Coffee review

Yunnan listed two coffee trading centers: government and enterprises seek their own right to speak

Published: 2024-09-08 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/08, In the past week, Yunnan has listed two coffee trading centers, one is Yunnan Coffee Trading Center led by Pu 'er local government, located in Pu' er; the other is Yunnan Coffee Spot Trading Center (to be established) spontaneously launched by some coffee enterprises in Yunnan, located in Kunming. It is understood that Yunnan's local coffee industry has long planned to set up a trading center to enhance the pricing power of local coffee.

In the past week, two coffee trading centers have been listed in Yunnan, one is the Yunnan coffee trading center led by the local government of Pu'er, located in Pu'er, and the other is the Yunnan coffee spot trading center (chip) spontaneously launched by some coffee enterprises in Yunnan. Located in Kunming. It is understood that the plan to set up a trading center for the local coffee industry in Yunnan has long existed, which is intended to enhance the pricing power and discourse power of local coffee. Unexpectedly, the establishment of the two centers has caused a lot of waves in the local industry.

To this end, on July 16, representatives of dozens of Yunnan coffee enterprises and people from Yunnan coffee-related industry associations gathered in Kunming to discuss solutions.

"from a regional point of view, Kunming is more suitable to become the main base of the trading center, not only with good economic and logistics conditions, but also from the climatic environment, it is also more suitable for storing coffee, and it will not be a problem to preserve it for two or three years. Pu'er, Lincang and other places are relatively humid and do not have such conditions." Yang Zhiqi, executive vice president of Yunnan Coffee Industry Association and chairman of Yunnan Lingfeng Industrial Group, said in an interview with the Daily Economic News.

The trade association is "angry at both ends" /

On July 9, the Pu'er municipal government and Yunnan Jinyuan Flower Industry Co., Ltd. held a project signing ceremony and unveiling ceremony to announce that the Yunnan Coffee Trading Center project was officially launched and settled in Pu'er.

On July 12, more than 20 coffee enterprises, including Yunnan Zhengding Coffee Co., Ltd. set up the Preparatory Committee of Yunnan Coffee spot Trading Center in Kunming and held an unveiling ceremony. The leading figures related to the spot transaction made no secret of this, saying that the establishment of the spot trading center was aimed at Pu'er.

"We do not agree to be listed by companies outside the industry (trading center), so we spontaneously organize some enterprises to list." Zhu Zhihang, chairman of Yunnan Xiaozhixiang Trading Co., Ltd., told the Daily Economic News that after seeing the listing of the Pu'er trading center, he and some coffee enterprises spontaneously set up a spot trading center.

Xiong Xiangren, chairman of the Yunnan Coffee Industry Association and chairman of Hougu Coffee, revealed that recently, many representatives of coffee enterprises reflected that Pu'er (the trading center) was listed, they did not know, and asked if they had been abandoned; since then, the spot trading center in Kunming has been listed, and some enterprises have come to inquire about the situation; "both sides are angry."

However, Xiong Xiangren believes that from one point of view, within a week, the two places will be listed as trading centers, which is a good thing for the industry, which may indicate that people are optimistic about the development and future of the coffee industry. after the two trading centers were announced, although there was a lot of discussion in the industry, the association called for "a game of chess in the province to consider."

"at present, the existence of two trading centers has not felt any impact on enterprises for the time being." Yesterday (July 16), a person in charge of Baoshan coffee company told the Daily Economic News that the establishment of a trading center is good for coffee enterprises.

Li Gongqin, secretary-general of the Yunnan Coffee Industry Association, revealed that at present, the provincial government did not give a reply to the two trading centers, nor did the Bureau of Industry and Commerce.

The reason for the strong dissent from the Yunnan Coffee Association and some enterprise representatives is that the trading center of Pu'er is dominated by companies outside the industry, a flower company.

Li Gongqin believes that the trading center set up in Pu'er is not led by coffee companies, but by enterprises outside the industry, and it is puzzling who will benefit in the end.

Representatives of coffee companies prefer coffee companies to take the lead in setting up trading centers. Yang Zhiqi, executive vice president of Yunnan Coffee Industry Association and chairman of Yunnan Lincang Lingfeng Industrial Group, also believes that judging from the current situation, coffee enterprises may be able to achieve better results if they jointly participate in the trading center; coffee enterprises not only understand the industry better, but also have common aspirations.

A representative of the enterprise said that the establishment of the Pu'er trading center is intended to establish the influence of local coffee brands, because at present, the planting area and output of Pu'er coffee ranks first in Yunnan.

