Coffee review

How is it that thousands of cans of coffee are washed up on American beaches to attract locals and tourists to pick them up?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Hundreds of yellow coffee cans appeared on Cape Canaveral Beach in Florida on Tuesday morning local time. Hundreds of yellow coffee cans appeared on Cape Canaveral Beach in Florida on Tuesday morning local time, police and local residents said. Local resident Laurie Cus said coffee cans can be seen everywhere on the beach.

Hundreds of yellow coffee cans appeared on Cape Canaveral Beach in Florida on Tuesday morning local time.

Hundreds of yellow coffee cans appeared on Cape Canaveral Beach in Florida on Tuesday morning local time, police and local residents said.

Local resident Laurie Cus said the coffee cans on the beach were everywhere and could not be seen with binoculars. Laurie said that many coffee cans are still sealed and can be used, and some locals and tourists are "robbing" these coffee cans.

Laurie said the coffee cans scattered on the beach were cleaned up within two hours. TW Baker, a staff member at the Cape Canaveral Police Department, said the Public Services Department (Public Works Department) of Cape Canaveral was also involved in the clean-up and donated most of the coffee to local charities.

Some local reports quoted the U.S. Coast Guard as speculating that the coffee cans may have been cargo dropped from a cargo ship from the port of Canaveral to Puerto Rico on Sunday.

The U.S. Coast Guard issued a statement warning sailors and people playing on the beach not to "approach or open any container that rushes ashore." A missing container contained wet batteries, the statement said. Although the battery does not cause serious environmental pollution, the corrosive substances it contains may cause chemical burns to the skin.

Hundreds of yellow coffee cans appeared on Cape Canaveral Beach in Florida on Tuesday morning local time.

Hundreds of yellow coffee cans appeared on Cape Canaveral Beach in Florida on Tuesday morning local time.

The coffee cans may have been cargo dropped from a cargo ship bound for Puerto Rico from the port of Canaveral on Sunday.

The coffee cans may have been cargo dropped from a cargo ship bound for Puerto Rico from the port of Canaveral on Sunday.

The coffee cans may have been cargo dropped from a cargo ship bound for Puerto Rico from the port of Canaveral on Sunday.

The coffee cans may have been cargo dropped from a cargo ship bound for Puerto Rico from the port of Canaveral on Sunday.

Laurie said the coffee cans scattered on the beach were cleaned up within two hours. Some locals and tourists are "robbing" these coffee cans.

Laurie said the coffee cans scattered on the beach were cleaned up within two hours.

Laurie said the coffee cans scattered on the beach were cleaned up within two hours.

Some locals and tourists are "robbing" these coffee cans.

Hundreds of yellow coffee cans appeared on Cape Canaveral Beach in Florida on Tuesday morning local time.

The coffee cans may have been cargo dropped from a cargo ship bound for Puerto Rico from the port of Canaveral on Sunday.

Source: Guangming Daily