Coffee review

Is Starbucks' entry into Italy a commercial invasion?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, In this amorous country, coffee is everywhere. In addition to cafes, restaurants, bars and cake shops also serve coffee. There are also open-air coffee stands in flea markets. You can even buy coffee in ice cream shops, sushi houses, bookstores and florists. Rome is recognized as one of the best coffee-drinking cities in the world, and Italy has a very mature coffee culture. Flea market

Coffee is everywhere in this country. Coffee is also available in cafes, restaurants, bars, cake shops, and flea markets with outdoor coffee stands-you can even buy coffee in ice cream parlors, sushi bars, bookstores, and flower shops. Rome is recognized as one of the best coffee cities in the world, and Italy has a very mature coffee culture.

... open-air coffee stalls at flea markets.

... open-air coffee stalls at flea markets.

Most Italians see Starbucks as a cultural invasion and condemn it, confident they can resist the temptation of the two-tailed siren song on Starbucks 'signature.

Will Starbucks succeed in Italy? Starbucks is perfect for Italy.

Starbucks suits Italian tastes.

Starbucks was inspired by Italian coffee culture. Founder Howard D. Schultz (who is also the CEO of Starbucks) was inspired by a trip to a cafe in Milan and decided to bring the Italian coffee atmosphere to the United States.

A cafe in Milan

A cafe in Milan

In any Starbucks store, whether it is the Grande (large cup) and Venti (extra large cup) name, or Espresso (espresso)-based coffee, as well as the Apennine Peninsula style shop decoration, all strive to give Americans a pure Italian coffee experience. Starbucks has a deep relationship with Italy. The insistence of Italian coffee on water and concentration has deeply affected Starbucks, and Starbucks 'deep roast coffee beans, which people love and hate, also fit the taste of Italians.



Starbucks has successfully landed in another coffee capital

We're talking about Colombia. Located in the coffee-growing belt, this country has a year-round supply of fresh, high-quality coffee, making it the coffee capital of the world. So when Starbucks moved into Colombia in 2014, the industry was seriously skeptical.

In the kingdom of coffee, Colombia coffee is like a revered king holding the scepter of faith. Juan Valdez coffee, the crown on the king's head, is the pride of the nation.



However, there are still many consumers, especially young people, with a strong curiosity about imported goods, Starbucks. Traditional Italians may not accept American fast consumption, but the younger generation is full of yearning for Starbucks and wants to taste coffee from across the ocean.

3. There are many Italian tourists

Every traveler to Italy has probably imagined sitting in a small cafe on the corner of the street, sipping a Cappuccino, quietly watching the people on the road, and leisurely spending an afternoon. Italy is a land of coffee and dreams.



There are indeed many cafes in Italy, and the locals are very hospitable, but it is a bit difficult to communicate with ordinary Italians in English. Starbucks, as a well-known international brand, not only provides convenient coffee, but also provides bilingual service, which can definitely attract enough foreign tourists to ensure that it stays open 24 hours a day.

Starbucks will blend perfectly into Italy

Italians enjoy drinking coffee and have always carried out the spirit of Espresso, which is integrated into the blood. However, in the context of globalization, American simplicity is increasingly known and accepted by the public.

coffee culture

coffee culture

Old coffee culture is under attack, with older cafes often giving way to more trendy shops-Starbucks being one of the best. Each Starbucks store design is carefully thought out and local designers are consulted. Starbucks seeks a high-end experience that blends perfectly with its surroundings, not a cold coffee shop.

Starbucks in Beijing Forbidden City

Starbucks in Beijing Forbidden City

Starbucks stores, once located in Beijing's Forbidden City, also sparked a big discussion about American consumption destroying traditional culture. Italy, known for its fashion, deserves to have the most elegant Starbucks stores in the world, because Starbucks originated in Italy and will be perfectly integrated into Italy.

5. This is a wish that has been brewing for more than 30 years

While Starbucks does have a history of disastrous international expansions, such as closing 61 stores in Australia in 2008--how can Starbucks throw in the towel so easily? Starbucks CEO Howard D. When Schultz first set foot on Italy in 1983, he hoped that one day he could open the world's number one chain coffee shop brand in the world's number one coffee country.

Starbucks founder Howard D. Schultz

Starbucks founder Howard D. Schultz

With his devotion to coffee, this idea had been in his heart for thirty-three years, and it was only now that he put it into action. It is said that slow work makes fine work, but who can guess the future? After all these years, Starbucks hasn't taught baristas to spell customers 'names correctly on paper cups.