Coffee review

Yunnan Pu'er coffee

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Interview with Shen Peiping, deputy to the National people's Congress and secretary of the Pu'er Municipal CPC Committee [host]: 10:00 on March 2, 2012, Shen Peiping, deputy to the National people's Congress and secretary of the Pu'er Municipal CPC Committee, visited the people's Daily. Please pay attention! [17:13] [host]: Hello, netizens, welcome to the series of interviews with local leaders of the 2012 people's Network special report on the two sessions of the people's Network. I'm Yixin, the host. It gives me great pleasure to invite you today

Interview with Shen Peiping, deputy to the National people's Congress and secretary of the Pu'er Municipal CPC Committee.

[moderator]: 10:00 on March 2, 2012, Shen Peiping, deputy to the National people's Congress and secretary of the Pu'er Municipal CPC Committee, visited the people's Daily. Please pay attention! [17:13]

[host]: Hello, netizens. Welcome to the 2012 people's Daily special report on the two sessions of the people's Daily, a series of interviews with local leaders of the two sessions. I'm Yixin, the host. It gives me great pleasure to invite Comrade Shen Peiping, secretary of the CPC Pu'er Municipal CPC Committee, today. Hello, Secretary Shen. [10:07]

[Shen Peiping]: Hello, everyone is friendly to the Internet. [10:08]

[host]: thank you again for being a guest of the people's Daily online during the two sessions. [10:08]

[host]: Secretary Shen, many netizens are very familiar with Pu'er and have a lot of questions to ask you. Today, let's start with tea. Because Pu'er City is named after Pu'er tea. Today's interview was announced before, and our netizens were particularly interested in saying that you are a particularly flesh-and-blood and educated leader. What do you think of such a comment from netizens? [10:10]

[Shen Peiping]: in the past, when I was a guest at CCTV and the people's Daily, there may be some literary and artistic language. From this point of view, I also think it is possible. [10:11]

[host]: today, we will let our netizens appreciate your elegant demeanor again through these 30 to 40 minutes. We all know that Pu'er has made a green and developing city business card in recent years. Could you tell us what attempts Pu'er has made in terms of green development? [10:12]

[Shen Peiping]: Pu'er is a place with very good green ecological conditions, with a forest coverage rate of 67%. Its area is already large, 9,000 square kilometers larger than Taiwan and 10,000 square kilometers larger than Hainan, coupled with its 67% forest coverage, especially the forest coverage of Simao City, where the municipal government is located, is 80%. Once inside, it feels like you're in a green ocean. This 67% or 80%, not counting those tea fields, coffee fields and so on, plus some high-end animals and high-end plants, all of a sudden linked with the ecology, naturally there is a very good natural environment. [10:13]

[host]: if it is introduced in this way, we netizens don't know much about it. I read on the Internet yesterday that one hour of sleep in Pu'er is equivalent to three hours of sleep in Kunming. [10:14]

[Shen Peiping]: to a certain extent, this is reasonable. The content of negative oxygen ions is now divided into seven levels in the world. The first level is less than 600 per cubic centimeter of air-negative oxygen ions are extremely good for human health. More than 2100 is the highest level. Pu'er is almost all over 2100. In some places, it reaches more than 20, 000, 10, 000, which is most beneficial to human health. It is true that Pu'er has good air quality, high negative oxygen ions, and no feeling of tiredness when it sleeps. [10:17]

[host]: I believe after hearing your introduction, many netizens also want to go to Pu'er to have a good sleep and have a good rest. [10:17]

[Shen Peiping]: since the beginning of this year, we have focused on green development, and this year we have developed cultural health-preserving industries and modern biological industries in this direction. Attracted high-end people at home and abroad, are more yearning for green, ecological. The trend you are talking about is becoming more and more obvious. [10:19]

