Coffee review

Coffee is also a good "traditional Chinese medicine", but it should be drunk to a certain extent.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, As an exotic tropical plant, coffee was introduced very late in China, and there are few records in traditional Chinese medicine books. However, in recent years, coffee, one of the three largest drinks in the world, is gradually loved by Chinese people and has become an important daily drink of fashion and delicacy. Today we will talk about the nature and taste of coffee and its relationship with health from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine. Coffee is also a good Chinese medicine from the corner of traditional Chinese medicine.

As an exotic tropical plant, coffee was introduced very late in China, and there are few records in traditional Chinese medicine books. However, in recent years, coffee, one of the three largest drinks in the world, is gradually loved by Chinese people and has become an important daily drink of fashion and delicacy. Today we will talk about the nature and taste of coffee and its relationship with health from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine.

Coffee is also a good "traditional Chinese medicine"

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, coffee has a special aroma and bitterness. According to traditional Chinese medicine, aromatic substances have the function of refreshing and refreshing, and bitterness often enters the heart meridian. Drinking coffee often has the effect of refreshing and relieving fatigue, which is very suitable for office workers. Modern medical research also believes that coffee is easy to pass through the blood-brain barrier and stimulate the central nervous system, which can make the mind more clear, responsive and improve work efficiency.

Coffee pungent warm, pungent can dissipate dampness, warm can help yang, so it helps the role of kidney yang, diuresis, can increase urination, improve abdominal distension and edema. Its effect is similar to Cistanche deserticola and other warm traditional Chinese medicine, so modern Chinese medicine with coffee (daily drinking) to treat damp-heat dysentery or benign prostatic hyperplasia with damp-heat, the effect is good. Especially in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia, drinking coffee often has the effect of relieving pain and anti-hyperplasia.

Coffee can also accelerate metabolism and has the effect of extinguishing wind and relieving spasm. Stroke, Parkinson's disease and other diseases with syncope, tremor and paralysis as the main manifestations, all belong to the category of wind syndrome and spasm syndrome of traditional Chinese medicine, and can drink coffee in the right amount. Modern Chinese medicine research believes that taking broad beans with coffee can effectively control tremors and prevent Parkinson's disease.

The benefits of coffee:

1. Coffee is beneficial to urine and dehumidification. Caffeine can promote kidney function, excrete excess sodium ions from the body, increase urination, improve abdominal distension and edema, and help lose weight.

two。 Coffee is a staple appetizer. Caffeine stimulates the sympathetic nerve, stimulates stomach and intestines to secrete gastric acid, promotes evolution, prevents gastric distension and gastroptosis, and promotes gastrointestinal hormones and peristaltic hormones to facilitate rapid defecation.

3. The whitening effect of coffee. Therefore, drinking a cup of black coffee after a meal can effectively whiten the skin. In addition, black coffee is more beneficial to urine. Black coffee can also promote cardiovascular circulation. For women, black coffee has a cosmetic effect, often drunk, can make you glowing, glowing. People with low blood pressure can make themselves better by drinking a cup of black coffee every day. In the process of brewing coffee at high temperature, it also produces an antioxidant compound, which helps fight cancer, anti-aging and even prevent cardiovascular disease, comparable to fruits and vegetables.

4. Coffee can extinguish the wind and stop spasm. Coffee can increase high-density cholesterol, accelerate the metabolism of bad cholesterol, reduce atherosis of coronary arteries, and reduce the risk of stroke.

5. Coffee contains certain nutrients. Nicotinic acid in coffee contains vitamin B, which is higher in roasted coffee beans. And there are free fatty acids, caffeine, tannic acid and so on.

6. Coffee is good for the skin. Coffee can promote metabolic function, activate digestive organs, and has a great effect on constipation. Taking a bath with coffee powder is a kind of thermotherapy, which has the effect of losing weight.

Although the coffee is good, it should be drunk to a certain extent.

It is recommended to drink 1 cup every morning, excessive drinking will affect normal sleep, reduce the chances of pregnancy, and may also cause osteoporosis. In addition, it is best to add a little milk when drinking coffee, especially for the middle-aged and elderly, which can not only dilute and lubricate the taste, but also prevent the loss of bone calcium and prevent osteoporosis.