Coffee review

AR wooden Man Coffee, the real experience through virtual reality

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, It is reported that Yangpu Entrepreneurship Park, which is located in Wujiaochang in Shanghai, has settled in a cool cafe that combines experience and relaxation. Subordinate to Shanghai Muren Zhong Space Chuang Management Co., Ltd., mainly should be a large number of AR creative enterprises all the services came into being. AR wooden Man Coffee is the first creative coffee shop in China based on virtual reality interactive experience, providing an opening for technology lovers.

It is reported that Yangpu Entrepreneurship Park, which is located in Wujiaochang in Shanghai, has settled in a cool cafe that combines experience and relaxation. Subordinate to Shanghai Muren Zhong Space Chuang Management Co., Ltd., mainly should be a large number of AR creative enterprises all the services came into being.

AR wooden Coffee is the first creative coffee shop in China based on virtual reality interactive experience, providing an open, professional and leisure communication place and communication platform for technology lovers. Each scene in the store has special settings, and when users enter, it is like a treasure hunt. They may inadvertently jump out of a snake to say hello to you, be run over by a tank, or cross to a historic city on the ordering menu. There will be some surprises waiting for you to discover in every corner of AR wooden Coffee. This is the ubiquitous AR experience that wooden people provide.

And the AR wooden man coffee shop has set up a treasure hunt, as long as the task is completed, you can get free delicious coffee, and when you pick up the coffee cup, do you notice that the pattern on the cup seems to be a little special? take out your phone and try again, and unexpectedly jump into the scene of Riverside during the Qingming Festival. According to the person in charge, the space created by wooden people is the gene of the crystal stone of the manufacturing team of the Qingming Festival. Perhaps we have missed the magnificent exhibition of the World Expo, and today we can also visit the bustling scene of merchants in Bianliang, the capital of the Song Dynasty. A bustling flow of people; teahouses, taverns, pawnshops, workshops on both sides of the street. There are people who carry loads on their way, those who drive ox carts to deliver goods, and those who drive donkeys to pull wagons. When you go to this scene, you can't help but go up and give a hand.

Parents with children will love this AR experience coffee shop, which can take children to experience a more fun world and improve their observation, perception, learning ability and thinking ability.

The VR exhibition hall created by Muren is the first experiential virtual reality venue in China, bringing together all the development elites from home and abroad, as well as the richest development experience. The collection of the most advanced virtual reality devices inside and outside China allows users to immerse themselves in a variety of trials and experiences.