Coffee review

Coffee machine The COFFEEBOXX that is not afraid of tank impact.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Guide to Caxiang: on the construction site, labor friends are used to drinking drinks such as Red Bull and Pulse to help refresh and restore their strength, while European and American countries drink coffee of course. The American OXX team discovered the demand and created the world's strongest coffee machine: the The COFFEEBOXX. The designer stressed that the coffee machine will be able to adapt to the most difficult environment, whether it is a sand quarry or a construction site.

Guide to Caxiang: on the construction site, labor friends are used to drinking drinks such as Red Bull and Pulse to help refresh and restore their strength, while European and American countries drink coffee of course.

The American OXX team discovered the demand and created the world's strongest coffee machine: the The COFFEEBOXX ™. The designer stressed that the coffee maker will be able to adapt to the most difficult environment, whether it is a gravel quarry or construction sites and other dangerous work areas. In order to achieve the invincible state of the The COFFEEBOXX, the hard rust-proof shell made of metal can withstand the impact, and can even use four coffee machines to lift a jeep.

The lightweight COFFEEBOXX weighs only nearly 5 kilograms, and taking it with you is a piece of cake in terms of the physique of labor friends. The whole machine is dustproof and waterproof with receptive wires, which is quite competent in the harsh working environment, and there is even a spill-proof device to prevent the water in the water tank from overflowing when moving. The 2.5-liter large water tank is suitable for a multi-person team and is equipped with an independent hot water supply system, making tea and noodles a good choice.

COFFEEBOXX is compatible with all K-Cup capsules, and you can get a delicious drink immediately with your favorite capsule.

Note: K-Cup capsule is a patented coffee brewing technology designed by KEURIG Company of the United States. different from Nestl é NESPRESSO system, K-Cup Open has many sub-factories to manufacture various flavor capsules.


Source of picture and text: KnewOne sharer: crooked