Coffee review

How to speed up the improvement of the global status of Yunnan coffee

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, 1. The present situation of coffee planting industry in Yunnan (1) the coffee planting area in Yunnan has reached 1.32 million mu according to official statistics. (2) from the elevation of the planting site, about 80% is 1100 meters or less, or even 600m. From the point of view of the tree age, it is about 1 prime 3 over 10 years old, and about 1 prime 2 within 5 years (growth period and just put into production). (3) from the point of view of the vegetation and shade of the plantation, most of the plantations did not achieve the original planting.

1. The present situation of Coffee planting Industry in Yunnan

(1) the planting area of coffee in Yunnan has reached 1.32 million mu according to official statistics.

(2) from the elevation of the planting site, about 80% is 1100 meters or less, or even 600m. From the point of view of the tree age, it is about 1 prime 3 over 10 years old, and about 1 prime 2 within 5 years (growth period and just put into production).

(3) from the perspective of vegetation and shade degree of plantations, most plantations do not retain and protect the original vegetation, and a considerable number of them have no shade conditions.

(4) in terms of varieties, more than 90% of them are Catimor.

(5) from the perspective of planting management, due to the lack of investment ability and understanding, it is basically light seed selection and seedling cultivation, light investment and fine management in the growth period of three years, and only pay attention to the yield management after putting into production.

(6) from the perspective of initial processing, due to the general ignorance of the importance of coffee cup product, taste and aroma quality, it is not fine to control the important links affecting the cup product, resulting in low uniformity, sweetness and cleean cup, and some of them are still very low.

(7) from the point of view of the product sales channel, it basically depends on the dealers who come in, rather than accepting the customers who come in and going out at the same time to establish a wider customer base. There are more than 1,000 coffee dealers in the world, buying and selling coffee for less than 70 cents, 70 cents, 74 cents, 75 cents, 84 cents, 85 cents, 89 cents and 90 cents, respectively.

Thus it can be seen that compared with the global coffee, Yunnan coffee has its own objective conditions: altitude, latitude and variety. A recent article on boutique coffee said that there is no catimor variety in boutique coffee in the world. I basically agree with this view, but not absolutely. Many aspects can be changed by subjective efforts. Based on the current situation and reality, we do everything that can change and improve the taste quality of Yunnan coffee through hard work; at the same time, it is very necessary to go out, invite us in, and do enough market publicity and efforts.

two。 To enhance the global status of Yunnan coffee, there are several misunderstandings that must be overcome.

(1) the understanding and practice of emphasizing output rather than quality is the primary misunderstanding. The per unit yield and average yield of Yunnan coffee is relatively high in the world, so we often boast about it. Admittedly, it is difficult to achieve high quality and high yield, but the blindly pursuit of high yield has now seen the consequences: to achieve high yield year after year, we can only constantly increase the pursuit of chemical fertilizer, soil fertility decline, do not say, very easy to cause premature senescence of coffee plants, catimor (Katim) normal decline in 15 years, and now many high-yield coffee garden coffee decline period has been shortened to 7 ~ 8 years The main performance is that more fertilizer is used year by year (otherwise the yield decreases), the grain is worse year by year, the taste is also worse year by year (all cup index), Katim's unique ability to resist rust is lost. That is, Katim's superiority and strength are declining year by year, so he has to cut the pole to regain strength. The pursuit of high yield does not bring sustainable ideal benefits to farmers and enterprises.

From the beginning of planting, we should pay attention to the transformation and improvement of the microenvironment, retain the original vegetation as far as possible, pay attention to the diversity of species, the ecology of the environment, the sufficient shade of coffee, use chemical fertilizer as little as possible, and pay attention to the addition of trace elements in the soil. not only the taste will maintain a relatively high level, but also can maintain the strength and excellence of coffee for a long time. On the other hand, when the measured score of the cup goes up, the price will also go up in order to achieve sustainability.

(2) the misunderstanding of coffee quality evaluation. As there are not many people in Yunnan coffee industry who have the common sense of coffee cup evaluation, there are even fewer people who know about coffee cup products in various producing areas of the world. The quality of coffee is judged only by its appearance. Appearance quality is to pay attention to, but not the main, mainly depends on the cup to evaluate its internal quality. In the cup competition organized by the Yunnan Fine Coffee Society, the common language coffee participating in the competition typically illustrates this point: there are 67 coffees participating in the competition. because of the large quantity and tight time, the jury first used to identify and sort the appearance quality. from the three categories of high-quality beans, common beans and poor beans, 17 poor beans were eliminated, and the remaining 50 (22 high-quality beans and 28 common beans) entered the baking process. Common language coffee is included in common beans due to uneven bean shape and uneven particle size (above 79.6% and above 18.7% and below 1.7%, defective beans 3G). However, in the cup evaluation link 50 into 18, then 18 into 5, and then 5 medium cups to win the first place shows that really good coffee mainly depends on its cup evaluation, not just the appearance evaluation. Coffee from several producing areas in the world has a high level of cup evaluation because of its natural and objective excellent conditions, such as Santos in Brazil, Mantenin in Indonesia, Yega Xuefei in Ethiopia and so on. In terms of appearance, the coffee we can see is very ugly: the color is gray (and, of course, some are good) rather than the green that is common in Yunnan, the particles are not very uniform, and there are even defective beans. But when the cup is baked out, the unique aroma and rich taste make them always evaluated in the excellent boutique coffee. In order to get out of this misunderstanding, Yunnan coffee planting industry should first learn the common sense of cup products, second, find ways to buy and collect coffee from various producing areas of the world to compare cup products, clearly recognize the position of Yunnan coffee in the world according to the current situation of Yunnan coffee, and third, through the comparison of cup products and cup products, improve the awareness and action measures of attaching importance to the internal quality, that is, cup quality, in order to find the right direction to improve and catch up with.

(3) the misunderstanding of coffee caressing. The investment and meticulous management of light seed selection and seedling cultivation, light three-year growth period and careful management are common in Yunnan producing areas. This is the biggest difference with Thai doi chaang coffee tubing. The investment and careful management before putting into production directly affect the long-term high quality, high yield and longevity of coffee plants in the future.

(4) misunderstandings existing in the initial processing process. Yunnan production area in the primary processing of green fruit mixing treatment, machine damage bean control is not in place, that more than a few does not matter, it is precisely the misunderstanding that most affects the taste. The second is the control of fermentation time, shell beans drying due to rain and night dew must cover time, think that more than a few hours is not a problem, which is also an important factor affecting the taste and score. It is extremely difficult to achieve zero defects in the processing and production of agricultural and sideline products. However, if Yunnan coffee wants to improve its taste and score, it must be done as far as possible, and the final manual selection is still very necessary and necessary, as Thailand's doi chaang does, even if the labor cost is getting higher and higher. Among the ten indexes of SCAA cup product evaluation, aroma fragrance/aroma, flavor (flavor, afterrhyme aftertaste, acidity acidity, alcohol thickness body, balance degree balane) are determined by altitude, latitude and variety. And sweetness sweetness, unified uniformity, cleanliness clean cup three items can be controlled in the initial processing link to get a high score, and these three items up, the comprehensive evaluation of overall will also go up.