Coffee review

Professor Han suggested drinking coffee with a straw to prevent tooth discoloration.

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Dark foods such as curry and coffee are the main factors leading to tooth discoloration, South Korea's Chosun Ilbo reported on February 20. As the food turns yellow teeth will not return to their original state without treatment such as tooth whitening. A South Korean professor suggested that when drinking drinks such as coffee, it is best to use straws to prevent pigments from touching the surface of the teeth as much as possible. It is reported

Dark foods such as curry and coffee are the main factors leading to tooth discoloration, South Korea's Chosun Ilbo reported on February 20. As the food turns yellow teeth will not return to their original state without treatment such as tooth whitening. A South Korean professor suggested: "when drinking drinks such as coffee, it is best to use straws to prevent pigments from touching the surface of the teeth as much as possible."

It is reported that the discoloration of teeth caused by coffee, curry, chocolate and red wine is mainly due to the pigment contained in the food itself. When people eat, the pigments in the food break down into subtle compounds by chewing. They enter the teeth through tiny gaps in the enamel on the surface of the teeth and then precipitate the ivory inside the teeth.

Jin Shanying, a professor of preservation at Kyung Hee University Dental Hospital in South Korea, said that tooth color can be restored only by using tooth whitening agents such as hydrogen peroxide to decompose pigments deposited in ivory and enamel.

To prevent discoloration caused by food as much as possible, you need to prevent pigments from entering and settling in the teeth. Huang Youzhen, another professor in South Korea, said that as soon as the pigment touches the surface of the teeth, it begins to permeate and precipitate in the teeth. Pigment contact with teeth should be avoided as far as possible, and even teeth should be cleaned before infiltration.

Brush your teeth as soon as possible after eating coffee, curry and other food. Brushing your teeth can remove tartar and pigment at the same time. If you can't brush your teeth immediately, you should gargle first. Huang Youzhen also suggested: "when drinking drinks such as coffee, it is best to use straws to prevent pigments from touching the surface of teeth as much as possible."

After eating foods such as curry, it is also a good idea to eat hard fruits and vegetables such as carrots, salads and apples. Fruits and vegetables contain a lot of fiber, which can remove food residue while rubbing the surface of the teeth. In order to eat hard food, when chewing many times, the mouth will secrete a lot of saliva, which also helps to clean the surface of the teeth.

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