Coffee review

The cafe will deliberately leave the door open after closing, and the scene a few minutes later makes the corners of the eyes wet!

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Thank you! The economic crisis in Greece has seriously affected people's lives, and many people have been forced to abandon their pets and let them wander the streets. The following cafe called Hott Spott is doing its best to ensure the quality of life of stray animals. Every night after the cafe closes, the owner lets stray dogs into it to have a rest. The dogs lined up the pictures of sleeping in their seats.

Thank you!

Greece's economic crisis has severely affected people's lives, and many people have been forced to abandon their pets and let them roam the streets. Here's a cafe called Hott Spott that does its best to ensure the quality of life of stray animals. Every night after the cafe closes, the owner lets stray dogs rest in it. The images of dogs sleeping in a line on their seats are heartwarming.

Every night after the cafe closes, stray dogs come in to rest.


Since July, dogs have been coming to the cafe every night, and guests are understanding.


Lesbos, the island where the cafe is located, is known for receiving large numbers of Syria refugees. The spirit of unity between man and animals against disasters is touching.


Coffee shop owners said that although people had to abandon their pets, their love for dogs had not changed. Many stray dogs have collars around their necks and people take care of them spontaneously. They are no longer pets of one family, but pets of all. Share it and let more people see this cafe full of love.

Pet Help Adoption Center: China's largest free adoption platform for stray pets

Official WeChat subscription number: Pet Help Adoption Center

WeChat: PetBang2014

Source: Pet Gang Leader