, such as twtter's Vine or Vimeo, are also a way to attract consumers, and consumers may also promote them to those around them.

The promotional content of the game, the game is not just for children. It is also a good way to use games in marketing to let consumers participate in it. When the public is tired of online marketing and needs more innovative publicity, creative publicity can provide them with pleasure and feedback, and learn something that will make your brand different.

Use of smartphones

Last year, more people used smartphones than personal computers. We even hear the word "mobile phone" more frequently than our own name. At present, there are still some websites that cannot be browsed by mobile phone, or it is very difficult to browse by mobile phone. If you haven't taken action on new technology, think about mobile promotion strategy. If it works well, your store can be found on your mobile phone, and your brand will benefit a lot.


The power of Facebook is undeniable. It is the most commonly used social networking site for Australians, and its dominance is still unshakable. As of July 2013, Australia had 12.2 million users (more than half the population). It has been reported that "Facebook fatigue" has appeared as the network has reached saturation. But it is still an important way for consumers to communicate with their friends and exchange information and updates. This is a platform that cannot be ignored, and if you can't catch up with this trend in time, it will be difficult for you to succeed.

As you may not know, only 10% to 20% of the ads you put on Facebook can be seen by consumers. Because Facebook uses an algorithm called "Edgerank" to decide what content will be put where, and to ensure that the relevant information is presented to the user. Some factors determine whether your promotion can be seen by everyone, such as relevance, content type, release time, and so on. There are many brands on Facebook, and you need to think of a suitable way to break through other messy information and reach the target audience.

Facebook makes money through efficient advertising to ensure that your promotion can be seen by everyone. I hope your company can ensure that the publicity is constantly updated and presented to the target users quickly and effectively.


There is no panacea for choosing the right social platform for your brand. All in all, it adapts to your marketing strategy, brand goals, and economic budget. If you plan to join a new social platform, take the time to plan your marketing strategy and think about whether the cost you put in will pay off. Many brands do not measure the benefits of social networking, in fact, there are many tools to help you, and the first step is to ensure your time and energy on a long-term basis.

The editor added:

At first glance, this article has nothing to do with readers in mainland China, as many of the social platforms mentioned in it are blocked in China, but the editor believes that all of our social networking platforms originally evolved from the social platforms mentioned in this article, such as Weibo (China's version of Twitter), Tudou and Youku (China's version of YouTube). Wechat is the dark horse that comes from behind.

According to unofficial statistics, China now has more than 600 million netizens, the same proportion of people with smartphones as developed countries, and social media is increasingly used for marketing, displaying new products and dealing with public relations events. However, when it comes to online and social platform marketing, people immediately think of "traffic", which is also a signature stunt of many online and social platform marketing companies. It seems that low-cost cafes have limited connections with these social platforms, but think about how your customer base is limited. How to serve these limited customers, maybe these social platforms can also help you perform some low-cost operations.

Has the role of the Internet and social platforms been well valued? the hint of this article is, from now on, what can it bring to your day-to-day business?

We welcome readers to contribute and share your experience with you.

Source: coffee Life Network