Coffee review

Reveal the secret | what is the UN-priced coffee shop in the COP21 venue?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Hello, everyone. We are today's NetEase, young broadcasters Liu Jiaxi and Qin Ziqi. As full-fledged food lovers, we visited the behind-the-scenes team of bakeries, coffee stations and other food sites at the Paris Climate Conference with great interest and curiosity to show you what we ate during the conference. French cuisine is famous all over the world, including foie gras, seafood, snails and cheese.

揭秘 | COP21会场内联合国定价的咖啡厅什么样?

Hello, everyone. We are today's NetEase, young broadcasters Liu Jiaxi and Qin Ziqi. As full-fledged food lovers, we visited the behind-the-scenes team of bakeries, coffee stations and other food sites at the Paris Climate Conference with great interest and curiosity to show you what we ate during the conference.

French cuisine is famous all over the world, including foie gras, seafood, snails and cheese. Each dish has its own unique cooking method, which is mouth-watering. As the host country of this climate conference, how France entertains guests from all directions with delicacies has attracted the attention of our NetEase youth delegation.

10000 handmade bread are available 24 hours a day.

The bakery named PAUL is often seen at the conference. Every time it passes, the young people are tempted to buy bread. The young people finally step into the bakery behind the scenes and have an in-depth conversation with the bakers.


The picture shows the baker making bread in the ancient way.

Through the interview, we learned that the first store of PAUL opened in 1889, and everything in it has a deep foundation. All of their manufacturing methods and moulds are very ancient. For example, the tools similar to wooden oars in the picture are tools for making bread. To ensure the taste, it takes them seven hours to make a loaf of bread. The Croissant you ate at the meeting may look ordinary, but it actually has a very exquisite and typical French flavor.

The baker insists on baking in the ancient way, supplying 10000 bread a day to various bakeries and restaurants in the venue. In the middle of the night, the remaining bread will be collected and transported to the processing plant to be processed into animal feed to ensure that the food is not wasted.


The picture shows NetEase's attitude youth representative taking a group photo with the baker.

Seven mobile coffee sites are priced by the United Nations itself

After visiting the bakery, the youth delegation came to the Alto Coffee Station, which is located in a corner of the venue. The station consists of a mobile coffee cart designed to provide drinks such as espresso, latte, cappuccino and mocha for guests and media representatives.


The picture shows Anthony making coffee.

The coffee makers are Anthony Vicky and Oliana Bouvier from Paris. They were not employees of the Alto Coffee Shop, but they signed up for the recruitment of baristas because of their interest in the Paris Climate Conference. They were selected to become baristas at the Alto Coffee Station during the conference. They go to work around 8 o'clock every day and work until 6 o'clock in the evening.


The picture shows a storage coffee cart without engine.

Anthony told us that there were seven Alto coffee stations in all the conference venues, of which three were loaded by pickup trucks, of which one had an engine, one was an electric car and one had no engine, and the other four were loaded by trolleys, all provided directly by Alto Coffee.


The picture shows a recyclable coffee cup made of organic materials.


The picture shows takeout boxes and mixing rods made of organic materials.

It is worth mentioning that all the raw materials and materials for making coffee reflect the concept of environmental protection. Anthony said that the water used for making coffee is drinking water after professional treatment and filtration of the waste water from the entire conference; the container for holding coffee is made of organic material at a price of 1 Euro. When customers finish drinking coffee, they can return the cup and return the 1 euro paid before, so that all materials can be recycled to truly achieve zero waste and zero discharge.

When asked about the performance, Anthony and Oliana said it depends on which day it is. 200 heads of state and government participated on the first day of the conference, attracting the largest number of delegates and media reporters. Their family alone sold 500 cups of coffee, but it was much deserted the next day, with a total of 60 cups sold by noon.


The picture shows a menu priced by the United Nations itself.

Interestingly, the price of Alto coffee is set by the United Nations itself, which aims to balance the price level between developed and developing countries and underdeveloped countries. For example, a small espresso costs 1.4 euros, which is much cheaper than coffee sold on the streets of Paris outside the venue. Anthony explained to us that because people in many African countries do not have the habit of drinking coffee, and most African countries are developing countries, the price of coffee in Western countries is higher for them, while for people in developed countries such as the United States, coffee is just a common consumer product. In order to balance the economic and cultural differences among countries, the United Nations has taken this measure.


The picture shows NetEase's attitude youth representative taking a group photo with the barista.

Give away 5000 apples a day and give away 5 tons of chocolate for 2 weeks.


The picture shows the staff handing out apples to the delegates.

Every morning, there are three or four trolleys full of fresh apples at the entrance to the venue, and the staff will carry fruit baskets to distribute apples to the attendees who enter the venue. After chatting, our NetEase attitude youth learned that these apples were provided by Carrefour, the largest retailer in Europe, and provided at a daily volume of 5,000 apples during a two-week conference.

After eating apples and entering the venue through security, the second stop of the food tour was the chocolate distribution point. Large chunks of chocolate will be offered as a gift of 5 tons by sponsor Plant For The Planting in two weeks. The original intention of chocolate givers is to take this as a sweet invitation, hoping that young people who love desserts can join the planting of green plants. They believe that if everyone can plant 150 trees, the number of green plants in the world will reach 100 million by 2020 (yes! Two billion words!), and such numbers play an important role in reducing carbon emissions, you know!


The picture shows the lunch bought by some delegates to the meeting.

At the same time, with regard to gourmet food, the organizers also set up several restaurants to provide cooking food such as Vegetables Salad, salmon and Rice with Beef at any time, but the price is higher.

This is the COP21 food that NetEase attitude youths Liu Jiaxi and Qin Ziqi learned about in front of us! Do you want to know more about COP21 or the stories behind COP21? Stay tuned for our climate change conference in Paris, and we will continue to work hard to show you a complete and clear COP21.

Source: NetEase