Coffee review

ICO expects global coffee production to decline in 2011-12

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Global coffee exports fell 2% in the first five months of this year to 41.5 million 60-kilogram bags, according to data from the International Coffee Organization on April 1, 2012. The global export volume of coffee during the 2010-11 coffee season was 42.3 million 60kg bags. Exports rose 7% in February compared with the same period last quarter, from 8.67 million bags to 9.32 million bags. The total global coffee production this season is expected to be


Global coffee exports fell 2% in the first five months of this year to 41.5 million 60-kilogram bags, according to data from the International Coffee Organization on April 1, 2012.

The global export volume of coffee during the 2010-11 coffee season was 42.3 million 60kg bags.

Exports rose 7% in February compared with the same period last quarter, from 8.67 million bags to 9.32 million bags.

Global coffee production is expected to decline this season.

In the 2011-12 season, the export stock of raw coffee beans from coffee producing and exporting countries also fell to 17.4 million bags compared with the previous quarter, compared with 18.45 million bags in the previous quarter.

Coffee exports rose 11% to 94.3 million bags in 2009-10 and 104.5 million bags in 2010-11, the highest in history.

The International Coffee Organization expects global coffee production to be 128.5 million bags in 2011-12, down 4.3% from 134.3 million bags in the previous season.

The International Coffee Organization was founded in 1963.

Article source: stockpile

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Compiled by Huang Wei

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(responsible Editor: Leo)