Coffee review

20 magic ways to use coffee grounds, from cooking to formaldehyde absorption, the most complete use of coffee grounds

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, 1. Plant fertilizer spray mix half a cup of coffee grounds with warm water, put it in a spray can and spray it directly on the plant every day. 2 change the color of hydrangea flowers will change according to the acidity and alkalinity of the soil. Sprinkle coffee grounds on the soil and water them. This will make the soil PH value acidic, and the hydrangea flowers will change from pink to blue. (there is a kind of hydrangea at home.

1. Fertilizer spray for plants

Mix half a cup of coffee grounds with warm water, put them in a spray can and spray them directly on the plants every day.


Change the color of hydrangea

The color of hydrangea will change according to the acidity and alkalinity of the soil. Sprinkle coffee grounds on the soil and water it. This will make the soil pH acidic, and hydrangea will change from pink to blue. (if there is a kind of hydrangea at home, you can try Europe)


Keep cats away from your turf.

Cats are anti meals of coffee grounds. If your neighbor's cats always come to dig up the plants in your garden, sprinkling coffee grounds with orange peels around the garden can solve the problem smoothly (provided you have a garden, and don't rule out the "▽" that weird cats are obsessed with or orange peels).


Bathe the Wang Xing people and drive out fleas

Add a spoonful of coffee grounds to your dog's shower gel, rub it on the skin along the hair, and then rinse it off to make your dog "flea-free and more hairy".


Dye the cloth naturally

The step is simple, hot water + coffee grounds, then throw in the white cloth and boil it into a light brown cloth, and the color looks very natural.


Do the dishes

Coffee is weakly acidic in nature and can be used as a substitute for dishcloth or wire balls. You can easily get rid of the greasy stains with a rag and a few spoonfuls of coffee grounds.


Air freshener

Coffee grounds can eliminate peculiar smell, collect the coffee grounds left by filtration, and put them in refrigerator, shoe cabinet, toilet, kitchen and other necessary places, which can not only eliminate the smell but also distribute the aroma of coffee.


Repair scratches on furniture

Dark wooden furniture can use coffee grounds to remove scratches. (of course, scratches that are too big won't work.)


Make old furniture

The wood can also be naturally worn out with coffee grounds.


The natural enemy of smelly feet

Put coffee grounds in smelly shoes can deodorize, remember not to throw coffee grounds directly in the shoes, or put them in gauze.


Coffee dregs remove odor

Rinse with hot water on your hands to remove the smell of garlic, seafood and barbecue. I don't know if you have noticed that coffee grounds can actually absorb all kinds of odors, such as those decorated at home with the smell of formaldehyde, and you can also collect coffee grounds to absorb odors.