Coffee review

The luxury test: The coffee you choose reveals your personality

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Espresso Youre friendly and adaptive. You actually like the taste of coffee, a rare but admirable trait。You're friendly and adaptable. Do you really like the taste of coffee, a rare and valuable trait? Double Espresso


Coffee reveals character (Source: Hujiang English) Espresso

Espresso espresso

You're friendly and adaptive. You actually like the taste of coffee, a rare but admirable trait .

You are friendly and adaptable. You really like the taste of coffee, which is a rare and valuable trait.

Double Espresso

Double espresso

You're practical and hard-working. You like knowing that one shot just doesn't do it for you anymore .

You are pragmatic and diligent. You know very well that one effort (a cup of espresso) is not enough for you.

Triple Espresso

Triple espresso

You're enthusiastic but obsessive. You've been awake since the late 90 percent 39 percent.

You are enthusiastic and obsessive-compulsive, and you seem to have been awake since the late 1990s.


Mocha Coffee

You're fun-loving and creative. You hate the taste of coffee, but you need the pick-me-up, so you improvise .

You like to play and be creative, you hate the taste of coffee, but you need it to stay awake, so you just make do with it.


Cafe Latte

You're reflective but often indecisive. In a world of unknows, you like the safe pick .

You are good at thinking, but you are often indecisive. In an unknown environment, you like to play the safety card.


Cappuccino coffee

You're warm-hearted but oblivious at times. Your friends have to remind you to wipe the foam off your lip .

You are a warm-hearted person, but sometimes you are a little forgetful. Your friends should always remind you to wipe the coffee foam off your lips.


Macchiato coffee

You're traditional and reserved, but for the most part, you hate foam mustaches .

You are a traditional and conservative person, and most of the time, you don't like foam glued to your lips like a beard.

Iced Coffee

Iced coffee

You're assertive and outspoken. You don't let seasons dictate how you live your life. Also, you like straws .

You are a strong-willed person who is very frank and says whatever you want. You don't let the seasons dictate how you live. Besides, you like to drink coffee through straws.


Cafe Americano

You're calm and conscientious. You enjoy the simple things in life, like picnics in the park, birds chirping, and watery coffee .

You are calm and careful, and you enjoy the simple things in life, such as picnics in the park, listening to birds chirping and drinking light coffee.



You're happy and energetic. You claim to love coffee, but really, you just love ice cream .

You are happy and energetic. You claim to like coffee when in fact you just like ice cream.


Pack the coffee

You're serious and focused. You believe when the going gets tough, the tough get cardboard sleeves because the cup too hot .

You're serious and focused. You believe that when you are strong, you are strong. If time is tight, you will choose to use a cardboard cup because it is too hot.


You're clever, annoying, or both. You knowingly or unknowingly mispronounce eSpresso. Either way, I hate you .

You are either smart, obnoxious, or both. You mispronounced eSpresso intentionally or unintentionally. Intentionally or unintentionally, I hate you. (strictly speaking, Expresso is misspelled, but there are many places where Expresso is used instead of Espresso)