[host]: today we talk about Pu'er, speak Pu'er and speak Pu'er. First of all, I believe that many netizens are as interested in Pu'er tea as I am. At the two sessions in Yunnan Province, which just ended a few days ago, you said that I would bring the "three treasures" of Pu'er to the two national conferences. There are two of the "three treasures" of Pu'er. One is Pu'er tea, and the other is Pu'er coffee. First of all, can you tell us about Pu'er tea? [10:19]

[Shen Peiping]: the third item is Dendrobium candidum in Pu'er. Pu'er tea, coffee and Dendrobium are the three treasures of Pu'er. In recent years, all parts of the country, including our Pu'er, have developed rapidly and by leaps and bounds, and the local economy has sprung up at once. I remember General Secretary Hu Jintao made such a judgment at Yale University in April 2006. He said that in 15 years' time, that is, by 2020, China's GDP would reach 4 trillion US dollars, with a per capita of 3,000 yuan. In fact, this goal will be achieved in 2009. General Secretary Hu Jintao predicted 2020, which he said in his speech at Yale University. We achieved it in 2009 and 2010, and last year we exceeded it. [10:24]

[Shen Peiping]: under such a background, we are more likely to develop moderately and by leaps and bounds, and we hope that there are two prerequisites under the prospect of leapfrog development: one is green development, which is carried out without damaging the ecological environment; the second is to achieve relatively harmonious social development, that is, development under the premise of social stability and national unity, and then leapfrog. I think this premise summarizes a quality and defines development under the premise of good quality to carry out rapid development. Otherwise, our development is unsustainable or hopeless. [10:25]

[Shen Peiping]: under the guidance of such a big background or concept of green development, we have a series of development plans, such as the development plan of the tea industry, the development plan of the coffee industry, the development plan of fishery and animal husbandry, and the development plan of biomedicine and green ecological food, so that nature, Pu'er and Pu'er tea are linked together. During the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty, it was around 1570, and the earliest written record of Pu'er tea was 1570. More than 150 years later, in 1729, in the seventh year of Emperor Yongzheng of the Qing Dynasty, Pu'er House was set up. It can be said that there was Pu'er Tea and then Pu'er House. Some people say that Pu'er tea belongs to Pu'er House, which is wrong. in fact, Pu'er House gets its name because of Pu'er tea, and the title of Pu'er continues. [10:28]

[Shen Peiping]: developing Pu'er tea is one of our directions. But Pu'er tea has its weakness, one cake, one brick, one tuo, what the ancestors left behind is a good thing. In the modern fast-paced way of life, it seems somewhat inadequate in the process of a local product moving towards China and internationalization. For example, it is not easy to make tea in the traditional way. For example, in the process of transportation, it is inconvenient to move a large cake and a large brick in a large pile. We combine the modern way, combined with Pu'er tea for a long time, like traditional Chinese medicine, to a certain extent, it is indeed effective. We have made a "three-sex product of six modernizations", which means digitalization, branding, effectiveness, scale, purchase and marketing, and internationalization. The "three natures" are convenience, safety and effectiveness. [10:31]

[Shen Peiping]: for example, Dipo'er, which we made with Tianshili Pharmaceutical Group in Tianjin, is made into Dipo'er tea, which is a bit like instant coffee, and has a very good effect on reducing fat and sugar. When you go on a business trip, take a box with you and drink it in a bag. It's very convenient. Therefore, we use the concept of green environmental protection, the concept of high-tech research and development, with the concept of increasing added value to achieve a high degree of continuous development of Pu'er tea. [10:33]

[host]: you mentioned this. I remembered a report a few days ago that foreigners could not understand the ten habits of Chinese people, one of which is that foreigners are used to drinking coffee. As you just mentioned, you can drink it with hot water. You can drink a cup of coffee all afternoon. However, when Chinese people drink tea, they have to boil water there all day, and then pour a pot of boiling water into a very small cup. In fact, such problems will not arise again. Foreigners can also drink Chinese Pu'er tea like coffee. [10:34]

