Coffee review

International anecdote: magic toilet Cafe

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The editor has always felt that the taste of the toilet restaurant is too strong, and the design is not easy to make people fantasize. But although this coffee shop is still a WC theme, it makes people feel lovely. There is no doubt that this is really a Cafe shop, a toilet coffee shop in California, USA, which is said to be the first toilet-themed coffee shop in the United States. The seat is a lovely toilet, but it's true

The editor has always felt that the taste of the toilet restaurant is too strong, and the design is not easy to make people fantasize. But although this coffee shop is still a WC theme, it makes people feel lovely.


No doubt, this is really a Cafe shop.

This is a toilet coffee shop in California, USA. It is said to be the first toilet-themed coffee shop in the United States. The seats are lovely toilets, but I don't know if they are comfortable to sit like this. The overall color of the coffee shop is bright, and the plates, cups and menus are all designed around the theme of the coffee shop. But don't fantasize that if you really want to go to the bathroom, you have to go to the real bathroom.


Sitting like this will cure constipation, right?


The interior decoration is clean and comfortable


WC themed light meal


Chocolate Ice Cream pretended by little toilet


If you want to respond to Natural Call, you have to go to the real WC