Coffee review

History of Chocolate (History of Chocolate)

Published: 2024-09-08 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/08, 600 cocoa and civilization 600 AD, with the Mayan migration from Central America to the north, also spread their civilization there. On the Yucatan Peninsula, they established early cocoa plantations. There is no doubt that the Mayans knew about cocoa centuries ago. 600 Culture and Cocoa A.D. 600 the Mayas undertook a massive

600 cocoa and civilization

In AD 600, as the Mayans migrated from Central America to the north, their civilization spread there. On the Yucatan Peninsula, they established early cocoa plantations. There is no doubt that the Mayans knew about cocoa centuries ago.

600 Culture and Cocoa

A.D. 600 the Mayas undertook a massive migration which led this highly civilised people from Central America deep into the northern regions of South America. In Yucatan they established the earliest known cocoa plantations. There is no doubt, however, that the Mayas must have been familiar with cocoa several centuries earlier.

1000 cocoa and figures

A long time ago, the ancestors of Central America used cocoa beans as a method of payment. Before 1000 AD, cocoa beans were used as a unit of counting. Four hundred cocoa beans are equivalent to 1Zontlijol. Eight hundred cocoa beans are equivalent to 1Xiquipilli. In Mexico, the picture of a basket containing 8000 cocoa beans represents the number 8000.

1000 Beans and Figures

From the very early days of cocoa the peoples of Central America used beans as a form of payment. The use of cocoa beans as units of calculation must also have become established before A.D. 1000. One Zontli equalled 400 cocoa beans, while 8000 beans equalled one Xiquipilli. In Mexican picture scripts a basket with 8000 beans represents the figure 8000.

1200 Chocolate dispute

In order to consolidate their dominance in Mexico, the Aztecs adopted a strategy of suppression against the Mayans. According to historical records, cocoa is often used as a tribute to the victorious tribes.

1200 Chocolate War

By subjugating the Mayas, the Aztecs strengthened their supremacy in Mexico. Records dating from this period include details of deliveries of cocoa which were imposed as tributes on conquered tribes.

1502 Columbus and cocoa beans

On July 30, 1502, on his fourth voyage to America, Columbus discovered cocoa beans in Nicaragua. He became the first European to discover cocoa beans. Cocoa beans are circulated locally and can also be made into delicious drinks. But since Columbus was still searching for routes to India, he did not have any interest in cocoa.

1502 Columbus and the Cocoa bean

On his fourth voyage to America, Columbus landed on 30th July 1502 in Nicaragua and was the first European to discover cocoa beans. These were used by the natives as currency and also in the preparation of a delightful drink. But Columbus, who was still searching for the sea route to India, was not interested in cocoa.

1513 payment with cocoa beans

In 1503, Hernando came to America as part of an expedition. He mentioned in his report that he had traded 100 cocoa beans for a slave.

1513 Payment in Beans

Hernando de Oviedo y Valdez, who went to America in 1513 as a member of Pedrarias Avila's expedition, reports that he bought a slave for 100 cocoa beans.

1519 Bank of Spain

In 1519, Hernando Cortez occupied parts of Mexico. He was not attracted by the taste of cocoa, but was interested in the role of cocoa beans as a means of payment. He immediately set up a cocoa plantation called Spain and began to grow money.

1519 A Spanish Bank

Hernando Cortez, who conquered part of Mexico in 1519, finds the taste of cocoa not particularly pleasant and is, therefore, much more interested in the value of cocoa asa means of payment. He immediately establishes in the name of Spain a cocoa plantation where, henceforth, & # 39; will be cultivated.

1528 sweet trophies

In 1528, Cortez first brought cocoa and cocoa-related kitchen utensils back to Europe.

1528 Sweet Plunder

In 1528, Cortez brings back to Europe the first cocoa and the utensils necessary for its preparation.

1609 the first chocolate book

In 1609, the first complete introduction to chocolate was published in Mexico. It was called Libro en el cual se trata del chocolate.

1609 The First Chocolate Book

& # 39 Libro en el cual se trata del chocolate' is the title of a book which appear- ed in Mexico in 1609. It is the first book devoted entirely to the subject of chocolate.

1615 productive marriages

Princess Anna of Spain tied the knot with Louis XIII and brought cocoa to the French court.

1615 Fruitful Marriage

The Spanish princess Anna of Austria marries Louis XIII and intro- duces, amongst other Spanish customs, the drinking of chocolate at the French court.

1657 French are in London.

The French opened the first chocolate shop in London in 1657.

1657 A Frenchman in London

London's first chocolate shop is opened by a Frenchman in 1657.

The prosperity and development of chocolate in 1662

After Pope Pius V drank cocoa, he disliked its taste so much that he declared that "the drink is fasting." However, the Roman Church is becoming more and more tolerant of this delicious drink. As a result, the issue of fasting becomes tricky. In 1662, Cardinal Brancaccio overturned the previous claim, claiming that "cocoa did not break the precepts." There is no doubt that people can't wait to drink cocoa on Easter.

1662 A Solomon of Chocolate

After Pope Pius V had found cocoa so unpleasant that he declared, in 1569, that "this drink does not break the fast", the supreme church of Rome became more and more tolerant towards the exquisite beverage. The question of the fast took on a new urgency. In 1662, Cardinal Brancaccio hands down the judgment of Solomon: "Liquidum non fragit jejunum." In other words: "Liquids (in the form of chocolate) do not break the fast." Clearly, one had to wait until Easter to indulge in the eating of chocolate.

