Coffee review

The export of coffee from Yunnan earned about 245 million US dollars in the first half of the year.

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, In the first half of this year, Yunnan exported 59500 tons of coffee, earning about 245 million US dollars in foreign exchange. Compared with the same period in 2015, the batch, weight and foreign exchange earned increased by 43.4%, 65.5% and 92.3% respectively, all reaching record highs. Among them, 4388.3 tons of coffee were exported through the China-Europe train, with a value of US $17.472 million. Yunnan is one of the major coffee producing areas in Asia, accounting for 9% of the country's acreage and output.

In the first half of this year, Yunnan exported 59500 tons of coffee, earning about 245 million US dollars in foreign exchange. Compared with the same period in 2015, the batch, weight and foreign exchange earned increased by 43.4%, 65.5% and 92.3% respectively, all reaching record highs. Among them, 4388.3 tons of coffee were exported through the "China-Europe train", with a value of US $17.472 million.

Yunnan is one of the major coffee producing areas in Asia, accounting for more than 98% of the country's acreage and output. In recent years, in order to help and promote the export of Yunnan characteristic products, Yunnan Inspection and Quarantine Bureau has explored a scientific, efficient and standardized inspection and quarantine supervision mode in view of the characteristics of Yunnan coffee industry, such as low integration, high external dependence and single export products. actively promote the quality of Yunnan coffee, transform from rough processing to deep processing, and constantly expand exports