As to why a flower company was chosen as the main body of the trading center, a representative of the coffee company in Pu'er told the Daily Economic News yesterday that the local government of Pu'er gave the view when it convened a meeting of local coffee enterprises. hope to introduce third-party companies that do not directly participate in the coffee industry chain, and strive to be fairer in future transactions.

In order to understand the details, yesterday, the reporter tried to contact the Pu'er municipal government, which led the establishment of the Yunnan Coffee Trading Center, and a person in charge of the Pu'er Coffee Industry Office politely declined the interview on the grounds that "the interview needs to contact the local propaganda department first."

In addition to having doubts about the identity of the leading enterprises, the representatives of the participating enterprises believed that the main body of the trading center should be set in Kunming rather than Pu'er.

Hu Lu, deputy secretary general of Yunnan Coffee Association, said that from the geographical location, Kunming can take into account the interests of the main producing areas, and from the financial, talent advantages and climatic conditions and other dimensions, Kunming is more suitable.

The purpose of setting up a trading center is to set up pricing power.

Two major trading centers have been born, and tit-for-tat set off a "secret war", so that the Yunnan coffee industry to seek pricing power and the prospect of the right to speak cast a shadow.

For many years, Yunnan has been planning to establish a coffee trading center, which is intended to stabilize prices, so that Yunnan coffee industry will not be affected too much when international coffee prices fluctuate greatly.

Li Gongqin told the Daily Business News: "in recent years, the price of coffee in the international market has fluctuated greatly, falling to 12 yuan / kg at the end of last year, falling below the cost price of 15 yuan / kg for farmers."

Yunnan, as the main coffee producing area in China, although its output and acreage are leading in China, its competitiveness in the world is not strong. Data show that at present, Yunnan Province has a coffee planting area of more than 1.8 million mu, with an output of more than 90,000 tons, accounting for more than 98% of the country's total coffee area and output, but only 1% of the global coffee output. At present, more than 90% of the coffee produced in Yunnan Province is exported to Europe, North America and other places as raw materials, which is too dependent on foreign markets and is greatly influenced by the international market.

From 2011 to 2013, the average price of coffee in Yunnan fell from 33.82 yuan / kg to 17.3 yuan / kg, a drop of about 50%.

Li Gongqin said that today, the price of coffee has risen to a high price of more than 20 yuan / kg, and the price fluctuates obviously. Once there is a spot trading center, it can play a role in stabilizing prices. Set up a trading center in Kunming and set up corresponding bases and sub-centers in coffee producing areas, so that farmers can know the relevant information in time.

Xiong Xiangren pointed out that the trading center also has many advantages for coffee enterprises, and enterprises can apply to a number of banks for credit. According to a preliminary estimate, after setting up, they can get a credit of 3 billion yuan, and the enterprise will benefit.

"the center is also a platform for Yunnan coffee industry to dock with international coffee industry. Usually, what we call the right of discourse and pricing can be realized through the center, and we must form a joint force and concentrate the efforts of the whole province to develop. " Xiong Xiangren called for the development of Yunnan coffee industry to be United and "a game of chess for the whole province."

Only one family may be retained in the future.

Pu 'er Tea? Kunming? In the future, it may not be ruled out that other major coffee producing areas are also fighting for it. Yesterday, some participants said, "when will the trading center be set up in Baoshan?"

Where should Yunnan coffee trading institution be built? Can the two trading centers which are already showing signs of symbiosis and win-win situation in the future? It seems to be a difficulty for the growth of Yunnan coffee industry.

A number of participants pointed out to reporters that there may only be one trading center in the future, because the functions of the two centers are almost the same.

In Li Gongqin's view, if there are multiple trading centers, there will be more "internal friction" in Yunnan coffee, which is already small in scale, and whether it is necessary to build multiple trading centers; in addition, Yunnan coffee enterprises are already scattered, and there are more trading centers, or more scattered.

Xu Guangyuan, a professor at the School of Economics of Yunnan University, said in an interview with the Daily Economic News that the two centers may cause market disorder and affect coffee prices. It is suggested that the government should play a coordinating role on this issue. In the future, only one trading center will be enough.

A representative of the enterprise, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said that Yunnan coffee is currently the main export, due to fluctuations in international prices, there is no corresponding platform for risk aversion, we can refer to the existing electronic trading platform of the rubber industry in Yunnan.

"as for who will do it, it is not a question. In the end, it depends on which of the two centers has good efficiency and service, and the futures price is better. " The representative of the enterprise spoke bluntly.