Coffee review

Coffee enema

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Coffee enema, it is said that slimming coffee is ineffective, there is no scientific basis, there is no practical proof, drinking coffee to lose weight is blind. Since the above mouth to drink coffee to lose weight can not achieve the goal of coffee weight loss. Some people come up with the following mouth to drink coffee to lose weight, what's wrong with the world! Coffee enema not only needs to use the petty bourgeoisie desire that I am not in the coffee shop but on the way to the coffee shop.

Coffee enema, it is said that slimming coffee is ineffective, there is no scientific basis, there is no practical proof, drinking coffee to lose weight is blind. Since the above mouth to drink coffee to lose weight can not achieve the goal of coffee weight loss. Some people come up with the following mouth to drink coffee to lose weight, what's wrong with the world!

Coffee enema should not only use the coffee that the petty bourgeoisie is eager to taste, such as "I am on my way to the cafe when I am not in the coffee shop", but also expensive and rare organic coffee! It is said to use organic coffee beans to coffee enema, ordinary coffee beans contain pesticide residues, fertilizer residues, these toxins injected into the intestines will damage the fragile intestinal mucosa.

Coffee enema requires a certain degree of pressure, the intestinal surface is fragile, and human intestinal evolution has its own balance; in this way, coffee enema to achieve the goal of coffee weight loss is very dangerous; if you want to lose weight, eat less starch and exercise more. It's risky to take shortcuts.

Even if the chrysanthemum is itchy, try not to try a coffee enema, make a good organic coffee bean, and save it for the upper mouth to taste.

Coffee enema is risky, weight loss coffee is delusional; the following excerpt is only used as a negative textbook.

Coffee enema


Know Coffee

Coffee enema-introduction

Coffee enema-benefits

Coffee enema-step

Coffee enema-matters needing attention

Coffee enema-abnormal event

Coffee enema-other introductions

Coffee enema-making method

Coffee enema-introduction

The method of coffee enema (Coffee Enema) is more or less the same as that of general enema, which can clear intestines and defecate, but the enema solution used is coffee. As early as 2000 years ago, coffee enemas were recorded in ancient books in Europe, but during World War I, there was a lack of anesthetics. Coffee enemas were used by the Germans to ease the pain of patients during surgery because of their pain-relieving effect. Later, two professors from a medical school in Germany conducted a coffee enema experiment with mice and found that it could not only clear the intestines and relieve pain, but also promote the detoxification of the liver, thus establishing the medical background of coffee enema.

Coffee enema-benefits

1. Caffeine promotes the secretion of glutathione, the most important enzyme in the liver that detoxifies and eliminates free radicals.

two。 The caffeine and theophylline contained in coffee dilate the blood vessels in the intestinal wall and relieve enteritis.

3. The coffee injected into the coffee enema cleans the large intestine on the left side of the anus, where the large intestine is most prone to dirt, the most feces and the most fertile bacteria.

4. Oral coffee irritates the stomach wall and contains bactericidal ingredients that are bad for beneficial bacteria in the upper large intestine.

5. Coffee enema treats the daily toxins excreted by the liver, which is of great help to maintain the health of the liver, which explains the significance of coffee enema for cancer patients.

6. Hiroshi Shintani tracked more than 1000 people who were given coffee enema every day and found that their intestines were very clean and healthy. He is also a practitioner of coffee enema.

7. Colorectal expert Hiroshi Niigani does not approve of the use of high-pressure machine enema, saying that this method worsens the symptoms of patients with colorectal diverticulum and may damage the intestinal wall.

8. Coffee enema and enzyme therapy, one of the health methods strongly recommended by Hiroshi Niigani, is now popular in the United States.

Coffee enema-step

Step 1

Clean the enema bag and close the water stop valve.

The enema bag used for coffee enema is actually a nasogastric tube added to the drip bag, which can be bought in general medical equipment stores. Clean after each use and can be reused.

Step 2

Add the coffee enema to about 37 ℃ of warm water

In addition to adding warm water close to human body temperature, it is suggested that about 0.5 grams of sea salt or deep ocean water can be added to balance the electrolyte, so as to make the electrolyte of the enema closer to the human body and improve the permeability.

It is recommended that people who have just started a coffee enema only need to add 600% water for the first time to let the body adapt first, and then increase it to 1000 one at a time.

Step 3

Hang the enema bag on a high place

Hang the enema bag filled with enema so that it is about a person's height.

