Coffee review

Sammy, a popular barista in New York, the philosophy of happiness in coffee cups.

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, He, the first generation of Chinese immigrants in the United States, a popular barista in New York, is called Leonardo da Vinci, the genius of the coffee industry by the American media, and has been interviewed by CNN, BBC,CCTV and other well-known media. There is a pair of Model magazine darlings, fashion street celebrity Lee Clower took the initiative to send an email to ask the whole family to shoot. You can see inspirations like dreams and success everywhere in his life.

He, the first generation of Chinese immigrants in the United States, is a popular barista in New York. He is called Da Vinci in the coffee industry by the American media. He has been interviewed by CNN, BBC, CCTV and other well-known media. There is a pair of cute children who are the darlings of Model magazine, fashion street photographer Lee Clower takes the initiative to send an email to ask the whole family to shoot... You can see everywhere in his life "dream" and "success" such inspirational words, and he said, my happiness only I know, 99% of my happiness comes from the family…different from what you see bright, listen to him speak, feel more is a kind of cloud light breeze indifferent, just like his shop signature coffee, installed in a porcelain white mug, aroma, sip, which taste only your tongue to know. He is the hero of our interview, the father of two children, the barista--Sammy!

You and my hot mom help (hereinafter referred to as you and me): Can you briefly talk about your life? What do you feel most proud of in your life?

Sammy(S): I have a wonderful wife who takes good care of her family and children. I also have two very lovely children, my eldest daughter Xi Xi, who is already 10 years old, and my son Jue Jue, who is 3 years old this year. In fact, I think we are a very ordinary and simple family. There is nothing special about it. If I have to say something to be proud of, it may be that my children and I have a very close relationship, because many first-generation Chinese immigrants in the United States, especially southerners, will put their children in China and let the elderly at home take care of them. This way we can concentrate on making money, but my wife and I have been very determined since the day we got married that no matter what the economic environment is, the children will be around. So from the time the baby was born in America until now, all four of us have been together, very close…

Happy Sammy family.

After work back home, the happiest thing is to accompany the children together, and they do the simplest things, but the harvest is full of happiness

You and me: I find that when chatting, you will unconsciously focus on your family. Can you talk about your own work? For example, I heard that you are quite famous as a senior barista in New York. Even Hillary will mainly ask for a photo with you, but it is strange that you don't have any title. What's going on?

S: Having titles means you have to compete in a lot of industry competitions. I am a relatively unambitious person, and success for me cannot be measured by any money. Many of my colleagues in the coffee industry, including friends in China-they are basically the pillars of the coffee industry, constantly organizing various competitions, writing various books, and then doing various judges-many times asked me why Sammy did not participate in some competitions, with your qualifications to win some awards should be quite easy, I said, barista is only one of my professions, to do my profession well is fundamental. Most of the people who participate in the competition want to get some fame through the competition, and I am very satisfied with my current state. I don't need to prove anything through the competition. I don't like competition. I think my opponent is only myself. To be honest, the meaning of barista career for me is that I can do something I like very much and create a good condition for my family through it.

Coffee works "father and son"

Sammy's coffee work "Spring"

Sammy's coffee is quite famous in New York and has been reported by CNN,BBC, CCTV and other media. Coffee shop patrons are also star-studded, Hilary. Clinton, Tony Leung, Wendi Deng, etc. are frequent visitors.

You and I: When it comes to your achievements and fame, you will be more calm, which many people cannot achieve, how do you always maintain this kind of contention-free, indifferent mentality?

S: It can be said that "indifference" is part of my personality, but in order to maintain this very calm state of mind, I have experienced great fluctuations and struggles. I came to the United States when I was 25 years old. At that time, my mind was full of struggle for survival. I didn't know what I wanted and had no time to think about the future. Then, after I really settled down, I realized that I had become a little famous unconsciously, and then I kept going on TV and accepting various interviews. You can imagine a nameless young man suddenly being paid attention to and praised by everyone. I don't know if this is really what I want. When groups of people flock to me, I feel passive. The feeling of being sought after makes me flustered. In fact, I can't grasp my rhythm. This situation makes me feel insecure. Therefore, I began to analyze myself deeply, from outlook on life and values to real desires in my heart. Then I saw who I really was: I didn't have the "bones" and soul of a big man, and it was only torture for me to force myself to follow the path of a big man. I never wanted to accept others to look up, when I heard others call me "star barista" when my first feeling is "stripped", I am not suitable for that state, indifferent is the happiness of people like me who like inner peace, but it may be for other people who like to live in the spotlight is aggrieved. The secret of happiness varies from person to person, suitable for oneself, can feel happy in the current environment is the best.

Me: So are you enjoying the moment? Because as far as your current fame is concerned, it is certain to accept interviews or be looked up by others. How do you adjust your mentality?

S: Ha, I have learned to regard these as part of my job, because I know that I am not only a coffee maker in the shop, but also a task to attract customers. My value is very concrete. For example, I went to my boss to ask for a raise, and the boss agreed very happily (laughter). The most important thing is that I know what I want. Unfortunately, many people will not understand until the moment of loss, and I do not want to have such regrets. Just like I did not leave my children in China for my parents to help take care of them. The lack of children's growth cannot be made up, and the time spent with my family cannot be recovered. My wife and my children are my greatest motivation and support.

Coffee works "Eagle, Snow Mountain"

Between work, I made a cup of coffee, took a photo and sent it to my wife, leaving a message "Wife, for you"

Do you have conflict between your work and your family? How do you usually get along with children? What is your educational philosophy for children?

S: I won't let anything interfere with my time with my kids! I am not a sociable person, basically an otaku (laughs). When I am at home, I will play games with Chueh Chueh and watch movies with Xi Xi. Besides, I will give my children plenty of personal space. I don't like either the Chinese "tiger mother" or the American "free range" approach to educating children. Every child has different personality traits. I respect the child's choice instead of saying,"you can't do this, you can't do that." Xixi is now a 10-year-old child with her own judgment and thinking ability. I will treat her like a friend. If she finds that we are not doing well, I will encourage her to point out and discuss ways to improve with her. My wife, on the other hand, is a bit tougher and teaches her children to respect other people's habits. Therefore, my wife and I will communicate privately. One party will play bad cop and the other party will play bad cop, so that Xi Xi and Jue will have full freedom and not be too arbitrary. And instead of alienating us, it's bringing me closer to my kids. Anyway, my principle is, I'm a dad first and a barista second.

3-year-old son Jue Jue, a handsome boy

You and I: We can see that you and your wife have a good way of educating their children. For example, I heard that even street celebrity Lee Clower volunteered to film her. Can you tell us the story of what happened during this period? What do you think of this?

S: First of all, Xixi likes the fun that this brings to her. Secondly, the original intention of supporting her as a flat Model is to hope that she can contact all kinds of people and increase social practice. As for Lee Clower taking photos of her, it was just a coincidence. Some time ago, my wife took Xixi to Bahamas () and took a lot of photos on a cruise ship. Later, Lee accidentally saw it. He sent an email to us through the agency to make an appointment and took a lot of photos. At that time, we just thought it was interesting and didn't take it seriously. We received an email from Lee that evening telling us that the photos were wonderful and that he loved them. Surprisingly, a lot of mainstream magazines picked up those photos. I told Xi that it was just an experience, it was wonderful, but that was all. You didn't need to think too much about it.

I have a daughter growing up.

You and I: Many people now define happiness as career success, and the fame and money that comes with it. What is happiness for you?

S: Family, family happiness is the source of 99% of my happiness…