[Shen Peiping]: it will still appear, but it has a distinction. Some people who like to taste tea do as before, but some people who are willing to drink tea in a modern way can use this way, like the way foreigners like to use, that is, fast-paced, fast-drinking tea, and quickly achieve some functional effects. it can be replaced in this way, it can not be said to be no, it can only be said to add a choice. [10:35]

[host]: you can choose according to your own needs. [10:35]

[Shen Peiping]: yes, the era of diversification should be the realization of services for diversified needs, and we are working in this direction. [10:36]

[host]: just now we mentioned what kind of thinking the development of Pu'er tea industry will follow in the future. next, can you talk to us about Pu'er coffee? we know that Pu'er has another goal. To build China's "coffee capital". [10:37]

[Shen Peiping]: coffee, it should be said that in China, Pu'er accounts for 58% of China's coffee output and 60% of Yunnan Province. Because Yunnan Province accounts for 98% of China's total coffee production. In addition to Yunnan, I used to know that there was a little bit more in Hainan, and there were too few places suitable for planting. [10:38]

[Shen Peiping]: it is not my "every potter praises his pot", to be honest, because this is a phenomenon. From 2005 to 2007, there was an evaluation of coffee in the United States, and there was a very scientific score. The historical champion was Colombian coffee. After this comprehensive score, Colombian coffee scored 85.89 points, while our Pu'er coffee scored 88.75 points, almost 3 points higher than the previous champions. [10:41]

[Shen Peiping]: the audience will have a question right away. How can you say that? Why didn't we hear about it? I haven't heard of it either. I didn't even feel it myself in the past, but later I was shocked to know this conclusion. Why don't I know? Professionals told me that in the past, all our good coffee was acquired by international companies such as Nestl é and Starbucks, and used in their coffee blending ingredients, so they did not form an independent product. Later, both Nestl é and Shangdao, especially Starbucks, carried out strategic cooperation with us to carry out deep processing there. The president of Starbucks said to me, "for example, in 2010, if it is said that the coffee at Starbucks stores in China is 3 US dollars per cup, our coffee here can be as good as 7 to 8 US dollars as Blue Mountain Coffee, I will tell you quietly." It's a secret. Don't tell it. I told it today. Recently, he visited us and gave us a score of 81.5. Blue Mountain Coffee only needs to exceed 75 points. We have exceeded the minimum standard of 6.5 points for Blue Mountain Coffee, that is to say, it is the best coffee that has emerged at present. This is number one. [10:43]

[Shen Peiping]: second, the current sales volume of coffee in the world is 8 million tons, while that in our place is only about 30, 000 tons. Its small quantity limits its spread speed. Because there is no quantity, ah, of course, our goal is 100000 tons of coffee, which will be formed in the next three to five years. Now we are increasing by 150000 tons every year. It is estimated that we can complete 100000 tons of coffee in five years, forming a product of great depth and an output value of tens of billions of dollars. [10:45]

[host]: I have a question here. Ask you on behalf of our netizens, when can we have our Pu'er coffee in China or the ones you just mentioned, such as Starbucks and Shangdao? [10:45]

[Shen Peiping]: now there is a coffee company in Pu'er, which is also a cooperation of an American company. now it cooperates with Starbucks to form a coffee under the guidance of Starbucks, but we did not bring it because of today's limited conditions. Love coffee, which is made according to Starbucks standards, is particularly fragrant and contains a variety of flavors, including Indian, French, American, Italian, and moderate coffee that is suitable for all cities. Coffee is better roasted beans, not instant. It's on the market now. [10:47]

[host]: if our netizens are interested, they can also drink it. [10:47]

[Shen Peiping]: it's called Aichi Coffee. [10:47]

[host]: our interested netizens can record it. Through your introduction just now, I think of a sentence that both hands should be grasped and both hands should be hard, that is, the tea industry and coffee industry are a major direction and focus for the future development of Pu'er. So, if both industries are to develop rapidly, will there be some conflicts and contradictions? [10:48]

