Coffee review

Learn about the calories in all kinds of coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, In the hot summer, while enjoying the delicious coffee, be careful that you may eat too many calories. If you want to drink coffee, you should first learn about the calories in all kinds of coffee. You can choose a low-sugar, low-fat, low-calorie coffee. Espresso is generally made from Italian coffee using a mocha pot invented in Italy, which also uses vapor pressure.

In the hot summer, while enjoying the delicious coffee, be careful that you may eat too many calories. If you want to drink coffee, you should first learn about the calories in all kinds of coffee. You can choose a low-sugar, low-fat, low-calorie coffee.

Distilled coffee

Generally brewing Italian coffee is made by using the mocha pot invented in Italy. This kind of coffee pot also uses the principle of steam pressure to extract coffee. It can make the pressurized steam pass directly through the coffee powder and let the steam pass through the coffee powder in an instant. Extract the inner essence of the coffee, so the brewed coffee has a strong aroma and strong bitter taste, and a layer of coffee oil appears on the surface of the coffee. This layer of oil is the source of the attractive aroma of Italian coffee.

Taste index: ★★★★

Health index: ★★★

Weight gain index (no sweetened milk): ★

Carlo Rio: 117

Black coffee

Lose weight: a 100-gram cup of black coffee has only 2.55 kcal of calories. Hot coffee is more effective: hot coffee can help you burn calories faster. Lightly roasted coffee is more effective: coffee with a high baking temperature has a strong taste, but has less caffeine, which is not conducive to weight loss, while American coffee with a lighter flavor is more conducive to weight loss.

Taste index: ★★★

Health index: ★★★

Weight gain index: ★

Carol Rio: 5


Latte is a classic blend of espresso and milk, a small espresso and a cup of milk, with more milk and less coffee in the latte. Brewing step: step 1: first pour the Italian coffee to the amount of 4 cups of coffee, then pour in the hot fresh milk that has been foamed in the 4 cups of 3 bumps. Step 2: pour the milk foam from the top of the steel cup to the full cup. Latte coffee because of more fresh milk, generally use mugs.

Taste index: ★

Health index: ★★★★

Weight gain index: ★★★

Carol Rio: 220


This is for chocolate lovers. Add chocolate to an Italian latte and mix it into a rich mocha.

Taste index: ★

Health index: ★★

Weight gain index: ★

Carlo Rio: 235


Puccino coffee is a variation of Italian coffee, that is, strong coffee is poured with steamed milk, and the color of the coffee is like the headscarf on the dark brown coat of the Cappuccino monks, hence the name caffeine.

Taste index: ★

Health index: ★★★★

Weight gain index: ★★★

Carol Rio: 75

Attached: calorie list of instant coffee

Black coffee: 2 calories per serving

McDonald's Coffee (Pure): 2 calories per serving

Nestle Coffee (mellow): 42 calories per serving

Nestle Coffee (Colombian original): 5 calories per serving

Nestl é-Gold Coffee carry Cup: 45 calories per serving

Nestle breakfast coffee: 139 calories per serving

Blanchard Coffee: 123 calories per serving

Brown Coffee: 100 calories per serving

Maxwell (Milk Tea): 56 calories per serving

Maxwell (fragrant slippery): 59 calories per copy

Maxwell (iced coffee): 53 calories per serving

Maxwell (original): 59 calories / portion

Maxwell (extra thick): 54 calories per copy

Maxwell (to alcohol): 43 calories per serving

Maxwell (Vanilla): 56 calories per serving

Maxwell selected granulated coffee: 2 calories per serving

Kaiyuan-love coffee carry-on bag: 50 calories / portion

Manning Coffee-No Sugar: 53 calories per serving