Coffee review

China, the Netherlands and Malaysia become new buyers of Cameroon coffee beans

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, According to statistics from the National Cocoa and Coffee Office of Cameroon (National Cocoa and Coffee Office), the national production of coffee beans in Cameroon in 2014-15 was 23865 tons, of which exports reached 23672 tons, an increase of 8.24 percent. According to the analysis, although the output of coffee beans has decreased by 27% compared with the previous year, it is due to the emergence of new customers in the international market.

According to statistics from the National Cocoa and Coffee Office of Cameroon (National Cocoa and Coffee Office), the national production of coffee beans in Cameroon in 2014-15 was 23865 tons, of which exports reached 23672 tons, an increase of 8.24 percent. According to the analysis, although the output of coffee beans decreased by 27% compared with the previous year, the export volume of coffee beans increased due to the emergence of new customers in the international market.

According to the summary of the annual report of the Cameroon Coffee and Cocoa Industry Council (CICC) for 2014-15, China, the Netherlands and Malaysia have become new customers of Coffee beans and the main reasons for the increase in Coffee Bean exports.

Statistics also show that at the end of 2014-15, Germany, Belgium and Russia were still the main importers of coffee beans (Arabica and Robusta), accounting for about 81.36 per cent of the total coffee bean exports.