Coffee review

The Forum of "late Night Coffee from both sides of the Taiwan Strait" was held at the Coffee College of Meixi Academy.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, It is understood that the coffee college in Meixi College is the first SCAASCAE double-certified coffee college in Hunan, equipped with four professional teachers and a series of world-class machines, which will bring comprehensive coffee services to coffee lovers and practitioners. In order to ensure the teaching quality in line with international competitions, the Coffee Institute has adopted foreign well-known brand coffee equipment designed with the participation of the world barista champion.

It is understood that the coffee college in Meixi College is the first SCAA&SCAE double-certified coffee college in Hunan, equipped with four professional teachers and a series of world-class machines, which will bring comprehensive coffee services to coffee lovers and practitioners. In order to ensure the teaching quality in line with international competitions, the Coffee Institute has adopted foreign well-known brand coffee equipment designed by the world barista champion. It offers a variety of interest experience courses for coffee beginners and interest lovers, and is praised as the original designer of products such as WPM oblique flower jar, Bluebird hand pot, small milking machine and so on. Lin Jichuang, sales director of Welhome WPM, introduced the types and usage of home coffee machines to coffee lovers present. Many fans at the scene said that it was not so difficult to make a cup of flowers at home. In addition, Huang Junhao, the first Taiwan COE judge, also shared the story of his coffee road from high achiever of science and engineering to Taiwan's first COE judge at the forum, which triggered bursts of applause and amazement. At the forum, Li Qi, from Mellon Coffee, not only showed the flowers on the spot, but also shared the mental journey from a model to a barista and then to the championship. Speaking of preparing for the competition, she recalled that the coach made a daily training schedule for her at that time, in addition to regular flower drawing training, there were also stress training and yoga training. She, who is easy to blush, in order to practice so that she is not prone to stage fright, she also invites guests to temporarily act as judges during practice in the store; she calculates thousands of times and has made countless painstaking efforts in pattern research. "I like the flower drawing patterns of Chinese elements, such as Phoenix, crane and so on. After all, I am a contestant representing China." Li Qi said that Li Qi, runner-up in the World Coffee pull Competition and champion in China, Huang Junhao, the first Taiwan COE judge, and Lin Jichuang, sales director of Hong Kong General International Manufacturing Co., Ltd., visited Bubugao Meixi Xintiandi Meixi College, and exchanged views with Xingcheng coffee lovers at the first open coffee college in China, and held a forum called "late Night Coffee from both sides of the Taiwan Strait".