Coffee review

The promotion of African coffee in Chinese market is insufficient.

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Focusing on China's growing coffee market, international coffee chains have rushed to China. One coffee chain, for example, has expanded its Chinese mainland coffee chain from one to hundreds in just a decade, and plans to triple its stores in China in the next five years. Long history of coffee cultivation, high-quality and inexpensive coffee products, unique

Focusing on China's growing coffee market, international coffee chains have rushed to China. One coffee chain, for example, has expanded its Chinese mainland coffee chain from one to hundreds in just a decade, and plans to triple its stores in China in the next five years.

With a long history of coffee cultivation, high-quality and inexpensive coffee products and unique coffee culture, African coffee is sold all over the world and provides high-quality coffee raw materials for many international coffee chains. it has long occupied an important position in the world coffee industry.

Although African countries have a long history of growing coffee, for a long time, "coffee is not afraid of deep alleys" is the basic form of African coffee sold all over the world. Different from Europe and the United States, China's coffee culture has sprung up for a short time, and it is still strange to African coffee. Few promotion activities, single promotion methods and scattered promotion subjects are the remarkable characteristics of the sale of African coffee in China, which also makes African coffee buried in the "alley" and smells bad.

Miss Zhu, who runs an advertising agency in Beijing, started selling coffee from Ethiopia, C ô te d'Ivoire, Kenya and other countries because of her work contact and love of African coffee. According to her, the low awareness of African coffee in China, which many people do not understand is the main dilemma facing the sales of African coffee in China. In terms of coffee promotion, at present, most of the promotional activities are scattered by individual dealers, and the promotional activities from the government level are very small. This kind of promotion activity is spontaneous and independent, which determines that the promotion of African coffee is not enough.

Mr. Albert, Chief Representative of the China Representative Office of the Rwanda Development Agency, expressed the same view when talking about the plight of African coffee in China. "the Chinese market doesn't know anything about African coffee. Many people think that coffee comes from Italy, but in fact, Italy is just roasting and packaging. Lack of awareness is the biggest difficulty facing African coffee, and many people do not know the benefits of African coffee. "

Even in Europe and the United States, African coffee is well-known by orders from international coffee chains. "after the international coffee chain started ordering African coffee, it played an advertising role. African coffee first entered the European and American markets, and many professional coffee companies are already familiar with coffee from Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania. " Said M. Albert. "as far as I know, only the Ugandan government set up a company, Beijing Chenao Coffee Co., Ltd., in Beijing, China in 2002 to promote coffee and set up a roaster. Other African countries are mostly promoted in the form of exhibition and marketing, and we often go to the exhibition to show it after we receive the invitation of the trade fair. Many governments do not have direct promotion plans. " Monsieur Albert introduced.

According to the road manager of a coffee company in Beijing, the Chinese market has a low awareness of African coffee. In terms of sales, cities with a slow pace of life sell more, such as the southern cities of Chengdu and Guizhou. The company has relevant training institutions in Guangzhou, mainly for coffee production methods and coffee knowledge training. However, in terms of coffee promotion, the company still focuses on participating in exhibitions in Guangzhou, Shanghai and other places.

Coffee is a cultural carrier with profound connotation, which carries profound cultural heritage. Some African countries as well as some African coffee dealers and retailers also attach great importance to the addition of coffee culture in coffee promotion. For example, in the promotion of Ethiopian coffee, you can usually enjoy the coffee ceremony peculiar to Ethiopian families. With the smoke curling and the fragrance overflowing, people can taste the coffee and feel the strong cultural atmosphere from the place where the coffee originated.