Step 4

Squeeze the air out of the enema

Open the water stop valve on the enema tube, let the liquid flow out and squeeze out the air in the enema tube, then close the water stop valve.

Step 5

Apply emulsion to the front end of the irrigation tube

It is recommended to apply lotion, liquid vitamins, aloe or flaxseed oil.

Step 6

Lie on the right side of the body

When carrying out coffee enema, you can spread a bath towel and lie on the floor beside the bed. It is best not to be too far from the toilet.

Step 7

Insert the enema tube and open the water stop valve

Lie on the right side and bow your left foot naturally, gently put the irrigation tube into the anus about 15 centimeters deep, open the water stop valve about 1 stop 3, about 15 minutes to 20 minutes to finish. The speed can be adjusted according to each person's situation. If you can't help it, you can slow down, or turn off the water stop valve first, hold back for 30 seconds to 1 minute, and wait for the convenience to decrease before continuing. If you really can't help it, it doesn't matter if you go to the toilet first, it can be done twice and it won't affect the effect. It is suggested that you can listen to music and relax during enema.

Step 8

After dripping, lie straight and massage the left abdomen for about 3-5 minutes.

After the enema drops, the body lies straight, and you can put your feet up against the bed or wall, forming the body shape. Then massage from the left abdomen, around the belly button in the direction of the clock, massage 3-5 minutes to go to the toilet. In fact, there will be a sense of convenience at this time, if you really can't help it, you can skip the massage steps and go to the toilet directly. You will hear the sound of water in your stomach during massage, and the enema is cleaning the intestinal wall like mouthwash. When going to the toilet, you can also do clockwise abdominal massage to help defecate clean.

Step 9

Supplement of vegetable juice or minerals and probiotics after enema

Drink a cup of vegetable juice before and after the enema to replenish the lost water and balance the electrolytes in the body to reduce the discomfort that may occur during the enema due to foreign liquid invasion. You can also eat some lactic acid bacteria after enema.

Step 10

Cleaning equipment

After the enema is over, some coffee grounds are left in the enema bag, which can be drained by adding filtered water. The enema tube that came into contact with the anus must be cleaned with soap. After cleaning the bag, add natural bacteriostatic or alcohol to let it drain again for disinfection. In addition, the end of the pipe must also be sterilized.

Keep the enema bag and tube dry after cleaning and can be reused. Replace the new enema hose after continuous use for one month. It is important to note that even family members should not share the same enema tube.

Coffee enema-matters needing attention

1. The time of enema should not be too hasty, the time can be controlled at 15 to 30 minutes, and you can listen to music to relax during the process.

two。 The best time for coffee enema is one in the morning and one in the evening, and the most suitable time is 1 hour after meal. If it is a person who has just started, do it once a day.

3. For people who are allergic to chemicals such as caffeine, coffee should be diluted to four times before use. After enema, if excessive peristalsis occurs in the large intestine, it should be suspended and consult a professional.

4. The acid in coffee will stimulate the skin of the anus, may worsen hemorrhoids, or cause cleft hemorrhoids, prolapse of anus, anitis and so on. Therefore, after the end of the enema, it is recommended to put the soapy fingers into the anus for about 2-3, then rinse with warm water, wipe clean and apply Vaseline to the anus to prevent the occurrence of hemorrhoids.

5. Coffee enema will cause the loss of water in the large intestine. Drink plenty of water or vegetable juice before and after enema, which can be enhanced by cellulose, probiotics and bamboo carbon particles.

6. Be sure to have an abdominal massage when you go to the toilet to achieve the effect.

7. The best enema solution is about 1000 times. However, according to the individual situation, the capacity of enema fluid can be gradually increased to about 1000 tons.

8. Coffee enema helps remove waste from the large intestine, shortens the retention time of waste in the intestine, and cannot replace normal daily defecation.

Coffee enema-abnormal event

After an Aimei lady in Wuchang tried, she went to the toilet frequently.

A beauty salon in Nanhu Garden in Wuchang created its own "coffee enema" beauty. After a lady who loved beauty tried, she frequently went to the toilet. On June 10, 2011, Wuchang industrial and commercial law enforcement officials ordered the beauty salon to rectify and make further investigations.

