Coffee review

There is a container coffee shop in Wuhan. Coffee in containers. Romantic experience. Recommended by Wuhan Cafe.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, On 824 Creative Street, Guishan North Road, there is a very interesting white container. The box is not goods, but a small shop called jagged container coffee. This small container coffee shop with an area of only more than 20 square meters has a very good business, with an annual turnover of more than 100000 yuan. At about 10:00 yesterday morning, the reporter got off at Guqintai and came to 824Creative Street. It was easy to find this.

On 824 Creative Street, Guishan North Road, there is a very interesting white container. The box is not goods, but a small shop called "jagged Container Coffee". This small container coffee shop with an area of only more than 20 square meters has a very good business, with an annual turnover of more than 100000 yuan.

At about 10:00 yesterday, the reporter got off at Guqin platform and came to 824Creative Street. It was easy to find this special coffee shop-a white playful container more than 8 meters long and 3 meters wide, with colorful flowers blooming in front of the door. transparent glass doors, red maple leaf curtains …... All these make people feel comfortable.

Although the area of the container is limited, because the tables and chairs are well placed, the store can accommodate 15 or 16 people to taste coffee without appearing crowded. The weather was fine yesterday, and the sun was projected from three transparent floor-to-ceiling windows, shining warmly on the yellowish tables and chairs, feeling very warm. There are bookshelves under each small wooden table, and there are all kinds of magazines and books, such as pictorials, travel notes, beauty appreciation and so on. "I come here for coffee every week. I like the decoration and decoration style here, and the coffee tastes good." Miss Li, who was sipping coffee in the shop, told the reporter.

Talking about the origin of the container coffee shop, Xiao Dong, the manager, said that when Wang Sen, the owner of staggered coffee, came to 824 Creative Culture Street in 2011, all the factories and facades here had been rented out. Wang Sen, who paid attention to the quality of life, was reluctant to leave and finally chose a piece of open space of about 100m2 to rent it at a rent of 1200 yuan per month. "after renting the open space, Wang Sen went to great pains to find the Yangtze River Shipping Group to buy a waste container, transported the container to Creative Street, and after some careful decoration and layout, bought books, flowers, and so on. Jagged container coffee was born in this way.

According to Xiao Dong, the manager of the store, there are more than 10 varieties of coffee in the store, with prices ranging from 25 yuan to 38 yuan per cup. "the small shop is mainly a repeat customer, with a turnover of more than 100000 yuan a year."

"the coffee shop runs on a small scale. I didn't hire a waiter. I'm the manager and waiter." After a group of young customers left, Xiao Dong told reporters while grinding coffee beans that, in fact, many repeat customers here come for the taste of coffee. In order to ensure the freshness of the coffee beans, Xiao Dong's espresso beans will not be used after more than 14 days, and the coffee beans of individual coffee will not be used after 20 days.

On April 7, staggered Container Coffee held a "sensory Bar" cultural salon, where a group of coffee lovers gathered to exchange views on coffee's texture, acidity, sweetness, and simple brewing skills. "it was a very lively day. We have developed several new member consumers through the salon." Xiao Dong told reporters, "very few coffee shops welcome customers early in the morning, except this container coffee shop."

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