Coffee review

Selection and classification of hand flushing pots what brands of hand flushing pots are there? Kalita

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, We should pour water evenly on the surface of coffee, and whether it is the upper, middle or lower layer of coffee powder, we should use hot water to do the extraction movement. if the water flow is not concentrated enough, the water will easily stay on top, resulting in a single powder layer extracted for too long. Therefore, if you just pour hot water into the filter cup, this action can only be called brewing coffee, not brewing coffee, layer.

We should pour water evenly on the surface of coffee, and whether it is the upper, middle or lower layer of coffee powder, we should use hot water to do the extraction movement. if the water flow is not concentrated enough, the water will easily stay on top, resulting in a single powder layer extracted for too long. Therefore, if you just pour hot water into the filter cup, this action can only be called brewing coffee, rather than brewing coffee. The coffee powder stacked in the filter cup needs hot water to accelerate the extraction and release. If you can soak all the coffee particles in water within a short period of time, you can not only evenly extract the coffee liquid, but also avoid excessive soaking in the water, resulting in bitterness!

At this time, the hand-punching pot is a major point, and it must have the following conditions:

Condition 1: broad design at the bottom

The broad design of the bottom helps to control the water pressure, especially when the amount of water is reduced, the area provided by the wide bottom can greatly stabilize the water pressure.

Condition 2: stable water supply, can not be large or small or even intermittent

Hand-brewed coffee, as its name implies, uses the impulse of a water column to achieve the effect of extraction. A stable and uninterrupted water column allows coffee particles to tumble evenly without precipitating them to the bottom because of the discontinuity of the water column.

Condition 3: the pressure of the water column should be large enough, but not reliable to achieve it.

The water pressure can help the particles in the filter paper to tumble, yes, but the condition of the water pressure is the impulse of the water, which is not given by a large water column, because the large water column will easily cause too much water, and the exhaust of coffee particles will be blocked. When the water column becomes larger, you can pull up the height to make the water column thinner, so you can slowly roll the coffee, and you are not afraid that the amount of water will suddenly increase.

Kalita hand punch pot

This is a common hand flushing pot design, the kettle body is extended to the top to slowly shrink, so that the weight is concentrated at the bottom, so that when circling, the water in the kettle is not easy to shake, concentrate on the water at the bottom, and can also increase the water pressure. through the thin spout, so that the poured water column can have a certain pressure to brew coffee, more importantly, it can make the water stable and uninterrupted.

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The kettle body is not much different, but in the design of the spout, it will become a thick to fine design, connecting the kettle body thicker, can continue the water pressure generated by the kettle body, just like when we vigorously squeeze the air produced by plastic bags, this design allows the kettle body to do two-stage pressurization, so that when pouring water, there is no need for a large column of water to have enough water pressure into the seal.

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The hand flushing pot widens the part of the spout, and the part of the mouth at the end is pulled like a bird's beak, so that the water pressure can be increased, and the thin column of water alone can produce enough impulse to allow coffee particles to meet the need for extraction. but also because the mouth is very large, so that this kind of hand pot is not suitable for shaking the kettle; making it stable to provide a small column of water is the focus of the original design.