Coffee review

Few people know that the person who makes coffee for you here is the world gymnastics champion A.omen, who has a special tune.

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, From a former world gymnastics champion to a current barista, Zhang Hongtao's turn has to be said to be baffling. But now he is more and more willing to explore in the world of coffee, and there may be a new champion here. And the one who encourages and supports him on this road is no longer the former country, the people, the coach team, but his wife.

From a former world gymnastics champion to a current barista, Zhang Hongtao's turn has to be said to be baffling. But now he is more and more willing to explore in the world of coffee, and there may be a new champion here. And the one who encourages and supports him on this road is no longer the previous country, the people, the coaching team, but his wife-Yumei.

The love of the world champion is more like an idol drama.

From the bored deskmate to the married couple, if this is not a reunion idol drama, what is it?


Is a World Championship pommel horse champion who began to practice gymnastics at the age of four and a half.


Is a Beijing girl who keeps trying to move forward for the coffee dream.


Because of a coffee class, they met, met, knew each other, and fell in love.



The little girl at the deskmate is so cute.


The man at the same table is so annoying.


Today, I peeked at her notebook for the first time. She is so careful when taking notes.


Why does he keep playing with his cell phone in class? it's not another rich dude coming to play.


Did you see it when the gymnastics major was exposed by the teacher and took everyone to do aerobics?


Aren't I really here to learn coffee! When can I go to class?


Because both of them are from Beijing, and they are both one person.

The girl goes to a friend's coffee shop in Shanghai.

Will politely ask the boy if he wants to join us.

Over time, I play more with my friends.

The heart is also gradually opened up.



Today, she asked me if I was still training. In front of her, I did a beautiful somersault.


Today, in a shady square, he asked me to help take things down. Suddenly did a somersault in front of me, then took me by the hand and ran. At that moment, I felt all the romance from the mouth of the world for no reason.

It all makes sense after that. Of course, the girl knew that the boy's "playing with his cell phone" in class was actually taking electronic notes, and the high-profile side flip, now he is called by the girl as "a low-key to terrible man", does not easily reveal his past, and is not willing to show his great skills to outsiders.

On May 21, 2014, they registered for marriage. Now, they have opened their own coffee shop-A.omen, the champion special, coffee for drinking, is not in vain.


A store that happens by chance, two people who meet by chance

A.omen is located in the old Drum Tower Street, the small door face, simple and fresh temperament, once inside, the whole person feels inexplicably comfortable. According to a public comment, after drinking the coffee here, you will recognize only one family from now on.


As baristas, Tony Zhang Hongtao and his wife Yu Mei have always had the idea of opening a shop. It's just that the choice of location is a problem. On this day, on their way to shopping, beauty just happened. Next to an alley on Old Drum Tower Street, next to a lottery snack bar, several grandparents are sitting at the door basking in the sun, and the door face says: rent. Facing the street unbiased, quiet in the midst of trouble, as if predestined, the shop made the two people palpitate. On the same day, they talked about the shop and began to prepare their own coffee shop.

Tony always remembers what his teacher once said to him: "you'll never be completely ready," so you won't know what you're going to do until you open it.


Like other boys and girls who have never opened a store, in Tony and beautiful imagination, their future coffee shop should be bigger, with a terrace, a sunny room, and all the things that seem impractical today. When they really rented this place, their feet seemed to have just fallen to the ground. According to the size of the store, they hired professional designers to do the complete design according to their ideas. "We hope that the people who enter this store will not have a sense of restraint, so it needs to be completely inclusive and free." On the other hand, the furniture, cutlery, cups and saucers, Tony and beauty are found one by one according to their own preferences, adding some fresh and playful interest to the simple style of the store.



Large windows, good lighting, comfortable atmosphere. Opening every day, cleaning, table and chair cleaning, coffee taste debugging, nothing less. And this kind of life is the present of this couple.


From a former gymnastics champion to a future coffee roaster


As a professional gymnast, Zhang Hongtao's original life was basically the two-point line between the national training team and the dormitory. For him, coffee has always been a need in life. Because I couldn't get a satisfactory cup of coffee, I went out to learn by myself.

