Coffee review

Starbucks, which launched "Birthday Cake Frappuccino" in North America, also sold hanging ears in China for the first time.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, To celebrate the 20th birthday of Frappuccino this summer, Starbucks launched a birthday cake Frappuccino in the United States and Canada and shared its birth story. However, this new product is only available from the 26th to the 30th of this month. Students who have the opportunity can seize the opportunity to try it. And in China on the other side of the ocean, Starbucks also brought a brand new single cup filter hand to make coffee for the first time.

To celebrate the 20th birthday of Frappuccino this summer, Starbucks launched a "birthday cake Frappuccino" in the United States and Canada and shared its birth story. However, this new product is only available from the 26th to the 30th of this month. Students who have the opportunity can seize the opportunity to try it. In China on the other side of the ocean, Starbucks also brought a new single cup of hand-brewed coffee for the first time. It uses the high-quality Arabica coffee beans common in Starbucks stores, so that fans can have a cup of fresh filter anytime and anywhere, providing a convenient and convenient new choice.

▲ 's new "birthday cake star Frappuccino" combines vanilla, hazelnut, raspberry and cream to give a unique, cake-like taste.

In the sharing of Starbucks, we can see that Frappuccino originated from mixed drinks in ordinary beverage stores. An employee discovered the new drink in Los Angeles in the summer of 1993 and recommended it internally. After a year of research and development and a year of pilot work, it was officially launched in 1995. After that, Frappuccino began its adventure, launching new flavors around the world and eventually becoming a classic trump card on the Starbucks menu.

The following picture allows you to see the growth of Frappuccino more clearly:

Starting from today, domestic fans can also buy Starbucks' hanging-ear coffee. The two new models will be Starbucks' Florna and Parker Markets, which are reported to be available in some stores in some cities at a price of 69 yuan per box (6 packages).

Starbucks fans who have been expecting to hang up their ears can ask about it in the nearby store and share it with us to find the location of the sale. At the same time, considering that Starbucks has launched a number of ear-hanging products in other markets, it is believed that it will be put on the domestic shelves one after another according to the market reaction.

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