Coffee review

How should coffee hipsters choose wine?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, If you like bitter and strong coffee, then wine with tight tannins and full-bodied wine may be your first choice; if you like sweet and supple coffee, then the wine with rich fruit and ripe taste should be your favorite. Let's take a look at the characteristics of hipsters with different coffee preferences in their choice of wine. Your coffee preference can reflect

If you like bitter and strong coffee, then wine with tight tannins and full-bodied wine may be your first choice; if you like sweet and supple coffee, then wine with rich fruit flavor and ripe taste should be your favorite. Let's take a look at the characteristics of hipsters with different coffee preferences in their choice of wine.

Your coffee preferences can reflect what kind of aroma, richness and acidity you like, and you can use this as a standard to further choose other drinks and foods, including wine.

Whether you like plain coffee, espresso, coffee with sugar or milk, there is a corresponding wine to satisfy your preference.

1. If you like plain coffee, add nothing.


For people who like pure coffee, the wine with spicy, tight taste and high acidity is the best choice. Such as Ruche red wine from the Piedmont region of Italy. This wine is fragrant, dry and fruity. You can also try Cabernet Sauvignon (Cabernet Franc). It has an obvious spicy smell.

If neither Ruth nor Cabernet Sauvignon is your cup of coffee, then switch to Beaujolais nouveau, which comes from the Beaujolais region of France and is made from Gamay grapes. The wine is light-bodied with earthy flavor, but with low tannins and no spice, just spices such as cinnamon.

two。 If you like espresso,


Wines with heavy tannins and rich flavor should be your favorite style, matching the sticky texture and strong bitterness of espresso.

Espresso connoisseurs are expected to like Chianti in Tuscany, Italy, with rich cherry and tobacco flavors. They may also like French Mdoc wines, which are full-bodied with aromas of chocolate and violets.

In white wines, Marsanne is expected to win your favor, with aromas of drupes, pears, peaches, spices and flowers.

3. If you like coffee with milk


If you like to add milk to your coffee, it means you like the soft flavor; in this way, you should like wines that are mature, supple and aged.

Such wines include Chardonnay, Amarone, Cabernet Sauvignon and Super Tuscan. Amaroni is a dry red wine made from raisins; Cabernet Sauvignon is full-bodied with a black fruit flavor; Super Tuscany is produced in Italy, but it is mainly made from international grape varieties Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot.

4. If you like coffee with sugar


There is no doubt that if you like coffee with sugar, it means you like sweetness. In this way, your favorite wine should also be sweet or with a strong fruit flavor, such as Riesling, Moscato and Zinfandel.

Finally, if you don't like coffee and prefer tea.


For those who like tea, you should like wines that taste fresh and sweet, such as Sauvignon Blanc and Sangiovese. Acacia fresh and sour, Sangjiao Vesse with plum and oak flavor, are good choices.