Coffee review

Daily design classic 100 Star Wars coffee cup lid prequel makes you feel the charm of creative design.

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, This is our new section, Daily Design Classic 100. We hope to excavate the stories behind the objects in daily life from the historical origin, cultural background and design connotation. They may be inconspicuous, but they are crucial. The 100 designs will include: pencils, paper clips, rubber bands, baseball, tea bags, Rubik's cube, cube sugar how to avoid hot coffee from portable

This is our new section, Daily Design Classic 100. We hope to excavate the stories behind the objects in daily life from the historical origin, cultural background and design connotation. They may be inconspicuous, but they are crucial.

The 100 designs will include: pencils, paper clips, rubber bands, baseball, tea bags, Rubik's cube, sugar cubes.

How to prevent hot coffee from spilling out of portable cups without cooling it?


Solving this problem involves engineering and sometimes practical decoration, which is almost complex enough to write a doctoral thesis on design review.


At first, the coffee cup lid was a nondescript piece of cardboard, and then a plastic lid appeared-with a circular edge on the edge to increase strength. In the 1980s, there were cup lids with small holes that could be opened, so that they did not have to open the whole lid, replacing the previous ones with flat edges.


Designer Jack Clements, made the lid look like a dome so that people could smell the aroma of coffee while drinking it so that they would feel more enjoyable when drinking it.


When the frothy cappuccino and latte became popular, this unique design made the Solo cup lid unexpectedly the only winner. With the fierce competition in the cup lid industry, the rapid success of Solo coffee cup lid has also brought a lot of imitators.


Solo introduced a conical paper cup in 1940, from which the company got its name.


Not long ago, Solo launched an upgraded Solo Traveler coffee cup lid with a small hole in the edge that drinkers can easily open and close with one hand.


Finally, let's take a look at the Star Wars coffee lids sent by our ZUO users:


Source; ZUO design