Coffee review

Australian coffee shop announcement appeals: Don't take money from bra to me

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, In summer, Australians wear less clothes, and many people go out without handbags or even wallets, so you'll see the following situation, many people tuck $20 bills into swimsuits, bras or underwear for shopping or services. In view of this, a coffee shop in Western Australia has recently put up a notice form in its shop


Australian Coffee Shop Announcement Appeal: Don't Take Money from Bra to Me (Photo/East Net)

In summer, Australians wear less clothes and many people go out without handbags or even wallets, so you'll see a lot of people tuck $20 bills into their swimsuits, bras or underwear for shopping or services.

In view of this, a coffee shop in Western Australia recently posted a notice in the shop saying that customers would not accept payment out of underwear. The store manager said that this move was simply because he hoped that customers would start paying attention to hygiene again.


This move triggered local controversy (Photo/East Network)

Fascine Coffee Lounge in Carnarvon banned customers from paying out of bras or underpants, and the announcement caused controversy among local people, apparently because this method of payment has become popular locally.

"A lot of women are taking money out of bras in front of us," said Wilkes, the manager of the coffee shop."It's hot and humid in this town. The money itself is dirty enough and wet with sweat. You know, we're in the catering industry. Some of my employees have complained about this before, so I think we need to enforce this ban now."

Source: East Net