Coffee review

Then use 16 ways of coffee grounds to grow coffee, green barista's gift.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, 1. Fertilizer adding coffee grounds to the soil of the flowerpot may make your plants very happy, whether it is sprinkled directly on the soil surface or made into spray water, it will be good for plant growth. 2. Deodorant put the remaining coffee grounds in a bowl or in the refrigerator to remove the smell, or use it to remove the smell from your hands. 3. Repair scratched furniture, some water and coffee grounds

1. Fertilizer

Adding coffee grounds to the soil of the flowerpot may make your plants very happy, whether it is sprinkled directly on the soil surface or made into spray water, it will be good for plant growth.

2. Deodorant

Put the leftover coffee grounds in a bowl or in the refrigerator to get rid of the smell, or use it to remove the smell from your hands.

3. Repair the scratched furniture

Some water and coffee grounds can be made into a good brown dye to apply to scratched furniture feet.

4. Insect repellent

Sprinkling leftover coffee grounds in the cracks in the ground can prevent some insects from crawling in.

5. Prevent kittens from visiting

Do neighbor cats often treat your park as a "private bathroom"? If you are still worried about it, sprinkle some coffee grounds in the garden to prevent these cats from visiting and can be used as garden fertilizer.

6. Get rid of fleas

Coffee grounds can help kill fleas.

7. Remove the smell from the drainage system in the kitchen

Boiling water and coffee grounds are mixed and poured into the kitchen drainage system to help you get rid of the annoying smell in the kitchen.

8. Make your hair brighter

When shampoo, add some coffee grounds to gently massage your hair to make your hair brighter.

9. As a composting raw material

When making compost, add some coffee grounds to it to help you balance the pH of the soil.

10. Exfoliating

Gently massage the body with slightly wet coffee grounds to remove dead skin.

11. As food for earthworms

Worms living in your yard may not like coffee grounds, but earthworms living in composting boxes may like to eat coffee grounds!

12. as a dye for Easter eggs

Eggs can be dyed at Easter, not pink or blue, of course, but they can be dyed a lovely dark brown.

13. As a deodorant for shoes

Put the remaining dry coffee grounds in the shoe cabinet to deodorize.

14. Pet beautician

Mix coffee grounds with water and give the dog a bath to make the dog's hair bright.

15. Household cleaners

Just like as a skin scrub, coffee grounds can also be used as a cleaner in the kitchen.

16. Dust "reducer"

When cleaning the fireplace, sprinkle some wet coffee grounds on it to prevent dust from flying.