[Shen Peiping]: how to say this? originally, coffee, tea and Dendrobium are all beverages. On the surface, you seem to be a contradictory thing. It seems that this share is good as long as it is high-end. In the beverage industry, it appears to be in conflict, but in fact it is complementary. Its complementarity lies in different periods of time, for example, I drink a cup of coffee in the morning, and I drink tea, especially Pu'er tea, from the afternoon. For example, some people, people who have just graduated from college, more people like to drink coffee. People over middle age are more likely to drink tea because coffee is very irritating after all. It's like 16-year-olds may be smoking, while 40-year-olds are quitting. I think there is also the incomplete exclusion of age. Some people drink coffee, Dendrobium and Pu'er tea, while others drink what kind of things they mainly drink, what they drink at what age, or what they drink at what time. Drink another thing at another time. For example, drinking is also a drink, drinking may be more during meals, drinking coffee may be a little more in the morning, young people may be round-the-clock, people of a certain age, especially at night, dare not drink it, he will drink it at different times. There is also a personal preference, and I don't think it's contradictory. Just like we eat vegetables, for example, I like chicken, you like fish, you can't just serve fish, it can be dazzling on the table, just like there are so many goods in our supermarket, it's up to you to choose to meet the rich and colorful needs of our time, pluralistic era, is that the truth? [10:51]

[host]: yes. This is based on the habits of our ordinary people's choices and tastes. From the point of view of our municipal party committee's support and assistance to these two industries, will there be some contradictions in support? [10:51]

[Shen Peiping]: no. Our leading cadres always say, "play the piano with ten fingers." Tea should be grown at an altitude of more than 1300 meters, and coffee at an altitude of 1300 meters or 1800 meters. There is a biggest contradiction in coffee, that is, it is afraid of frost. If there is frost, you will die. As long as you are in the woods, the higher the altitude, the better its quality, and its growing period is long. Why is our coffee good? There are only two reasons, the first is high altitude, and the other is on the Tropic of Cancer. It is the same as Colombia, the Tropic of Cancer is high in Shanghai, as long as there is no frost, this is the best coffee. The higher the altitude, the higher the selling price of coffee. We call it "high price of height". [10:53]

[host]: just now we introduced the two major industries of Pu'er, one is the tea industry, the other is the coffee industry. Just now you mentioned a number is a goal mentioned by the General Secretary in 2020. Well, here I would like to ask you, does Pu'er have any goals in the next few years? Because we know that 2012 is the year of the 12th five-year Plan, and 2011 is the beginning year. Could you tell us how to assume the role of the connecting link between the preceding and the following? [10:53]

[Shen Peiping]: in the next five years, our idea is to develop by leaps and bounds. GDP growth will be very high, even to 15-20%. It is indeed too high, and we will develop by leaps and bounds. Netizens are not in a hurry. I have been emphasizing just now that the concept of Pu'er development is green, which is to develop by leaps and bounds on the premise of green and harmonious development. If it were not for those two premises, we would not cross over, and we would not want it. In a word, high speed under the premise of the pursuit of high quality, this is certain. Over the past five and seven years, our practice has proved this point. In the past two years, we have tried our best to protect our ecology. Our ecological coverage has increased from 62.9% to 67%. Even 4,000 square kilometers in Simao District is not small, reaching 80%. [10:55]