At the end of May 2011, Miss Bao went to a beauty salon in Nanhu Garden, and the waiter recommended "coffee enema" to her, claiming that she could detoxify, beautify and lose weight. Without feeling strange at the scene, Miss Bao spent 198 yuan on a small bottle of coffee drink and two plastic tubes. After using it that night, there was a phenomenon of frequent defecation. Miss Bao simply crouched in the bathroom and did not come out, and the family was frightened.

Coffee enema-other introductions

Gotham, the father of natural therapy, provides cancer patients with a large amount of vegetable juice when treating cancer patients. the detoxification of these vegetable juices fills the patient's blood with a large amount of toxins that cannot be eliminated by the liver in time. So Gotham uses coffee enema 5-6 times a day to help detoxify the liver to relieve the drowsiness caused by the excretion of large amounts of toxins into the bloodstream.


In 1981, Dr. Waldenburg scientifically proved that coffee contains ingredients that help enzymes break down toxins in the blood, re-affirming the effectiveness of decades-old coffee enema.

In 1996, Dr. Nicholas received US $1.4 million in funding from the National Academy of Sciences for the study of pancreatic cancer with pancreatic enzymes and coffee enema.

Based on his 30 years' experience in coffee enema and referring to research materials, Dr. Hiroshi Xingu strongly advocates coffee enema for his patients and readers.

Edit this paragraph of coffee enema-making method


10 grams of organic coffee beans (about 1.5 spoons for coffee), now ground into powder and set aside

1000 milliliters of slightly alkaline good water


After the 300cc water is boiled, put the organic coffee powder into the boil for about 3 minutes, cook over low heat for 10 minutes, filter with coffee filter paper, then add warm water to 500cc~1000cc. Set the coffee temperature to the same temperature as the body temperature and use.

Note: during coffee enema, the coffee liquid will be absorbed directly from the intestinal mucosa to the liver, the effect is very fast, so the self-made coffee liquid must use organic coffee beans, can not use ordinary coffee beans, there will not be the problem of pesticide residues. If you think coffee enema is too troublesome, now organic shops on the market also sell organic coffee enema imported from Japan, so it is very convenient to cook it yourself.

Edit this paragraph of coffee enema-uncomfortable people

People without physical strength or poor health: people with poor physical strength and weak body will defecate rapidly after enema, which may cause imbalance in the balance of minerals such as sodium or potassium in the body, and then cause anemia.

Patients with hemorrhoid bleeding: the acid in the coffee enema irritates the anal skin and may worsen hemorrhoids. Therefore, it is not suitable for people with bleeding wounds in the rectum.

Pregnant women: coffee enema is not suitable for pregnant women, especially in the early stage of pregnancy, too much stimulation of the intestinal tract may cause abnormal uterine contraction.

Children and unconscious people: children under the age of 10 are not suitable unless they have severe constipation, bedridden, unconscious patients or the elderly.

People suffering from severe gastrointestinal diseases: patients with large and small intestinal diseases, it is best to consult a gastroenterologist before doing so.

Edit this paragraph of coffee enema-effect

1. It can improve constipation, increase beneficial bacteria and keep the balance of bacteria in the intestine.

two。 Helps prevent aging.

3. Can help improve atopic dermatitis, urticaria and other allergic symptoms.

4. Promote blood circulation, lymph gland circulation, and then improve a variety of skin problems.

5. It can promote metabolism and help obese people control their weight.

6. After removing toxins from the body, it can improve symptoms such as chronic fatigue, headache or shoulder pain.

7. It can help improve liver function and make the body in good condition.

8. Can prevent constipation and improve living habits.

My [coffee enema] experience

I've had coffee enema twice. Tell me how I feel. Because I knew about this coffee enema before, I believed it, although it was difficult for people around me to accept it because of psychological disorders in the first place.

1. The coffee machine was bought in Taobao. The cheapest one, plus postage and a stack of filter paper, cost more than 100 yuan.

2. Coffee powder is an imported coffee powder bought in Metro. More than 80 cans (250 grams) are not organic, but I don't think it makes much difference, but you can't buy Nestle, Mocha and these instant caffeine! It must be the kind of coffee that can be brewed with a coffee machine! Few of our countrymen drink pure coffee, basically instant coffee, that kind of no good, to the large intestine is filled with trans fat! The absorptive capacity of large intestine is super!

