Coffee review

Coffee costs 3 yuan per cup, and someone orders 666 cups at a time.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Zhang Wei, chairman of Hongye Social work Service, told reporters that the practice of ordering coffee to offer love was launched by Hongye Innovation. The customer's order corresponds to the amount of donation, for example, ordering 1 cup is 35 yuan, ordering 10 cups is donating 3032 yuan, ordering 33 cups means donating 100 yuan, and ordering 666 cups corresponds to donating 2000 yuan. Order coffee to offer love, so that coffee into the taste of love, very popular with the public.

Zhang Wei, chairman of Hongye Social work Service, told reporters that the practice of ordering coffee to offer love was launched by Hongye Innovation. A customer's order corresponds to the amount of donation. For example, ordering 1 cup means donating 3mur5 yuan, ordering 10 cups means donating 30mur32 yuan, ordering 33 cups means donating 100 yuan, and ordering 666 cups corresponds to donating 2000 yuan.

"order coffee to offer love, so that coffee into the taste of love, very popular with the public." Zhang Wei said that many people who order a cup will taste it at the scene, killing time and giving love. However, most of the citizens who ordered more than 10 cups or even 666 cups made direct donations, and some customers did not even get coffee coupons.

The Love Cafe is operated by a public welfare organization in Nanjing. Yang Yufan, a social worker of the service society, told reporters that the Love Cafe is actually a public welfare platform, where citizens can spend 3 yuan to order coffee, you can enjoy it on the spot, or you can get a coffee voucher to enjoy it later. "the cost of coffee beans is borne by our social organizations, and every penny donated by customers will be used for public welfare purposes."

The reporter learned that all the coffee money paid by customers went into the designated public welfare account as charity money to help poor families, elderly people living alone, poor children and people with disabilities in Tangshan area.

The Love Cafe has set up a love wall with hundreds of heart-shaped stickers on the wall. The sticker indicates the customer's name and the number of coffee cups purchased, such as 1 cup of words, 33 cups of Zhang Lei, 300 cups of Jiangfeng. The man who ordered the most was a man surnamed Zhu. He ordered 666 cups at a time. He had a caring coffee shop on the first floor of the Tangshan Yile Home Service Center. The workers who grind and brew coffee at the scene are social workers from social organizations; the price of coffee is only 3 yuan per cup and no change service is provided. In an interview with a reporter on the morning of February 3, a citizen walked into a coffee shop and paid 10 yuan for three cups of coffee. after the staff checked in, the customer did not sit down to drink coffee, but picked up three coffee coupons and turned away.