[Shen Peiping]: in the past two years, in order to protect the ecology, we have formulated a series of laws and regulations and a series of measures, including the strong attention of our leaders. For example, in the past few years, I have called the county and district secretary and the county mayor to see which area is burning the forest. Hundreds of mu of forest have been cut down. Under such an idea, for example, in 2004, we had more than 470 wood processing factories, but now we have only more than 200, cut down more than 200, cut down wood processing factories, and are gone. For example, in 2004 we had only five elephants, last year we had 71 wild elephants, and all the animals came back and increased. The number of plants has also increased. Why? The past few years have been the fastest growing period in the history of Pu'er City. I remember that our GDP in 2004 was 9.14 billion yuan, and last year it was 30.1 billion yuan 20 million, an increase of a little more than two times, with a ratio of 1 to 3. It is such a rapid development, almost more than 14% a year, but our green space has also increased, and our industrial ecology has become more. For example, we do not have a smelting industry, no chemical industry, and we do not want high-pollution industries. Pu'er 's blue sky, white clouds, green mountains, green water, wild ducks, green plants, wild diversity of animals and plants have been protected, and nature conservation societies have been attracted. It also includes some big entrepreneurs who go to Pu'er and think that there is still such a good ecological place. Under such circumstances, we have achieved rapid development. [10:58]

[Shen Peiping]: along this road, we are fast, but the premise is high-quality, green, ecological, environmentally friendly and harmonious. In two words, green is to protect the ecology and not to destroy the environment; harmony is social stability and does not create social contradictions. There will be contradictions, but there can be no excessive or conflicting contradictions. It is a big concept for people to develop in relative peace and contentment. [10:58]

[Shen Peiping]: therefore, we have proposed that in the next five years, it is necessary to go from 30.1 billion to 100 billion, more than triple, 301 times 3 o'clock to reach 100 billion. This time, we proposed that Pu'er should develop rapidly, because if the per capita GDP of Pu'er is 40, 000, China may be close to 100 billion, and we still have a gap. Our current gap is 1/3 of the country, and by that time we will become about 60% of the country's total. This will be a big leap, and we will protect that area of ecology. [11:00]

[Shen Peiping]: let me cite a few examples. Let's talk about ecological development. Under the circumstances of maintaining biological diversity and maintaining a substantial increase in forest cover and greening, we can achieve our development without pollution or small pollution. If the CPPCC National Committee determined that the green GDP for us last year was 95%, it would have reached 97% and 98% in the future. [11:01]

[Shen Peiping]: think about how green the green GDP is. In recent years, when we were carrying out economic forest transformation, its market price was relatively poor, with all kinds of alder, camphor tree, rattan and dried radish, but the ecological quality was very high and it was very good for purifying the air, so we kept it. The original plan was 5 million mu, but later more than 4 million mu were left behind, because we now have an area of more than 40 million mu of woodland. It would be a pity to cut down 5 million mu. To plant local trees, there is no water, no biodiversity. In biology, once a plant community is destroyed, it will take 150 years to restore its biodiversity, including its animal system, plant system, and microbial system. [11:03]

[Shen Peiping]: second, let me tell you another story, which used to be our trauma. In a small village in Lancang County, we developed the rubber industry in the past and planted more than 10,000 mu, with a per capita of more than 10 mu, or even 20 mu. On average, it is 10 mu or 20 mu, but people are rich. In the past, the places where we grew rubber were wild bamboo and elephants. Elephants loved to eat. There were 13 elephants there. Later, their habitat was destroyed and there was no way out. What should I do? Elephants go to the common people's fields to eat, eat bracts and other crops planted by ordinary people, and people grow bananas and millets. People say that elephants spoil our bananas. Some people set off firecrackers with their heads beating and drumming, and install firecrackers in buckets to drive elephants away. That time, the elephants were driven away. The second time, when the elephants quit, the elephants came back to retaliate. More than a dozen elephants ran to the village to chase their intruders. The old ladies ran, and after they ran, the old lady fell. The elephant rolled up the old lady with his trunk, put it on the side of the road and sat down. He knew that the old lady had not hurt them and was looking for young men. The villager was chased by an elephant. the elephant held him up to the sky with his trunk, fell in mid-air, and killed him several times in a row, not letting the villagers touch the man. Two hours later, the elephant saw that he was boring and left. After the man was buried, the elephant knew, removed his grave and threw his body out. The elephant understood human nature. Later, we learned that we made an "elephant canteen". We planted more than 200 mu and 300 mu, specially planted bananas and corn for elephants to eat, and we lost money for the common people. [11:06]

