Coffee review

Coffee can skillfully remove scratches on furniture.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Except for furniture scratches, dark furniture has scratches, you can use coffee powder to wipe the scratched part, dry, and then wipe it with a wet cloth. Then apply it once more in accordance with the above method, and after this treatment, the scratches will not stand out. Clean the sink. Pour the coffee grounds into the sink and wash them away with water to remove the stench and grease from the drain. There is a scorch smell in the deodorant container.

Except for furniture scratches.

Dark furniture has scratches, you can use coffee powder to wipe the scratched part, dry, and then wipe it with a wet cloth. Then apply it once more in accordance with the above method, and after this treatment, the scratches will not stand out.

Clean the pool

Pour the coffee grounds into the sink and wash them away with water to remove the stench and grease from the drain. There is a scorched odor in the deodorant container, which can be wiped with coffee grounds and cleaned. Drink beer to add some coffee to the beer, and then put a little sugar, taste bitter and astringent with delicate fragrance, sweet taste.