Coffee review

Poor harvest of coffee beans due to severe drought in central Vietnam

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The worst drought in central Vietnam in a decade has severely affected the coffee bean harvest in the latest season, with yields down more than 25 per cent from the previous season. According to Vietnamese media, the state-run Vietnam Coffee Company said that due to the severe dry weather, the annual rainfall in the highland coffee-growing areas in central Vietnam in 2012 was only half of the average in previous years, hindering the normal health of coffee.

The worst drought in central Vietnam in a decade has severely affected the coffee bean harvest in the latest season, with yields down more than 25 per cent from the previous season.

According to Vietnamese media, the state-run Vietnam Coffee Company said that due to severe drought, the annual rainfall in the highland coffee-growing areas in central Vietnam in 2012 was only half of the average in previous years, hindering the normal growth of coffee, and the harvest of the latest season was more than 20% lower than that of the previous season.

At present, the second round of irrigation for coffee plantations in the highlands of central Vietnam is about to begin, but water resources in rivers, lakes and ponds are very tight, and about half of the coffee plantations will face water shortages. Since 2007, Vietnam has been the second largest exporter of coffee beans in the world, after Brazil.

(responsible Editor: Leo)