Coffee review

What kind of coffee you like actually shows your true inner quality, coffee art and fashion.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Friends who like the smell of coffee, are you the one who must get up early in the morning and drink coffee before the day begins? Or are you an office worker who always asks for a cup of coffee in the afternoon? The essential coffee in daily life can not only help relieve stress and refresh the brain, but also symbolize a person's personality and traits. Shared by Internet writer Lauren Fisher

Friends who like coffee fragrance, are you the one who gets up early and must drink coffee before the day starts? Or are you the office worker who always orders a cup of coffee in the afternoon? Coffee, a must-have in daily life, not only helps relieve stress and cheer up, but also symbolizes a person's personality and characteristics. You are what you "Order" by Lauren Fisher, an online writer.

1. Black Coffee = Minimalist

via @coffeenclothes Instagram

You like black coffee, you are a modern person living in the city, you pursue minimalism in everything, you like to wear black, white, two kinds of versatile colors as your modeling style, without too many accessories, through your purest personality, showing natural taste.

2. Latte = Classics

via @coffeenclothes Instagram

You like latte, is immersed in classic elements of fashionable people, with personal style, you like to use T-shirt, sweater and tannin, as a matching element, through a relaxed clean shape, showing the original personal characteristics.

3. Espresso ="Fashionista"

via @coffeenclothes Instagram

You like espresso coffee, have a distinct personal style, you are not afraid to show your enthusiasm and dressing philosophy, boldly try a variety of dresses, you will spend a lot of time because of how to match before going out.

4. Iced Coffee ="Popster"

via @coffeenclothes Instagram

You like iced coffee, always walk in the forefront of the trend, you regularly watch fashion magazines, popular websites, have many fashionable accessories of the season, must be fashionable from head to toe, do not allow any season.

5. Cappucino ="Retro"

via @coffeenclothes Instagram

You like cappuccino, like to try retro, antique and other classic dress, whether it is parents 'classic items or worthy of collection, you are very fond of, through the eternal items, memorial forever.

6. Latte With Foam Art ="Artist"

via @coffeenclothes Instagram

You like to pull flower coffee, pursue the ultimate beauty of life, from exquisite accessories, clothing to furniture, show personal unique taste of life.

Source: Wuhan Tanhualin