Coffee review

Move the sailing story into the cafe

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, At the head of the shop, there are rusty ship plates, push open the door, and step on three iron plates in turn, like escalators when boarding the ship, while the beach effect of rattling in the dark blue transparent floor lamp makes people feel like crossing land and sea. Recently, blueker cafe, a caf é with the theme of navigation, opened near the Marine Engineering School of Jimei University. Qiao Lin, the owner, ended in February.

At the head of the shop, there are rusty ship plates, push open the door, and step on three iron plates in turn, like escalators when boarding the ship, while the beach effect of rattling in the dark blue transparent floor lamp makes people feel like crossing land and sea.

Recently, blueker cafe, a caf é with the theme of navigation, opened near the Marine Engineering School of Jimei University. Qiao Lin, the owner of Qiao Lin, ended her two-year sailing life in February and moved all his sea stories into the cafe.

Jolin also took great pains in the details of the decoration of the store. He made a special trip to many domestic ports to collect materials, and the ship board at the front of the door was shipped back to Xiamen from the port of Tianjin. He personally brushed it with sea water three times before forming a good-looking rust spot. He also took down the rudder and gear in the shop and brought them back from the ship. On the indoor ceiling, he specially laid staggered pipes to create an industrial vision of the cabin. "this is the first coffee shop in China with the theme of navigational culture." Jolin said confidently. Jimei University is one of the four major navigation universities, and Qiao Lin graduated from Jimei. He will share and exchange navigation culture with guests through cups of coffee.

Yu Jianping, a reporter from the leading newspaper