Coffee review

Xizang tried to grow coffee for the first time, a cup of "Tibetan brand" coffee.

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, After Yunnan, Fujian and other places, Xizang will start to try to grow coffee. It was tested for the first time at the end of April and so far it is said to be growing well because of its unique natural conditions. Will this attempt bring local coffee closer to the world? [1] Xizang tried to grow coffee for the first time and grew well. This trial began at the end of April and is located in Shama Village, Xiachayu Town, Chayu County.

After Yunnan, Fujian and other places, Xizang will start to try to grow coffee.

It was tested for the first time at the end of April and so far it is said to be growing well because of its unique natural conditions.

Will this attempt bring local coffee closer to the world?


Xizang tried to grow coffee for the first time and grew well.

The trial, which began at the end of April, is located in Shama Village, Xiachayu Town, Chayu County. It is understood that this is the first time that Xizang has formally introduced coffee on a trial basis.

Farmers participating in the trial will be guided by the Autonomous Academy of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Sciences and coffee planting experts in Hainan and Yunnan provinces.

Sister Fang saw in the relevant reports that the trial volume was small, only 500 grams and an area of only 7 square meters. At present, seedling raising has been completed and the condition is good.

The southeast of Xizang has always been a treasure land of subtropical fruit growth. before that, bananas, lemons, sugar cane, pomelo and other crops have good products.

The average elevation of Chayu County is 2300 meters above sea level, and the climate belongs to the subtropical humid climate zone, with annual sunshine hours of 1615.6 hours, annual frost-free period of more than 200 days, and annual precipitation of 793.9 mm.

In order to overcome the frost weather in winter on the plateau, a greenhouse will also be built here to ensure the healthy growth of coffee.


What is the course of the local coffee industry?

In any case, it is a gratifying thing that there is another coffee growing place in the country.

However, in order to start a "Tibetan brand" in the coffee field, and build an industrial chain, there are still a lot of things to cross.

Take the Yunnan small grains planted in this trial, for example, this variety mainly comes from southern and western Yunnan, where Arabica beans are grown in large areas. The planting history dates back to 100 years, and coffee was planned to become a pillar industry more than 10 years ago.

But unfortunately, Arabica coffee produced in Yunnan has not yet formed a distinct brand and is in an awkward position in both international and domestic markets.

In boutique cafes, individual items rank low, and prices cannot be sold, while fancy varieties with the name of Yunnan coffee are flooded in Taobao.

Some people in the industry said that this year's red fruit (that is, unprocessed coffee beans) in Yunnan has been "reduced" to a few cents a kilogram.

In terms of flavor, there is no lack of people to describe it as "mellow and positive taste". But more often, as one coffee lover describes it, "it tastes different after drinking it several times. It feels like buying a lottery ticket. It all depends on luck."

On the one hand, unlike tea farmers who have been drinking tea for generations, many coffee farmers have never even tried its taste. On the other hand, the "high economic value" and the relevant policy support of the government have driven more people to join the ranks of planting, whether they have a technical base or not.

Extensive planting and management make the quality of raw coffee beans uneven and difficult to control. As a result, even a wide range of commercial bean standards are difficult to meet, often can only be reduced prices, sold to less demanding buyers.

"the lower the price, the more coffee farmers have to take into account the cost of picking, often red fruit and green fruit over and over again, resulting in extremely unstable quality, forming a vicious circle." Ji Ming, the first president of the Beijing Coffee Association, analyzed.

On the other hand, the end consumers, who have more room for profit imagination, are more like "untouchable" to Yunnan coffee. The cooperation between Nestle, Starbucks and Yunnan coffee for many years has promoted the development of the local coffee industry, but in a higher dimension, it is a difficult mountain to climb.

Make Yunnan coffee difficult to get rid of the role of primary raw material supply, "high economic value" is out of the question.

What's more, a person in the industry once told Sister Kang that growing according to the standard of commercial beans, over time, the environment suitable for higher quality high-quality beans will gradually weaken.

Through authoritative appraisal standards to enhance their bargaining power, to establish brand awareness has become an urgent task for domestic coffee beans.

At present, some enterprises in Yunnan have begun to explore self-building brands, entering the Shang Chao channel, or entering the ranks of boutique cafes.

However, there is also a view that in the case of no actual breakthrough in the overall recognition of Yunnan coffee, this self-built brand is equal to internal friction.



It is absolutely not surprising that Xizang is growing Yunnan Xiaogui this time.

But how to make a "Tibetan brand" brand requires greater closeness to the market, extensive docking of international standards, and the ability of top-level design and brand building full of business wisdom.

It is not just the unique natural conditions and the "strong support" that seems to be very useful.