Coffee review

Create weddings that only belong to coffee lovers

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Introduction: some couples may be coffee enthusiasts, some couples may be together because of coffee, no matter what the reason, if you want to talk about coffee elements to add to the wedding, then you can refer to the following design inspiration. 1. Set up a coffee cart to provide your wedding guests with pure espresso, latte, hot chocolate and so on. 2. It will be full

Introduction: some couples may be coffee enthusiasts, some couples may be together because of coffee, no matter what the reason, if you want to talk about coffee elements to add to the wedding, then you can refer to the following design inspiration.


1. Set up a coffee cart to provide your wedding guests with pure espresso, latte, hot chocolate and so on.


2. The basket full of coffee beans is used as a ring box, and the pure brown coffee beans look more advanced against the ring.


3. The small and lovely espresso with the big "Wake up" is not only waking up your sleepy head, is it not a kind of encouragement?


4. If you don't want a coffee cart, it's a good way to make your own coffee. It's a perfect match with dessert.


5. Sending coffee beans and invitations to guests together not only announces the attributes of the wedding, but also is full of sincerity.


6. Lovely coffee and sweet ball match, the creativity is very novel, and one person is not wasted.


7. You can also make an article on the coffee cup and print your marriage logo on the coffee cup to add a special connection.


8. Make dessert into coffee flavor, and mix coffee desserts such as mocha mousse, coffee taffy and Tira Misu.


9. A variety of fancy coffee cups are hung up to create a retro atmosphere and can be used as a background wall to take pictures.


10, marshmallow and mocha coffee combination, instant brewing, as a wedding gift of ten good choices.