Coffee review

Coffee anytime, anywhere, make your own coffee and drink it.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, With the crazy expansion of international coffee chains and the rise of local independent coffee shops, coffee is getting closer and closer to our lives. We can not only drink coffee in cafes, but also buy coffee machines and coffee utensils in the office and at home, and make our own coffee. People who do not know how to make coffee may find it difficult to make coffee, but not necessarily. On the one hand, although baristas have become

With the crazy expansion of international coffee chains and the rise of local independent coffee shops, coffee is getting closer and closer to our lives. We can not only drink coffee in cafes, but also buy coffee machines and coffee utensils in the office and at home, and make our own coffee. People who do not know how to make coffee may find it difficult to make coffee, but not necessarily.

On the one hand, although baristas have become a profession, baristas have professional requirements, they can make more and more complex coffee drinks, but on the other hand, if you choose the right coffee machine or coffee utensil, making coffee can be easy, such as using a fully automatic Espresso coffee machine, you only need to add roasted coffee beans and clean water to the machine, press a button, and you immediately get a cup of fresh coffee. In addition, the electric drip filter coffee maker is also a good choice for office and household use.

If you pay more attention to it and don't bother to make coffee utensils by hand, you can make coffee with more "taste". Because this seemingly simple instrument can best reflect the true flavor of coffee beans from different places, different varieties and different processing methods, because it uses filter paper to filter coffee liquid, the coffee obtained can be crystal clear and more attractive. It is said that singer Li Jian likes to make coffee by hand. Of course, I believe he prefers tea.

Back to the point, the delicious coffee comes from the freshly roasted coffee beans. The quality of raw coffee beans is good or bad, and the shelf life of roasted coffee beans is very short, so how to ensure that a cup of coffee drink is made of high-quality, freshly roasted coffee beans? The answer is to buy your own raw beans and bake them yourself. Of course, you can't find it troublesome.

Raw coffee beans are easy to buy online, and what you need is a good home coffee roaster.

A coffee roaster with such a good use was unveiled at the just-concluded annual Seattle SCAA boutique coffee show. But it is estimated that it will take some time for this machine to enter the Chinese market. The price is unknown at present, but because its single baking capacity is 60 grams of raw beans, it is suitable for personal household use or coffee shops and baking plants to do sample baking, so I hope its price will not be too high. You see clearly, it says here that you don't know the price, don't just look at the title and ask the price-I can't answer even if you ask.

First, let's take a look at the characteristics of the machine:

110 V / 220 V power supply optional

Roast coffee beans each time: 60 grams of raw beans (about 50 grams of ripe beans)

Continuous baking

Electric hot air heating, up to 1500W

Temperature control: PID control

Temperature sensor-PT1000 Class A

Built-in silver collector to keep the environment clean and tidy

Brushless fan motor with a service life of more than 10000 hours

Bluetooth 4.0

1-year warranty

Single baking time: 0: 20 minutes can be adjusted, usually in 3: 5 minutes to complete baking

Operating system: iOS. (Android is ready for market)

Baking curves can store updates, output, and share with others via email, SMS or social media

Regardless of these terms, simply put, the machine can be connected to a computer, ipad or mobile phone with a USB cable, use its own software, use the mouse to set the start and end points on the computer or finger on the touch screen, put raw beans in the upper entrance of the machine, start the switch button, and the machine will bake automatically and stop automatically after baking. Of course, you can also adjust the baking trajectory at any time during baking. In other words, you can also adjust the baking trajectory at any time. It can either bake automatically like a fool, or you can control it. The glass jar in the lower left corner of the machine is used to collect silver skin. after baking, you can pour the roasted coffee beans into the same empty jar, and then you can use the beans to make coffee.

Friends come, there are good beans, three or five minutes to finish, how about? Not only can your friends have an experience you've never had before, but you can also drink real fresh coffee every day.

A drink of coffee made from fresh beans within three days of roasting may completely change your impression of coffee. But in any case, coffee is just a drink, the largest drink in the world.