[Shen Peiping]: last year, there were wildlife accidents in ten counties and districts of Pu'er City. It cannot be said that there is anything wrong with wild animals. First of all, human greed has occupied their habitat. I think this world is the world of elephants. If you occupy other people's habitat, they will retaliate against you. There is nothing it can do. Later, we planted an "elephant canteen" and set up an elephant canteen and a wildlife canteen. In this area alone, we have set up more than 200 to 300 mu, specially built for elephants to eat, including some in other places. [11:07]

[Shen Peiping]: last year's compensation for animal accidents in Pu'er City was 7.7 million yuan. In this way, the elephants have changed from 5 at that time to 71 wild elephants today, some of which are from other places or even from abroad. Across from us are Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam. Some are newly produced. This is true of elephants, and so are many other animals. In history, we had rhinos, but then there were none, and now some wild rhinos have come back. [11:08]

[Shen Peiping]: in addition to the conventional greening and brightening projects, we have done some projects that you have never heard of. We have now done wild projects, wildlife projects, wetland projects, urban landscape projects, cultural projects, food projects, hotel projects, and health conservation projects, especially wildlife projects, good water projects, and wildflower projects. When you walk around some highways in Pu'er, there are many wild flowers called "when mountain flowers are in full bloom". Wild animals jump up and down, forming a good plant system, microbial system and animal system. This is biodiversity. I understand that Pu'er belongs to Yunnan Province, the people of the whole country, and even all mankind. From this point of view, geographically speaking. [11:10]

[Shen Peiping]: from another point of view, it is not only human, but also plant, animal, and microbial. It is a Pu'er of all living things. From this point of view, we do not have the right to wipe out other plants, animals and other living things, this is our philosophy, so the past few years have been very good. In recent years, in the urban area of Pu'er, swans are flying, dragonflies, butterflies are flying, and bugs are singing, which shows that our ecology is too good from another point of view. [11:11]

[host]: it shows that Pu'er is a paradise for natural health preservation. [11:11]

[Shen Peiping]: yes, that's the truth. [11:11]

[host]: through the many vivid stories you just told, we can also learn about some of the characteristics of Pu'er that are different from those of other places. The next topic I would like to talk to you about is travel. When it comes to tourism, we have to mention Yunnan, and let's talk about Pu'er. We all know that Pu'er is a place where ethnic minorities live together, and there are many ethnic minorities with their own characteristics. How to combine these ethnic cultures with our tourism? what consideration does our municipal party committee and municipal government have? [11:12]

[Shen Peiping]: pu'er, we call it Pu'er culture. There are four cultures under Pu'er culture, the biggest is Pu'er tea culture, the second is ecological culture, the third is port culture, and there are minority cultures. As mentioned just now, Pu'er tea culture has a history of more than 1000 years and 2000 years, and has formed a unique variety called Pu'er tea, which is one of the six major tea categories in China. [11:13]

[Shen Peiping]: ecological culture has just said that 67% of the forest coverage does not include plants such as tea and coffee trees, and those green grasslands do not count. If this is included, our green area will reach almost 90%. This is an ecological culture. When we talk about ecological culture, including biological diversity and large coverage of plants, we say that we can see the forest with green sea, listen to the natural sounds of birds, breathe refreshing air, drink Miaoman's long Pu'er tea, pure fragrant coffee, and very effective Dendrobium. Its ecology, including biodiversity, as I have just introduced, so many animals, so many high-end plants, close to more than 6, 000 kinds of high-end plants, including more than 1900 kinds of animals, really make you very interesting. It is a paradise and world for all kinds of animals and plants. [11:14]

[Shen Peiping]: Port culture. In Yunnan Province and even the whole of China, one city is bordered by three countries. We are the only one in Yunnan Province, and it turned out to be the only one in China, but after the disintegration of the former Soviet Union, after it became a large number of small countries, Xinjiang also had such a city. The three countries are opposite, and its various production and life styles and its various national characteristics have formed a kind of border port culture. [11:16]

