Coffee review

The life of buying coffee beans can be very coffee.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, How to buy coffee beans? Brazil, Colombia, Indonesia coffee, mocha coffee beans, Yunnan coffee so many coffee beans from all kinds of coffee beans, how should I choose coffee beans? How to preserve the coffee beans so as not to lose their flavor? The selection and purchase of coffee beans is similar to buying fruit. Coffee beans also need to be fresh and need to be tasted and tested in person. Usually go to the market

How to buy coffee beans? Brazilian, Colombian, Indonesian coffee, mocha coffee beans, Yunnan coffee. With so many coffee beans from all kinds of producing areas, how can I choose coffee beans? How to preserve the coffee beans so as not to lose their flavor?

Selection and purchase of coffee beans

The selection of coffee beans is similar to buying fruit. Coffee beans also need to be fresh and need to be tasted and tested in person. Usually go to the market to buy fruit, how do you choose fresh and delicious fruit? Would you like to first look at its color, smell its fragrance, and try a small piece if the boss is generous? If you have this kind of experience, congratulations, you already have the basic ability to choose coffee beans. If you don't have this kind of experience, congratulations. Starting from learning to choose fresh coffee beans, your life will be more colorful.

A few key points for choosing coffee beans:

1. Smell:

Isn't it pleasant to smell the fragrance directly? If so, they are fresh coffee beans, just like choosing fruit. Accumulate the experience of buying coffee beans two or three times, and you are the expert in choosing fresh coffee beans. In addition to coffee bean stores on the market, there are many coffee packaging is based on one-way exhaust valve, so smelling fragrance is a very useful way to judge.

two。 Look:

Coffee beans can be roasted unevenly in terms of color. It is best to choose coffee beans that are well-baked so that you can make a good cup of coffee.

3. Press:

Ask your boss if you can judge the freshness of coffee beans by one or two coffee beans (usually confident store owners are willing to do so) and find a way to crush the coffee beans, which means they are fresh if they are easy to crush. If it is not easy to crush, it means that the coffee beans may have been kept for some time. However, coffee beans that are lightly roasted (lighter in color) are not easily crushed even if they are fresh. After the coffee beans are crushed, the aroma will be more obvious. Smell the fragrance, so it is easier to judge the freshness of the coffee beans. About the changes in aroma I will go to the next article on the preservation of coffee beans in detail.

4. Bite:

See if you want to try it and ask your boss for a coffee bean to bite. Coffee beans are not easy to crush, just like the step of "pressing", which can help to judge the freshness. After the coffee bean is crushed, it will show its "authentic taste" in its mouth, which is the most direct judgment. (after judgment, you can spit out the coffee bean fragments, if you want

Don't forget to ask for a glass of water when you swallow it, or it will get uncomfortable stuck in your throat.

Do you feel that it is so easy to choose coffee beans? It's not much different from the way you usually choose tea and fruit. This is the secret of biology, our sensory organs are intended to make us like fresh things, to protect us from eating bad food.