The fate of 1670 sailors

With his sailing experience, sailor Pedro Bravo came to the Philippines to raise money and spent the rest of his life building the largest cocoa plantation at that time.

1670 The Fate of a Seaman

Helmsman Pedro Bravo do los Camerinos decides that he has had enough of Christian voyages of exploration and settles in the Philippines, where he spends the rest of his life planting cocoa, thus laying the foundations for one of the great plantations of that time.

1674 chocolate rolls

As early as 1674, people could enjoy delicious Spanish-style chocolate cakes and chocolate rolls in At the Coffee Mill and Tobacco Roll, a famous cafe in London.

1674 Roll Call

"At the Coffee Mill and Tobacco Roll" was the name of a famous London coffee-house where, as early as 1674, one could enjoy chocolate in cakes and rolls "in the Spanish style".

1677 King Ling

On November 1, 1677, the Brazilian royal family issued an order to build the first cocoa plantation. This order has had a profound impact on the international market.

1677 A Royal Decree

On the strength of a royal decree dated 1st November 1677, Brazil-later to achieve an important position in the world market-establishes in the State of Para' the first cocoa plantations.

1697 Mayor of Zurich

Zurich Mayor Heinrich Escher, after visiting Brussels and tasting cocoa, gladly brought back the delicious new drink.

1697 Premier in Zurich

Heinrich Escher, the mayor of Zurich, visits Brussels where he drinks chocolate and returns to his home town with tidings of the new sweet drink.

1704 chocolate tax

Chocolate appeared in Germany at the end of the 17th century. Frederick I of Prussia adopted a policy of restricting imports and imposed a tax on chocolate in 1704. Anyone who wants to taste delicious chocolate will have to spend an extra two silver coins.

1704 Chocolate Tax

Towards the end of the 17th century, chocolate makes its appearance in Germany. The policy of restricting the importation of foreign produce leads Frederick I of Prussia to impose a tax on chocolate in 1704. Anyone wishing to pay homage to its pleasures has to pay two thalers for a permit.

1711 Chocolate immigrants

In 1711, Emperor Charles VI moved his court from Madrid to Vienna. With the relocation of the court, chocolate became popular on the Blue Danube.

1711 Chocolate Migration

Emperor Charles VI transfers his court from Madrid to Vienna in 1711. With the court, chocolate moves in by via the blue Danube.

1720 chocolate maker

In the early 1820s, Europeans knew that the best chocolates could be eaten only in cafes in Florence and Venice. This makes Italian chocolate makers the most popular tourists in France, Germany and Switzerland.

1720 Chocolateers

As early as 1720, the coffee-houses of Florence and Venice are offering chocolate whose reputation reaches far beyond the country's borders. Italian chocolateers, well versed in the art of making chocolate, are, therefore, welcome visitors in France, Germany and Switzerland.

1747 restraining business

In 1747, Frederick adopted a large-scale anti-business campaign, especially the ban on chocolate sellers.

1747 No Hawkers

In the year 1747, Frederick the Great forbids all manner of hawking, especially the hawking of chocolate.

1780 the first factory

In 1780, the first factory to make chocolate by machine was built in Barcelona.

1780 First Factory

About the year 1780, the first machine-made chocolate is produced in Barcelona.

1819 Pioneer

The first Swiss chocolate factory was built near Vevey. Its founder, Francois-Louis Cailler, acquired the secret recipe of Italian chocolate through trading.

1819 Pioneers

The first Swiss chocolate factory is set up in a former mill near Vevey. The founder, Francois-Louis Cailler, had learned the secrets of the choco- late-making trade in Italy.

1822 decorative plants

The Portuguese Jose Ferreira Gomes introduced the cocoa tree as an ornamental plant on the island of Principe in the Gulf of Guinea in West Africa.

1822 Ornamental Plant

The Portuguese Jose Ferreira Gomes introduces the cocoa tree as an ornamental plant on the small island of Principe in the Gulf of Guinea off the west coast of Africa.

1875 Milk Chocolate

After eight years of experimentation, the Swiss Daniel Peter introduced the first milk chocolate to the market in 1875.

1875 With Milk

After eight years of experiment, the Swiss Daniel Peter puts the first milk chocolate on the market in 1875.

1879 the sweetness of melting at the entrance

In 1879, Rodolphe Lindt produced the first chocolate that melted right into the mouth in Bern, Switzerland.

1879 Melting Sweetness

Rodolphe Lindt of Berne produces chocolate which melts on the tongue for the first time in the year 1879.

1900 change of leadership

Spain, once the leader of the chocolate industry, is now behind the times. Now, in terms of consumption, Germany ranks first, followed by the United States, France and the United Kingdom. Switzerland will be a leader in the chocolate industry in the years to come. Swiss chocolate has shown its unique charm internationally. Like roast sausage and cheese, chocolate has become a famous specialty food in Switzerland.

1900 Changes in Leadership

Spain, formerly the classic land of chocolate, falls far behind. Germany takes the lead in consumption per head, followed by the United States, France and Great Britain. In just a decade or two another country will be playing first violin in the orchestra of the chocolate nations-Switzerland. The reputation of Swiss chocolate, bolstered by unbroken series of medals at international exhibitions, has not only fallen upon the ears of foreigners. It has also conquered Swiss palates. Like bratwurst, r?sti and fondue, chocolate has become a national dish.