3. Enema bags are also bought on Taobao, 16 yuan each, with 10 heads

4. The lubricating oil is flaxseed oil and olive oil, but you can't use the blending oil that we usually use in cooking.

5, mixed water, I bought a large bottle of mineral water, 2 yuan a bottle, tap water is not good, there is too much chlorine in it, it is not recommended to boil it

6. You can't drink it immediately after eating. You have to wait a few hours to digest it and then fill it.

7. 600 milliliters were poured for the first time, including about 400 milliliters of coffee and 200 milliliters of water, which was not strictly in accordance with what the teacher taught, but it was no big deal, as long as it was not hot.

8. When I first filled it, I could feel a stream of water filling into my stomach, and my stomach began to swell. I didn't hold out for 15 minutes. I had diarrhea. I relied on willpower for 10 minutes, massaged my abdomen and lifted my feet as the teacher said. Let the coffee move in the intestines.

9. Then run into the toilet to defecate, at first it is coffee, then the lodging is accompanied by coffee. Why am I so convinced that it is a stool? Because I had already defecated twice that day, and I didn't eat too much, but I still excreted a lot of poop, and it was very dirty! It's dirtier than normal poop. That's a lot.

10. After squatting for about 10 minutes, I felt that there was almost nothing to line up, and it was over. After that, I felt much more relaxed and refreshed.

11. I have persisted for two times, but I have not yet reached the level that I can hold on for 15 minutes. I'm going to wait for a month to see if there is any obvious change in my belly. However, in these two rows, I think the acne on my chin is obviously much better, because the acne on my chin is closely related to constipation, and I feel much more relaxed in my body.

Is there any side effect of coffee enema?

Poor irrigation is easy to be counterproductive, and it is easy to hurt the anus.

Caffeine enema has long been a fan, but the real popularity is due to the enthusiastic promotion of health programs with high ratings on a certain TV station. In this program, an expert claims that daily coffee enema has many benefits to the human body. In addition to killing bad bacteria in the rectum, it can also reduce cholesterol and lose weight. More importantly, this method is said to improve the detoxification efficiency of the liver and improve immunity. In the program, the expert introduced in detail the method of coffee enema. To put it simply, it is more or less the same as ordinary enema, but the enema solution used is coffee, and it must be coffee brewed with coffee powder ground from organic coffee.

As this health method is particularly alternative, and easy to operate, the effects of "detoxification", "losing weight" and "lowering cholesterol" are even more eye-catching. for a time, coffee enema attracted numerous fans.

On a shopping website, enter words such as "coffee enema", that is, more than 1,000 pieces of commodity information pop up. In addition to some sellers who specialize in selling coffee enema bags, a large number of coffee sellers are under the banner of "enema". One seller of coffee beans at the top of the list even launched a promotion to buy coffee and get enema bags.

Some people joke that coffee beans may take advantage of the coffee enema craze, soaring prices and catching up with mung beans, which were once popular for a time.

Brewed coffee is not for drinking, but for enema. Recently, this alternative coffee enema "health method" is quite popular, and many people have tried the law bravely to join the coffee enema group. Is the incredible method of coffee enema good for the human body? To this end, the Health Edition specially visited some digestive experts and came to the conclusion that coffee enema is not desirable, not only has side effects, but also causes intestinal perforation.

Coffee enema has side effects

Severe cases can cause intestinal perforation.

Expert opinion

Coffee enema has been used to treat cancer patients.

But it didn't work.

On coffee enema this so-called health method, Health Edition reporter specially visited some digestive experts, After hearing, They all expressed very surprised: First, They have not been exposed to this alternative enema method; Second, there is no scientific basis to support this method. And one thing is clear: none of them approve of it.

Information shows that this method originated from Gerson, a Western expert in the 1930s, who first applied coffee enema to cancer patients. "Coffee enema" theory that the liver is an important organ of the body detoxification, as long as it can stimulate the liver to eliminate more of these metabolic toxins, can treat tumors. Coffee enema can dilate bile ducts and promote bile excretion. Therefore, Gerson believes that coffee enemas can promote toxin excretion and treat tumors.

Regardless of coffee's ability to detoxify the liver, it can be seen that coffee enemas act quite differently from traditional enemas, and are intended neither to cleanse the intestine nor to administer locally to the intestine, but to stimulate the liver. However, this theory is not accepted today.

accepted by the medical theory community.

