Coffee review

Special coffee cup sculpture on display at Kennedy Airport

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, According to USA Today, three special sculptures are now on display at Delta Terminal 4 at New York's Kennedy International Airport, and even those who don't like coffee very much may be amazed. Delta announced last week that it would offer free Starbucks coffee on trunk lines and transit flights. To celebrate this initiative, several artists use paper Starbucks coffee cups to make

According to USA Today, three special sculptures are now on display at Delta Terminal 4 at New York's Kennedy International Airport, and even those who don't like coffee very much may be amazed.

Delta announced last week that it would offer free Starbucks coffee on trunk lines and transit flights. To celebrate the initiative, several artists used paper Starbucks coffee cups to create world-famous landmarks and scenic spots.

The three sculptures are the Asakusa Temple, a famous Japanese temple by Jeff Nishinaka, the Carnival Parade float by Francesca Signori (Francesca Signori), and the British Parliament Building and Big Ben by Carin Standford and Michael Crozier. These works will be on display for at least a week.

Delta Airlines spokesman said that more than 20000 paper coffee cups were used to make the three sculptures. Once the exhibition is over, the sculptures will be dismantled and the cups will be recycled. (Li Xiaoyan / compilation)

Photo 2: Asakusa Temple made by Jeff Xizhong. Asakusa Temple is 5 stories high and is located in Asakusa District, a historic area of Japan. This is too similar, isn't it?

Photo 3: the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben produced by Carlin Stamford and Michael Klose. Big Ben, why are you turning white?!

"it's amazing! The original address of the sculpture of a beautiful coffee cup on display at Kennedy Airport