Coffee review

Coffee chain, you can do it-- suggested sales.

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, When you pass by some coffee chains, you will see that most of the guests' consumption includes drinks and food. Coffee shop owners will wonder why our coffee shop doesn't have this type of consumption. Today I'll teach you a little way to suggest sex sales. The suggested sales tone is respectful but firm, only giving the customer a choice of one or one of the two. Sales cannot use words and words that ask and emphasize.

When you pass by some coffee chains, you will see that most of the guests' consumption includes drinks and food. Coffee shop owners will wonder why our coffee shop doesn't have this type of consumption. Today I will teach you a little method-- suggested sales.

The suggested sales tone is respectful but firm, giving guests a choice of one or one of two.

Sales cannot use the words and tone of inquiry and emphasis.

For example, guests are advised to consume an extra piece of cake. Then try to avoid "add another cake" and "add another cake, will you?" "is that okay?" This kind of sentence. You can choose "do you want cheesecake or chocolate cake?" Our cheesecake is so popular that it goes well with your drink.

(2) the suggested sales must have a focus.

For example, today's stores have a large stock of cheesecake, so your suggested sales today should focus on cheesecake.

3 what can't be done in suggested sales

A can't sell advice to children.

B you can't do the same product for suggested sales.

C you cannot make more than two suggested sales on the same order.

Suggested sales may seem simple, but your employees really need courage and patience to implement it. Not necessarily every single consumption will be successful, stick to it, there will always be a successful consumption.