In fact,"make bile duct dilate, promote bile excretion" is not liver detoxification function enhanced performance. In the medical world, this method has never been advocated. "If coffee enema is really that effective in treating tumors, and it was studied so long ago, it should have become a mainstream treatment by now. It shows that this method is not feasible." A gastroenterologist said.

Healthy people shouldn't have enemas.

Coffee aside, the mere act of having an enema twice a day is enough to make professional doctors question it. Meng Lina, director of the Department of Gastroenterology at Zhejiang Province Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, explained enema, a technique of injecting liquid into the rectum to infuse medicine or cleanse the intestines, is usually used only on patients with intractable constipation or severe intestinal obstruction, mainly to help them excrete. It has two main functions: one is to clean the intestine, and the other is to administer medicine to the intestine.

True, our bowels need cleaning, but enemas predominated in the days when laxatives were underdeveloped. It is reported that the emergence of laxatives has largely replaced enema. Even for patients, unless it is a last resort, it does not advocate frequent enema, and for healthy people, it is not recommended or even opposed.

Meng director introduced, although enema can help excretion, but also have very obvious side effects. First of all, repeated enema itself is a kind of stimulation to the intestinal tract. Over time, it will cause the intestinal tract to rely on this stimulation, which will lead to the loss of intestinal motility and may lead to more serious constipation. In addition, repeated flushing of the intestinal tract, while flushing out harmful bacteria, also flushed out a large number of beneficial bacteria, can lead to intestinal flora imbalance, causing a series of intestinal problems and even leading to systemic immunity reduction. Finally, regular enema, if not careful, will cause damage to the intestinal mucosa, and even cause intestinal perforation.

"When we do colonoscopy on patients who have to clean their bowels with enema, we sometimes find damage to the intestinal mucosa, which may be related to enema," he said. Director Meng said.

Home enemas are riskier

Director Meng especially reminded that it was unsafe for him to have an enema at home, especially for many people who took health care as their purpose and did not go through the guidance of professional doctors, which was more likely to cause harm. First of all, the temperature of enema is difficult to grasp, too hot or too cold enema intestinal tract will feel uncomfortable, too hot enema will also lead to rectal burns. And home appliances are often easy to disinfect incompletely, can cause infection.

"The fluid injected into the intestinal cavity will also carry away a large amount of intestinal fluid when discharged, resulting in electrolyte disturbance. In contrast, the advantages of oral laxatives are more obvious. Normally, if the patient is not too serious, we will only use enema to clean the intestinal tract if we need emergency surgery and there is no time to take medicine. When treating patients, we will carefully choose enema treatment, let alone healthy people, who should not have frequent enema at all,"Director Meng said. The human body has its own set of physiological feedback mechanisms, and excessive artificial destruction and intervention will cause damage to it, which is harmful and useless.

Coffee without sugar, good enema?

Posted on 2010-12-23 08:26:41

"Coffee enema" sounds quite eye-catching at first glance, and people can't help but ask, do you want to add sugar when enema? Of course, sugar or no sugar is just a joke, people have to question: coffee enema on the human body what benefits or harm? What is the difference between enema and direct drinking?

Rumor: recently, there has been much publicity that coffee can be used for drinking, but also for enema, in order to play a detoxification, health promotion role. A satellite TV health program has also been specially introduced, promoted this new health method.


Enema, a time-honored therapy

The first thing to say is what an enema is. Enema is a technique of injecting a fluid into the rectum to infuse medication or cleanse the intestines. [1]Although enema therapy has a long history, and vitality, enduring, but enema also has its shortcomings. It is precisely because of these defects that enema is gradually shrinking in the position of modern medicine and facing the danger of being kicked out. At present, modern medicine will use enema technology mainly reflected in two aspects. 1, as a means of cleaning the intestinal tract;2, as a route of administration.

In the field of bowel cleansing, enema faces the challenge of ever-changing laxatives. The liquid poured into the intestinal cavity will also take away a large amount of intestinal fluid when discharged, resulting in dehydration or electrolyte disorder. The enema solution of improper concentration will also aggravate the disorder; the sudden increase of intestinal pressure may also lead to intestinal perforation, rupture, peritonitis, and serious death; enema operation will also destroy the balance of intestinal flora, resulting in refractory intestinal bacterial infection, etc. [2]In contrast, the advantages of oral laxatives are very obvious. At present, oral laxatives have almost completely replaced enemas, which are used to clean the intestines only when urgent surgery is needed and there is no time to take medicine.

