Coffee review

Cafe Show China Review | Coffee culture is popular and new pursuit of quality of life

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Quietly, China's coffee culture and coffee market are rising at an astonishing speed. At the just-concluded 2015 China International Coffee Exhibition, more than 200 enterprises from more than 20 countries and regions gathered in the capital Beijing to display cafes and surrounding products. Industry personnel gathered to interpret coffee culture, a large number of visitors at home and abroad came to visit, detonating summer enthusiasm. Coffee salon as

Quietly, China's coffee culture and coffee market are rising at an astonishing speed. At the just-concluded 2015 China International Coffee Exhibition, more than 200 enterprises from more than 20 countries and regions gathered in the capital Beijing to display cafes and surrounding products. Industry personnel gathered to interpret coffee culture, a large number of visitors at home and abroad came to visit, detonating summer enthusiasm. As a supporting media, Coffee Salon participated in this event. Now let's review the grand occasion of the coffee show!

Instant coffee rules the world, and fine coffee leads the future.

According to the organizer's "Coffee big data" analysis, more than 95% of young people have drunk instant coffee, saying that instant coffee dominates the world. But the exhibitions on-site boutique coffee beans, Nestle, Lavazza and other brands of household capsule coffee machines and other products have received more attention. In particular, the capsule coffee machine has become a new star of the times, and the market demand for people making espresso at home is enough to prove that fine coffee will become the mainstream in the near future.

Fashion drinks are watched by onlookers, coffee culture emphasizes innovation.

What should you do when the weather is too hot, bleary-eyed and tired? At the coffee show, "ice droplets" were worshipped; black coffee, molecular drinks, non-alcoholic cocktails and other dazzling fashion drinks aimed at "low-calorie" people attracted a lot of popularity. Coffee culture is not just coffee, innovative products enrich people's lives.

Industry activities have attracted attention, and coffee industrialization has been accelerated.

Barista contest, coffee brewing competition is highly competitive. Master Culture (Master classroom) is an on-site teaching of industry experts from Europe, Australia and the United States to share the most avantgarde and practical information and tutorials. The "all-Star barista Show", which was unveiled by the new and old champions of the world barista competition, is even more crowded. Behind the hustle and bustle, there is a kind of rigor. Only by doing things carefully and deeply can we get rich returns, just like baristas.

You know, baristas are not just making a cup of coffee, they are creating a culture, and we can imagine that in a few years, people will only go to a coffee shop in order to taste the coffee made by a barista.

The bustling scene of the coffee exhibition reflects people's pursuit of coffee culture and people's new pursuit of quality life. Sponsored by the China International Exhibition Center, the exhibition aims to create a professional platform for coffee industry and coffee lovers to show different coffee cultures and cafes around the world with the theme of coffee and cafe culture. so that more people can enjoy the fashion and enthusiasm that coffee culture brings to life.

Coffee salon collection and editing tidbits:

A few days of the exhibition, the weather in Beijing is quite face-saving, the sky is so blue! There is absolutely no color blending! The organizers also make great efforts to enter the pavilion, as long as you scan the badge to visit, and there are colorful bracelets to facilitate you to travel freely in the pavilion.

In addition to the wonderful coffee exhibits and activities, the organizers have also made a variety of tricks to absorb powder, and the results are also quite effective. I don't believe you look at ↓↓↓.

Barista all-Star performance WBC All Stars 2015, world-famous coffee masters perform on the same stage, showing their superb skills and coffee control ability to the exhibition audience. A variety of boutique coffee beans are cooked and shared on the spot! Of course, there are WCE series event souvenirs!

Brewing Competition Beijing Division, a coffee brewing contest organized by the China Coffee Federation. More than 20 contestants from all over the world competed together. There will be a total of ten divisions this year, and the final is expected to be held in November. Please stay tuned!

Featured booths and exhibits:

Baorong raw bean booth

Boutique coffee is very popular, and raw materials of raw beans have attracted much attention.

With raw beans, the roaster is also indispensable.

The shape of the roaster is also becoming more and more fashionable.

"Hanfeng" has a far-reaching influence, providing lighting, tables and chairs for cafes.

Mein mein ice of the cafe is also a popular product in the hot summer.

A design and planning company tailor-made for cafes

The display of all kinds of coffee packaging equipment is also eye-catching.

Small booths can also be very outstanding, many independent coffee shop brands participate in the exhibition, this coffee car absorbs a lot of powder!

Move the cafe into the exhibition! A number of chain brand booths stunned the audience!

The combination of bread baking and coffee drinks is definitely a major trend.

Drink on the spot at the booth to give the audience a chance to compare and improve their discrimination ability

Xiangji booth and Black Hawk Coffee Machine

METIER syrup on-site drink formula demonstration

ILLY Italian Coffee and La Marzocco booth

Wang Li Coffee booth, there is a national sharing meeting of my Love 90 + recently, please follow us.

WPM Huijia's new 310 coffee machine and milk tea machine


Shengtang International's full range of beverage bars and molecular drinks

Coffee culture booth and authors are invited to share new books on the spot.

The coffee salon booth displays a variety of coffee culture souvenirs

Source: coffee salon