Coffee review

There are five secrets to running a good social media cafe.

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Perseverance many coffee shops have their own social media accounts, but few people can persevere. You must insist on sending fresh articles or information regularly, or your account will die chronically. Fans will gradually lose patience, and some may even unsubscribe as a result. It may sound simple to be persistent, but with the increasing variety of social networks, I want to


Stick to

Many cafes have their own social media accounts, but few can persevere. You must keep pushing fresh articles or information on a regular basis, or your account will die slowly. Fans will gradually lose patience, and some may even unsubscribe as a result. Perseverance may sound simple, but with the growing variety of social networks, it's not easy to update content on different platforms every day.

The solution to this problem is to formulate a reasonable push strategy, for example, Wechat public account is updated every Monday and Friday, picture website is updated every Tuesday and Thursday, and blog is updated every Wednesday. Weibo is quite special. Due to the large number of users, you must first ensure that the content of your Facebook account is updated and pushed every day.

You can use software to make push work easier and easier. Such software can not only prompt users when to go online, but also help you make a reasonable push plan.

Remember, the function of social media is not limited to pushing articles, it is a tool for communication and interaction. Imagine how you would feel if you saw your friend buy a new pair of shoes on your moments and you liked him but didn't get any response. It must be hard to feel left out, so be sure to avoid the same situation for your fans. If you have new fans, the first thing you need to do is to thank them for coming. A simple "thank you" can increase trust between people and make fans feel that you attach importance to them. When fans like or write comments for you, give them the most sincere reply and feedback in time.


Be relevant to the theme

Have you ever seen a picture of anyone adding sneakers or toothpaste to the article "teach you how to make a style"?

Of course not, because these pictures don't match the theme, so don't add any irrelevant pictures or content such as "barista's new slippers" or "look at the woman's parking" to your article, which is really unappetizing.

Fans want to know about your new product, when you launch a new blend of coffee, and how to make a new chocolate cake. You have to be meticulous about what fans want to know, and pay attention to their comments to find out the topics they are most interested in.


Keep up with the trend

The boutique coffee industry is growing, and your coffee shop must be a part of it and keep up with the trend. You may think, "what those people do is not fine, what we do is". There is no point in thinking this way, because what the customer wants is what you have to do.

I'm not asking you to follow the trend blindly, but at least you need to understand the current trend. if your customers are particularly interested in a new product, try to provide them with services, if not, at least let them know that you are always following the fashion trend.

Oh, by the way, don't forget to take advantage of social media. For example, if gluten-free cookies are particularly popular these days, you need to post small articles on your social media account about the health benefits of gluten-free cookies. For example, if baristas should stick to whole milk, you can interact with fans on the subject to see if it is necessary to introduce low-fat milk coffee or almond milk coffee in the store.



Do you feel like you can't even read the pictures you push on Instagram? That's because the picture you choose lacks pertinence. If you are pushing a picture of a barista pulling flowers, then the theme of this article should be "teach you how to pull flowers". Be sure to make the content of the article targeted and explain everything in detail, because not all the people who read the article are professional baristas, and the readers' coffee knowledge is different.

Especially when dealing with articles with more words, try to explain what you want to say clearly and don't leave questions for the reader. Something like "the new brownie, I can't wait!" The title is not very good, do you want to say that you have launched a new product? Or have you recently tasted the new brownies? Does "new" mean freshly baked, or is there some innovation in the formula? Why not change the title to: "our store officially launched a new chocolate chip brownie, the price is affordable, perfect with Flat White!" Supply is limited until it is sold out! " .


Stick to originality

There are as many pictures, videos and articles on the network, but only the original ones are the best! The content of the article you push must not only meet the taste of the public, but also stand out in the ocean of spam on the Internet.

Try not to steal photos and try to shoot them yourself, because your photos contain your thoughts on composition and theme, which is really original. You can use all kinds of P-map software to make the photos more beautiful, believe me, this is very easy to do!

Like writing text articles, photos must be themed, targeted, and tailored to consumers' tastes. Here are two original pictures that I personally like very much:

Social media is really amazing, it can completely show your coffee shop in front of consumers, with its help, your sales will be booming!