Although the rectum is rich in blood vessels, administration by enema is characterized by rapid absorption and rapid onset of action. However, after the drug is absorbed by the intestine, only about 5% can directly enter the systemic circulation, which is not enough to exert its curative effect. Therefore, current applications are limited to diseases of the large intestine, such as ulcerative colitis.

Gerson Therapy, Coffee Enema Study

Max Gerson was the first to notice this phenomenon. [3]As early as the 1930s, he applied coffee enemas to cancer patients and established a set of coffee enema specifications: 3 tablespoons coffee, 1 liter of water, boil for 10 minutes, no sugar or milk, lie down on the right side, leave for 15 minutes and drain, once a day...

Contrary to what is commonly understood and described on the Internet, coffee enemas are completely different from traditional enemas in that they are neither intended to cleanse the intestine nor to administer topical drugs to it. In Gerson's own words,"Patients need to understand that coffee enemas are not intended to regulate bowel function, but to stimulate the liver."

The "caffeine enema" theory holds that the normal metabolism of cells depends not only on the composition of the substances contained, but also on the way these substances are composed. Some toxins, bacteria and other toxic substances will destroy this structure, resulting in changes in the metabolism of cells, and finally become tumor cells. The liver is an important organ for detoxification. As long as it can stimulate the liver to eliminate more of these metabolic toxins, it can treat tumors. Oral coffee does not promote bile excretion, but coffee enema can make bile duct dilation, promote bile excretion. Therefore, Gerson believes that coffee enemas can promote toxin excretion and treat tumors. In addition, Gerson believes that almost all cells with abnormal metabolism have a large outflow of potassium ions and a large inflow of sodium ions. Therefore, keeping potassium high and sodium low in the cells can prevent malignant transformation. Coffee is a liquid high in potassium and low in sodium, so soaking in this liquid can promote cell repair.

In 1981, Lee Wattenberg discovered that palmitic acid in coffee stimulates glutathione S-transferase activity in the liver, and this enzyme (so-called "enzyme") neutralizes free radicals and maintains a stable intracellular environment. [4]In other words, it can promote "detoxification". In 1984, Peter Lechner et al. administered coffee enemas to patients after liver metastases from colorectal cancer and found significant pain relief and "significant improvement" in colonoscopic findings in these patients. [4]

However, Gerson's cancer theory is not accepted by the current medical theory community. In fact,"make bile duct dilate, promote bile excretion" is not liver detoxification function enhanced performance. The available research evidence is too little and lacks scientific basis. Moreover, there is no evidence that coffee enemas prevent cancer or improve skin or treat other diseases. Coffee enema's medical efficacy remains questionable. [5]

Home enema, safety concerns

As mentioned earlier, safety concerns have largely limited the use of enema. In addition to the concerns associated with enemas themselves, such as perforations, infections, and electrolyte disturbances, coffee enemas also carry unique risks. [6]Caffeine is an addictive substance. Unlike oral caffeine, some of the caffeine in an enema is absorbed rectally and enters the systemic circulation. This causes caffeine levels in the blood to rise faster and makes it easier to become addicted. Coffee can stimulate intestinal nerves, leading to intestinal dysfunction, causing constipation, diarrhea, indigestion or other functional intestinal diseases. Some of the ingredients in coffee may also cause allergies, asthma, or irritation of the intestinal wall leading to colitis. Potassium ions, which are high in coffee, also increase the risk of hyperkalemia-cardiac arrest and water-electrolyte disturbances.

It is also unsafe to perform enemas at home. The temperature of the enema solution is difficult to control. Too hot or too cold enema solution will cause intestinal discomfort. Too hot enema solution will also cause rectal burns or tears. Incompletely disinfected equipment or enemas can cause infection. If there is a bad reaction in the process of enema, there is no way to treat it in time at home. Some complications of enema, such as intestinal perforation, can lead to death if not treated promptly. [2]

In fact, the U.S. Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) has reported two deaths due to coffee enema [3]. One of them had 10-12 enemas in one night and the other had four enemas per day. Both died of water electrolyte disorders. OTA also pointed out that their enemas far exceeded Gerson's recommendations.

Conclusion: There are many exaggerations in the propaganda of "coffee enema". The theory that this is beneficial to health is not the mainstream view in the medical profession. There is currently no scientific evidence to prove that this has a therapeutic effect on any other disease. At the same time, coffee enemas present a great risk.