Coffee review

Honduras New Deal to reduce the size of coffee producing areas boutique coffee beans

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Everything happens for a reason, the berries believe. What you sow, you reap. Because it is now; it is the future. And we can't predict what the future results will be, so grasp the "cause" of your own species, cherish what you have in front of you, and if you want to change, there will be different results. So don't forget the original heart, stick to yourself. After all, whether the "fruit" is good or bad, the process of heart is worthy of praise.

Everything has a cause and effect, and the berry couple believes in it. If you sow the cause, there will be fruit. Because, it is the present; the result is the future. And we can not predict the future results, so make good use of their own "cause", cherish what we have in front of us, if we want to change, there will be different results. So don't forget the original ideal and ambition, stick to yourself. After all, no matter whether the "fruit" is good or bad, the process of attentiveness is praiseworthy.

What the Honduran government is doing today can be described as "tearing down the east wall and mending the west wall". Because some coffee farms suffer from leaf rust, they give up the cultivation of coffee and change it to cocoa, which is a temporary cure rather than a permanent cure. However, the transformation of agriculture will lead to a decline in GDP and an increase in unemployment. As the saying goes, "every other line is like a mountain". How can those farmers who have grown coffee for many years find a way to grow cocoa in a short period of time? If the Government does not give technical support and spiritual encouragement to the cultivation of cocoa, how can the effect of transformation be achieved? What is more, training and popularization are not a small expenditure for the Government. Will the Honduran government give those coffee farmers technical training in cocoa cultivation? In the end, we still ignore the farmers who are in dire straits.

Let's take a look at how coffee professionals in the United States, as coffee consumers, report it.

(following is the translation)

Title: "the Honduran government has transformed the cultivation of cocoa due to coffee leaf rust."

Author: Nick Brown released on September 1, 2015


According to a recent report released by Reuters Africa, leaders of the Honduran Ministry of Agriculture plan to convert 8% of the country's coffee farms to cocoa.

The news came from the country's Ministry of Economic Development and the National Coffee Association ihcafe told Reuters that Alden Rivera, the country's minister of economic development, pointed out that as many coffee farms are affected by particularly serious leaf rust, if cocoa is not converted, the economic harvest of 20000 hectares of coffee-growing areas will be affected next year or even several years.

Due to the impact of leaf rust disaster, the harvest of small coffee farms in Honduras has been seriously affected. The country has made a great contribution to promoting the weight of coffee production throughout the brotherly countries of China and the United States. According to the coffee report released by the United States Department of Agriculture, Honduras will set a new record of 5.9 million bags of raw coffee beans in this coffee crop year (this year's harvest). The USDA also pointed out that Honduras will overtake Indonesia in total coffee exports for the first time in 2015-16 because the country has successfully developed new coffee species resistant to leaf rust and will have its first bumper harvest this year.

The policy of agricultural transformation adopted by the Honduran government is closely related to the 18-month low of the raw coffee bean market. Many futures analysts predict that stocks in many major coffee-producing countries will rise in the near future, but this is only a prediction. As of this book, the latest futures coffee price is $1.1705.

Berries popularize what is coffee leaf rust for everyone.

Coffee leaf rust, Coffee Leaf Rust. The most destructive coffee tree disease is caused by coffee camel rust (Hemileia vastatrix). The disease has long occurred in coffee-producing areas such as Africa, the near East and India, Asia and Australasia. It first appeared in the Western Hemisphere in 1970 and was found in Brazil. Once thriving coffee plantations in Sri Lanka and Java were destroyed by the disease. The symptoms are small yellow oil spots on the surface of the leaves, then expand into bright orange to red spots, and finally turn brown with a yellow edge. The rust spore pile is located on the lower surface of the leaf, orange-yellow, and then turned black. The diseased leaves droop and fall off gradually, and the plant dies within a few years. The method of control is to spray fungicides in time during the wet season; plantations in some areas have moved to cooler places at an altitude of 1800 to 2100 meters (6000,7000ft), where rust is not easy to reproduce. The implementation of quarantine also reduces the chances of long-distance dissemination.

In fact, the disease is preventable. As long as you spread the knowledge of prevention to coffee farmers, you will not get the disease.

Shade trees should be planted properly in ① Coffee Garden

② makes full use of the ecological effect of windbreak forest

Reasonable close planting of ③

④ does a good job in inter-garden hygiene.

Rational fertilization of ⑤

Resistant varieties were selected by ⑥.

In addition, chemical control can also be used: at present, the main pesticides used to control coffee rust are copper-containing fungicides and internal absorption fungicides. Among the copper-containing fungicides, 0.5% alkaline or neutral Bordeaux solution is the most common, followed by 50% cuprous oxide wettable powder, with a concentration of 0.35%, 0.7%, and 50% copper hydroxide wettable powder, with a concentration of 0.35%.