Coffee review

Starbucks Coffee Is Not Full, Customers Sued Judge Finds Class Action Claim

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, A judge in the United States has ruled that two customers can sue Starbucks for allegedly defrauding customers by underfilling lattes and underweighing them. (Photo source: Taiwan's "China Times") According to Taiwan's "China Times" report, do you often buy drinks but find that the clerk does not seem to be full? What should I do at this time? One US judge ruled, two US judges

A judge in the United States has ruled that two customers can file a lawsuit alleging that the lattes supplied by Starbucks chain stores are not full and that they are suspected of defrauding customers. (photo source: Taiwan's Zhongshi Electronic News)

According to Taiwan's China Times, do you often buy drinks only to find that the shop assistant doesn't seem to be full? what should you do at this time? A judge in the United States has ruled that two customers can file a lawsuit alleging that the lattes supplied by Starbucks chain stores are not full and that they are suspected of defrauding customers.

Two plaintiffs, Siera Strumlauf and Benjamin Robles, pointed out that Starbucks asked employees to use cans to heat milk to indicate that the scale of the milk was too low, and that the cup left 1/4 inches of space. The Starbucks latte diet, adopted in 2009, is accused of selling 25% less lattes to save money on milk.

Thelton Henderson, a federal judge in San Francisco, said it was likely that many latte drinkers ordered large cups and thought they contained 16 ounces of drinks, but in fact there were none at all. He further said that California plaintiffs can claim compensation from Starbucks on the grounds of fraud and false advertising through a national class action.

Starbucks responded that the lawsuit was non-existent and would put forward a strong defense, arguing that if customers were not satisfied with the beverage mix, they would be happy to redistribute it.