Coffee review

Google's drone project suffered a setback and its partnership with Starbucks Coffee was cancelled.

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, The drone project is in trouble under pressure from the parent company. Obviously, Google Express's drone business is still not enough to become a technologically mature enough to put into actual operation of the enterprise. A similar scene happened on Nest, a smart home subsidiary. Due to news that the management style is rough and employees are dissatisfied, CEO Fadell, founder and predecessor of Nest, has

The drone project is in trouble under pressure from the parent company. Obviously, Google Express's drone business is still not enough to become a technologically mature enough to put into actual operation of the enterprise.

A similar scene happened on Nest, a smart home subsidiary. CEO Fadell, founder and predecessor of Nest, has resigned due to news of rough management style and dissatisfaction among employees. Nest got into trouble in smart home products and had a serious product failure.

Another important innovation for Google is self-driving cars, but this business is also a wake-up call. According to media reports, some Google employees believe that Google is almost the earliest company to develop self-driving cars in the technology industry, but the progress is slow and is still in trial operation. But Uber, Tesla and other technology companies, as well as Ford, Mercedes-Benz, Audi and many other traditional car brands have also entered self-driving, these later entered the company has made rapid progress. Google's drone program is suffering a setback. In October, the head of the project, Dave Vos, resigned. According to reports, since the departure of this person, the drone program has been restructured and some employees have been told that they will be transferred to other Google departments.

As we all know, Google's main business is web search and web video service YouTube. Google has also carried out many innovative research and development projects, which have aroused public attention and the interest of technology enthusiasts, but many projects have failed, such as super optical fiber broadband service, Google Glass, robot research and so on.

Later, after the establishment of the holding parent company Alphabet, these innovative R & D were merged into the company's X Lab division. Recently, however, Alphabet has begun to conduct stricter reviews of these innovative R & D projects, not only controlling costs and budgets, but also requiring them to launch market-oriented products as soon as possible.

The drone project is in trouble under pressure from the parent company. Obviously, Google Express's drone business is still not enough to become a technologically mature and operational company. Earlier, Google and Starbucks signed a partnership agreement to use drones to deliver coffee to some consumers. However, the Google team and Starbucks disagreed on how to deal with consumer data, and eventually went bankrupt.

Google's express drone program is called Projet Wing. Starbucks is its second external delivery partnership. In September, Google signed up with Chipotile to deliver burritos to some teachers and students at Virginia Tech using drones.

These are some of Google's experimental cooperation projects, and Google expects drones to play a greater role in the field of express delivery in the future.

Although Google is not an e-commerce company, it currently operates its own third-party express business. Google has partnered with many external transportation companies to provide express delivery services to other online retailers. Obviously, when the express drone is mature, it will also join Google's own express team.