[Shen Peiping]: the biggest culture, where we still have minority culture, netizens may be familiar with the "Brother and Sister Friendship" in "Lushan Love Song". A song of the Lahu nationality says that they are very loyal to love. As soon as the young men and women get married, they spend 24 hours together except when they go to the toilet. This is in the past, but it has changed a little now, but this tradition still exists. So it produced the song of "Lushan Love Song" and "Brother and sister friendship is long". [11:17]

[Shen Peiping]: there is also a song of the WA nationality in Ximeng. Some time ago, there was a "Dream Choir" on CCTV, and Pu'er was the champion. It is these folk songs that make the audience scream, shock the audience, get high marks and win the championship. In 2007, we were on CCTV CCTV "the Ten most attractive cities in China that deserve to be recommended to the world". We won the eighth place. We had its green, ecological, civilized and dynamic. The expert was very excited after seeing it. He said that this is a place that cannot but come. He said that many entrepreneurs have now gone to Pu'er City, saying how can there still be such a good ecological place and such a good environment. [11:19]

[Shen Peiping]: together with our ethnic groups, I have said that from the perspective of aborigines, the 19th century is the Indian century, the 20th century is the gypsy century, and the 21st century should be the WA century. Its architecture, its clothing, people's skin, his language, his way of production and life make people feel that human beings still have such a beautiful nation. [11:21]

[Shen Peiping]: let me cite two examples. The training courses in the United States have been held in the Western League, which are teachers and students in the United States. Why? Just like our cadres go to Harvard, California and Yale to study, now foreigners come to us to study. During the Spring Festival, there was a class in Beijing where the chairman and CEO also went there. There were 30 people for 15 days. After the training, they said when they would come back before the training was finished. [11:22]

[Shen Peiping]: I have told you so much, that is to say, we have protected those ecological cultures and those national cultures. Therefore, we now have an idea, that is, by building the ecological environment, building the ecological industry, building the ecological culture, opening up the ecological channel, and finally reaching the ecological destination, is to build a happy, happy and wonderful Pu'er homeland, which belongs not only to us, but also to all mankind, and is a passageway for us to come out and outsiders to enter. I think it is the yellow civilization that people have passed through in the agricultural society, and the black civilization that has passed through the industrialized society. When we are reviving today, when we call for the safety of life, the health of the human body and psychological pleasure, we are calling for a green civilization. What we yearn for is a destination of happiness, happiness and Miaoman's Pu'er home. [11:23]

[Shen Peiping]: from this point of view, we build a kind of green and ecological tourism. If our industry is green ecology, it includes Pu'er home of tourism, vacation and health preservation industry. There has been a big phenomenon since last year. Outsiders buy a lot of houses in Pu'er. About 2/3 of some good properties are bought by outsiders because the price is cheap, four or five thousand yuan per square meter. You can buy ten square meters here for one square meter in Beijing. The ecology here is difficult to reach in other parts of China, so our goal and orientation is ecological and green tourism. No matter eating, drinking and spreading here, it is a brand-new concept for people to live in. Foreigners especially like this place, and the reasons have something to do with this. [11:24]

[host]: I also hope that more and more people will go to Pu'er, including people from all over the world, like Pu'er and have a look at our Miao Man's Pu'er. Due to time constraints, this is the end of today's interview. Thanks again to Secretary Shen for sharing lively and interesting stories with us. At the same time, he also introduced to our netizens the omni-directional, particularly beautiful and natural beauty of Pu'er. [11:25]

[Shen Peiping]: thank you, netizens. Welcome to Pu'er. If we say that the people of Pu'er want you to go is a contribution to Pu'er, at the same time, Pu'er protects those green ecology, cultural ecology, architectural ecology, and food ecology, and it is also a contribution to all mankind. it is also a contribution to all netizens, and we use this contribution to wait for your arrival. [