Coffee review

It is controversial that coffee shops in Jinan charge minimum consumption.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Once you step into a coffee shop, you can't leave without paying. Is this a reasonable rule? Recently, at the British Royal Coffee Restaurant on Sunshine New Road, Mr. Zhang and several colleagues sat for 15 minutes, during which they drank eight glasses of water without any consumption, and were charged a service charge of 30 yuan. After visiting several coffee shops in Jinan, the reporter found that charging for guests entering the door has almost become the rule of the coffee shop. According to the price department, coffee

Once you step into a coffee shop, you can't leave without paying. Is this a reasonable rule? Recently, at the British Royal Coffee Restaurant on Sunshine New Road, Mr. Zhang and several colleagues sat for 15 minutes, during which they drank eight glasses of water without any consumption, and were charged a 30 yuan "service charge". After visiting several coffee shops in Jinan, the reporter found that charging for guests entering the door has almost become the "industry rule" of coffee shops. The price department said that when coffee shops charge a minimum consumption, they must clearly mark the price or inform them in advance.

Consumer complaint

Eight glasses of water for eight people, the store charges 30 yuan

Mr. Zhang said that at 17:30 on September 20, he and seven colleagues came to the British Royal Coffee Restaurant on Sunshine New Road. After they sat down, the waiter poured eight glasses of water. After sitting for less than 15 minutes, due to temporary business, they planned to leave, but they were stopped by the waiter and asked for a "service charge" of 30 yuan. "I didn't order anything. I drank a glass of water. Why should I charge 30 yuan?" He told the reporter that the shopkeeper said that the minimum consumption was 30 yuan, so he had to hand it over. The waiter issued an invoice saying that it could be cashed out with this ticket. On the 21st, he spent money in the past, but the waiter refused.

On the 23rd, the reporter saw Mr. Zhang's invoice, the above charging item is 30 yuan for meals.

A reporter's visit

The minimum consumption is 30 yuan, which is not clearly informed.

At 17:00 on the 21st, the reporter came to the Royal Coffee Shop in England. The reporter took his seat as a customer and said that he would not order until his friend arrived. The waiter poured two glasses of water. At 17:20, the reporter proposed that his friend would not come and could not eat in the shop. The waiter stopped the reporter and asked for a "service charge" of 30 yuan. In the previous 20 minutes, the waiter did not mention the matter.

What is the basis for charging a service charge? The waiter explained that this item is the minimum consumption. The 30 yuan is not for nothing and can be bought in the store. "after the next consumption in our store, the invoice we give will cover 30 yuan." The reporter noticed that the minimum consumption was not publicized in a conspicuous position in the store. "if you don't clearly mark the price, you charge 30 yuan for two glasses of water. Isn't that a forced purchase and sale?" The reporter questioned. "or forget it this time." The store manager came forward and said, "A western restaurant can't let you sit for a while and leave."

The store responded.

Operation needs cost, and minimum consumption is the rule of the industry.

Later, the reporter called the coffee shop to verify Mr. Zhang's complaint. The head of the coffee shop said that the eight of them sat for nearly 20 minutes. "the waiter should have warned the store that there was a minimum charge." As for the question of whether 30 yuan can be spent, she explained that she had already left the account that day, and Mr. Zhang came to spend it the next day, so the money could no longer be used. According to the person in charge, the consumption standard in the store is 120 yuan for large tables and 30 yuan for other tables. She says that there is a reason for setting the minimum consumption. Coffee shops are beautifully decorated, the environment is quiet, and the service is high-quality, which all requires cost. "the minimum consumption is a rule of the industry, and most coffee shops have this rule. Our family's 30 yuan is not much, other western restaurants want more. "

Reporter's investigation

Many brand coffee shops in Jinan have the lowest consumption.

Is there a minimum consumption in the coffee shop in Jinan? On the 25th, the reporter visited a number of coffee shops. The survey results show that the minimum per capita consumption of coffee shops on Shangdao, Maanshan, Mingdian Coffee, Tea and Sunshine New Road is 15 yuan, while that of Effie Castle Fashion Cafe Restaurant, West Market Store and Cross-Strait Coffee Jiefang East Road Store is 20 yuan. Staff at several coffee shops said that if the customer still did not order 5 to 10 minutes after entering the store, the waiter would remind the store that there was a minimum charge.

Price department

Merchants must clearly mark the price or inform them in advance.

Is it reasonable for coffee shops to set a minimum consumption? On the afternoon of the 21st, the reporter telephoned Jinan Price Bureau. The staff said that the fees of catering enterprises are regulated by the market, and whether to set a minimum consumption is determined by the merchants themselves, which is not clearly stipulated in the relevant national laws and regulations, but when businesses collect relevant fees from consumers, they must clearly mark the price or inform them in advance.

Li Xing, a lawyer at Shandong Deheng (Jinan) Law firm, said that the Consumer Rights Protection Law stipulates that when consumers buy goods or receive services, they have the right to fair trade conditions such as quality assurance, reasonable price and correct measurement. "the minimum consumption set up by coffee shops is obviously contrary to this regulation. Even if the merchant informs the consumer in advance, it can still be confirmed that the regulation is invalid because it is unfair and unreasonable to the consumer.