"the first time I came into contact with coffee was instant coffee. Like ordinary people, I bought it in the supermarket. At that time, I thought there was such a drink, which was different from what I had drunk before. After that, I occasionally go to coffee chains such as Starbucks and costa. Later, when I had the opportunity to go abroad to come into contact with foreign coffee, I wondered why the coffee drunk at home was not as good as that from abroad. So I began to explore. At that time, I tried to make cappuccino and latte with cappuccino and milk, but I found that I couldn't make it. Slowly curiosity was opened, and began to study why, and then buy books, sign up for classes, learn more and more, gradually drink and hang up, shake and grind with hands, and pursue the quality of coffee higher and higher along the way. "


Now that you don't have to train as intensively as before and open your own coffee shop, coffee is not only a hobby but also a craft for Tony. In front of his more professional wife, Yu Mei, all he can do is to make progress. (Tony revealed that beauty is so strict in coffee that even if Tony makes a mistake, he can't escape a beautiful meal.) Now his goal is to be a good coffee roaster, from knowing a bean to understanding the origin and characteristics of the bean, the altitude of the region, the temperature suitable for the bean baking, and so on. "I think baking is so amazing that it takes a few seconds to determine the taste of the beans. Now I am studying with the master, and in the future I want to be able to bake coffee in the store by myself, because only in this way can I better control the good quality of the coffee. "

Of course, friends and coaches from the Tony training team also came to A.omen and drank the coffee he made himself. "they all thought it was delicious," Tony said with a smile.


To make you a cup of coffee as a gymnastics champion, Tony said, "it's my pleasure."


Coffee gives me the goodwill of the whole world, and all I can do is pass it on.

As the wife of gymnastics champion "King of the Pommel Horse"-Zhang Hongtao, one of the questions that Yu Mei can't avoid is: do you have any pressure to be with him? For this question, the beautiful answer makes me understand why Tony fell in love with this girl. "the world champion is just a label and a part of him, there is no need to avoid it, and there is no need to advertise it." He is an ordinary person, I am also an ordinary person, we are just together to do what we like. So, I don't have any pressure to be with him. Instead, he's more stressed out when he's with me, .... (Tony says "Beauty is a Virgo who is more professional than him in coffee!")


The two are tied together because of coffee. If Tony falls in love with coffee because of his interest, Beautiful walking along this coffee road is more like an arrangement of fate.

Mei stepped into coffee when she was a junior. She originally majored in automation in science and engineering. She felt that she really had nothing to do with this major. "to be a Beijing girl, you will be more or less affected by some parents' arrangements, such as requiring you not to leave Beijing when you take the college entrance examination. secondly, you have to study a major that is easy to find a job in the future, and the prospect is even better." So science and engineering, automation, has become a way for parents to show beauty. However, for her, going to school like this is tantamount to wasting her time. It's terrible! For a time, beauty didn't want to work as hard as I did, so I started reading, listening, taking notes in the library next to high achiever in my class. After only one semester, I still failed the class that I should fail. In addition to the death of her grandmother, Mei felt as if she was really suffering from depression at that time.


In order to find herself something to do, Mei inadvertently signed up for a coffee class. She didn't even drink coffee before class. But in this way, beauty was attracted by coffee, like a sudden light in the night, and she thought it was very interesting. Despite the long journey, I went to Shanghai just to see a coffee show. Most importantly, she came into contact with people with the same interests in the course of class. Different from being strangers with her college classmates, she finally found a lot of good friends to chat with. Even the teacher in class saw Mei's efforts in coffee and automatically opened a small stove for her to teach her to make coffee.

Beauty said, at that time, "I found the goodwill of people in this world for the first time here."



After that, it was wonderful, because of the coffee exhibition, the beautiful chance happened to start a working life in a cafe. The wonderful point was that as a rookie in the coffee industry, the people she worked with were all big caffeine figures in the coffee circle. And the teacher who taught her was also a famous Taiwanese barista. After studying here for a long time, Mei began to teach coffee with one of her teachers. For some reasons, the coffee class did not continue. What impressed Mei most was that at a coffee event, she met a girl who looked familiar and learned that she was the student who had listened to her class before. The other party said that after that class, she was very interested in coffee, so she bought a lot of coffee utensils, and now she will go everywhere to drink coffee and is willing to participate in coffee-related activities.


It suddenly dawned on me that it makes sense to have a coffee class. You will find that she may have touched coffee just to have fun, but what you have done has turned her into a coffee lover and developed a hobby for her. This convinced me that I would set up such a course if I opened a coffee shop in the future. You can experience, learn, and make friends. " At the same time, beauty also means that "opening a shop is not the end, but my starting point." I have always wanted to promote boutique coffee culture, but this sentence is too big in space. For me, boutique coffee should be able to walk into the house, and everyone can make delicious and healthy coffee. And I want to tell you what a good coffee should look like. I received so much love from my teachers and so many people when I was studying that if I can't give it back to them completely, I can only pass it on. "

Finally, Tony made me a cup of coffee out of his baked beans, which tasted as pleasant as the rare clear blue sky and white clouds that day. I can say for sure that this is the best latte I have ever had for you. At present, there is still a small amount of coffee brewed from his own roasted beans in the store, but in the future Tony said he will try his best to bake it at home. Go to A.omen and find them. Everyone deserves such a good cup of coffee.


The source; know how to eat.