Coffee review

Bonaverde with Ayla Coffee Cloud ecosystem the world's first integrated roasting, grinding and brewing coffee machine

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Bonaverde, the maker of the world's first all-in-one roasting, grinding and brewing coffee machine, announced at a product launch during CES2016 that its coffee maker uses Ayla Networks's Internet of things (IoT) technology to connect to the cloud over Wi-Fi. The Bonaverde intelligent coffee maker connected to the Ayla cloud makes coffee by roasting and grinding the world's first coffee.

Bonaverde, the maker of the world's first all-in-one roasting, grinding and brewing coffee machine, announced at a product launch during CES2016 that its coffee maker uses Ayla Networks's Internet of things (IoT) technology to connect to the cloud over Wi-Fi.

Bonaverde Intelligent Coffee Machine connected to Ayla Cloud

By adding networking capabilities to the world's first all-in-one roasting, grinding and brewing machine, Bonaverde launched the concept of "connected coffee":

1. Coffee growers upload roasting and other information about different coffee beans to the cloud and connect them to each bag of coffee beans packed on the farm with a unique near field communication (NFC) ID.

2. Consumers buy unroasted green coffee beans from coffee growers from Bonaverde and put them in the roasting room of the all-in-one coffee machine, which then scans the near field communication (NFC) tags on the coffee bean bags.

3. The coffee all-in-one machine will then roast, grind and brew the coffee beans according to the parameter information contained in the near field communication (NFC) ID, and the cloud will push the multimedia content of the coffee beans to the user's smartphone.

Hans Stier, CEO of Bonaverde, said: "We are committed to building the world's first all-in-one roasting, grinding and brewing machine and a coffee direct marketing market: a 'coffee cloud' that connects coffee growers, retailers and consumers online. We are pleased to announce at CES that we have chosen Ayla Networks as our global Internet of things platform. "

Ayla Networks's Internet of things platform provides comprehensive device, cloud and mobile application connectivity for a variety of products. Ayla Networks enables manufacturers to deliver secure and reliable networking products with minimal time, cost and effort and provide real-world insight based on the data generated by these networked devices. Improve all aspects of their business.

David Friedman, chief executive and co-founder of Ayla Networks, said: "Ayla Networks's Internet of things platform allows manufacturers such as Bonaverde to launch safe and reliable Internet products in the shortest time, cost and effort. Coffee is just the beginning, and there are more fun things waiting for users, manufacturers and Ayla to dig together."

The Bonaverde coffee maker is expected to go on sale in 2016, with price information kept secret for the time being. Consumers can log on to to buy Bonaverde coffee beans that Bonaverde calls "coffee changers" (Coffee Changers).

Bonaverde's Coffee Cloud ecosystem also includes brick-and-mortar retailers called Coffee Corners, which can enjoy an one-year premium membership for $700 to serve Bonaverde coffee drinks. Consumers with valid Coffee changers membership can enjoy free coffee at any "Bonverde Coffee Corner".

Source: CCTIME Flying Elephant Network